Archives for 2008

Thursday Ten: Three Weeks ‘Til Christmas Edition

1. With the Thanksgiving holiday last Thursday, I have now had two weeks off between guitar lessons. I missed it! It was good to be back today and my fingers are killing me because in the second half of these two weeks, I have barely picked up my guitar. Today, I started learning Three Doors Down’s “Be Like That”. See that goofy looking guitarist in the beginning of the video (and MY GOD – does he know what he looks like chewing his gum like that?!) – that’s what I’m learning.

2. Three weeks til Christmas? Oh my god. Can you believe it? It’s just around the corner. Are y’all done with your shopping? Have you started?

3. I’m starting to wonder where all my free time went. It has been pure insanity lately. Sometimes I’m not even sure what I’ve been doing but I feel like I’ve been running around like crazy. Must be all those stupid snow delays.

4. I have a conference call tonight with folks in Central time zone who were considerate enough to bump the call today by 30 minutes right smack in the middle of the time I would need to be fixing my family dinner. I’m sure no one considered that it’s an hour later in Michigan than where they are. I guess the bright side is that I don’t have to make dinner. Of course, the downside is that I’m probably going to end up eating toast for dinner. That’s not fun.

5. I have not purchased any new music this week. I have not been hit on the head with a blunt object. I don’t think I have a fever or other illness that might cause me mental confusion. I just haven’t. Boy. That’s odd. Better fix that situation quickly!

6. Getting ready for our third annual cookie decorating party that is set to take place in two weeks. I need a good recipe for gingerbread cookies. Please enlighten me if you have one that rocks. I love gingerbread, and I want to do this for real this year – not from a mix. Though, I have to make a couple hundred cookies, so some mix cookies might be necessary.

7. In the next week, I will hit day 100 of the 365 Picture Project. ONE HUNDRED. Can you believe it? I sure can’t. I haven’t missed a day yet, even though some of my pictures have been boring or goofy. I’m definitely not a hardcore photographer, but it’s fun and I keep looking back on the days prior and it’s been an awesome way to reflect.

8. Top Chef – I love that show. I get sucked in every week and every week I am reminded how absolutely very little I know about cooking. Last night’s episode was pretty neat because they had to kind of explain to us stupid people at home how to make something. And it was nice to see most of the chefs falter at that. I’m not sure why I found amusement in their failure, but I did. Don’t judge me.

9. If you were going out of town for a weekend because you just had cabin fever SO BAD you couldn’t stand to sit at home one more weekend. Let’s say you live in Michigan. Let’s say you’re going to drive wherever you end up going – WHERE would you go and WHAT would you do?

10. I just realized that I’m about four months overdue in getting Pumpkin’s 3 year pictures taken, and the thought of going ANYWHERE to get them done right now makes me claustrophobic and squidgy because you know those photostudios are going to be filled with matchy-matchy families in their red matchy Christmas clothes. YUCK. Maybe I’ll put it off another month.

1-2-3 Holiday Weekend OVER!

Last week, the school was kind enough to give the kiddos Wednesday off for the Turkey Day holiday. By Monday, I was pretty much ready for things to fall back into place – for life to get back on track (I lie – I was ready by Sunday). But I guess I just wanted it too badly.

About 7:30 yesterday morning, my mother called me to tell me there was a snow day.

And then I lost it.

You see, I’m not a chick who loves winter. I don’t like being cold. I don’t like puffy jackets. I don’t like snow days. I don’t like when kids kick off their snow boots at my door and then I walk by in my socks and my socks get all wet. I don’t like the astronomical electric bill from heating the house in the winter. I don’t like it that the snow plow guy charges an insane amount of money for what boils down to maybe two minutes of his time every time we get more than a few inches of snow. And I could go on, but I won’t because you’ll just have to take my word for it: I was not cut out for living where winter involves cold weather.

But here I sit.

And my god, yesterday I was so frustrated – had things I wanted to do and just needed some quiet after FIVE days of “vacation”. Then no go.

Despite my whining, it turned out okay. The Princess ended up playing outside for most of the day (the kid grumbles about standing in the driveway in forty degree temps for five minutes waiting for the school bus, but will happily play in sub-freezing temps for hours on end with no problems). Pumpkin wasn’t TOO high maintenance. I survived.

I focused my eyes forward. TUESDAY would be my day.

Uh-uh. Maybe it’s a result of that cosmic planetary alignment thing (which I couldn’t see because of the BIG FAT SNOW CLOUDS), but I woke up this morning to find out that The Princess’s school had a two hour delay.

You have got to be kidding me.

Fortunately, we pay through the nose for Pumpkin’s school/daycare and they were perfectly fine. Kids five miles north of us in a different school district were out waiting for THEIR buses. Just our lame school district was being cautious. Got the girls in the car, took Pumpkin to school, dashed up to get some coffee and pick up a few things at Target, got The Princess home in time to play in the snow a bit more before the bus came. I drove about forty some miles this morning. The roads? Really not that bad. Big babies.

So, I guess we’re just EASING our way back on schedule. Here’s hoping to find no glitches tomorrow.

My Rainbow…

Your rainbow is shaded violet.


What is says about you: You are a creative person. You appreciate beauty and craftsmanship. You are patient and will keep trying to understand something until you’ve mastered it.

Find the colors of your rainbow at

My Mission. Self Inflicted.

Yes, I was out with the crazies on Black Friday (though, we’ve already established that I found them to be quite pleasant and not really that crazy – except for the people trying to wheel strollers through jam packed aisles in crowded stores: THAT is indeed crazy). Then I went out again yesterday. Then I went out again today.

I would say at this point I am at least 90% done with my Christmas shopping. And now it’s like this itch I have to just finish it all. Now. Rightthisminute. Can’t wait any longer.

Last year, I imposed a December 15 deadline to finish my shopping. You think Black Friday shoppers are nuts? No way – not in comparison to those rabid, last-minute shoppers. THEY are nuts. And, being in Michigan, the further we get into December… well, the weather doesn’t exactly get any better. I’d just as soon be home kicking my feet up versus in my car with a white-knuckle grip on the steering wheel trying not to put the car in a ditch during a trip to the mall to get a last minute gift for so-and-so.

I just scooped up a few things via ten minutes ago after spending the morning with Pumpkin buying stocking stuffers for my mom. I think it’s also worth noting that I have yet to buy anything for myself, though I usually give into temptation once or twice during my shopping excursions. I need to pick up a few small little gifts for my mom’s stocking and that’s done.

I’m done shopping for my daughters (though “Santa” has one more gift to pick up for The Princess). I’m done shopping for my husband. Stepson is darn near done (and if Hubby wants to get him anything else, he’s welcome to – but I’m done). I just need to pick up something small for my brother, my sister and her boyfriend (likely a “couples” gift because I still don’t know the guy really well) and stuff for my mom’s husband (who asked that we not buy him gifts at all – but too bad, I don’t roll that way. I like to give Christmas gifts – so, deal with it).

And that minor shopping could easily be accomplished in a two hour span at the mall with no kids. And that’s a very loose estimate. I’m guessing if I was feeling antsy, I could get it done in one.

That’s the way I like it. I like not feeling pressure and I like the satisfaction of being the one everyone grumbles at who is happily exclaiming, “I’m done shopping!” Yes, you can hate me if you want – but deep down, you wish you were as dedicated as I am, don’t you?

Have you all started your shopping yet? How’s it going?

Saturday 9 – Tough Pill To Swallow

*Real posts to occupy this space at some point in the near future. Maybe later today. Maybe not*

1. What was the last pill you took?
Does my Vitamin C count?

2. What time of day do you usually feel most energized?
Shortly after tucking the kids in for naps or bedtime. Sad, but true.

3. Who was the last person you hugged?
Pumpkin, shortly after she had a hissy fit about me moving the Kleenex box to a higher shelf.

4. If you had a restaurant serve you the perfect breakfast, what would it be?
Honestly, if I’m not cooking it myself, it could just be toast and I’m good. But I love waffles. So waffles, some fruit maybe, and a cappuccino.

5. What did you do on Thursday?
I did the family thing. ALL DAY. And I survived, so… yay me!

6. If you could change one thing about your life, what would it be?
Oh man. Just one thing. There’s several – but the blog-safe answer for this is my location. I would love to NOT be in Michigan anymore.

7. What is your favorite TV Commercial at the moment?
I have no idea – I don’t pay attention to them. I’m loving the new Pepsi commercials they are showing before movies now, where everyone is falling asleep and then end up all peppy doing that weird SNL/Night at the Roxbury head thing. But I’m a dork, so…

8. Who would you be surprised to wake up and find in your bed?
Damn near anyone other than the people who live in my house.

9. Who is your favorite 80s band?
Oh, I can’t pick just one. There was a lot of good stuff happening in the 80s. A lot that wasn’t so good. But when I think of what I loved most, I think of a lot of one – hit wonder type groups.

Black Friday Fill Ins

So, I wasn’t busting any doors at 5 a.m. today but my mom and I ventured out at 6:30 to the mall and to see what there was to see. There was nothing I needed, but for some sick reason, I like Black Friday. I like to go out and see people all crazed and excited over the holidays and I like an excuse to get a huge chunk of my Christmas shopping done.

My mom started in a department store and I quickly ventured out so that I could hit Starbucks for a (full of sugar) gingerbread latte. That line was INSANE. Then I ventured into Children’s Place to pick up some clothes for the girls – because on top of crazy good sales, there was 20% off everything in the store until 11 a.m. Awesome. But that line? That was one horrendous line. It snaked all through the store and was about forty minutes long. The fun part though was that the people around me in line were AWESOME. In front of me were two women who shopped as they waited – and we ended up talking and shopping and I would give my opinion (I can’t believe there are people who ask random strangers what they think about clothes, but not only did they ask, they listened to me. Shows how crazy nuts they are). The older man behind me (holding his wife’s spot while she shopped – so sweet, right?) offered to hold my coffee when my cell phone rang, and later, his wife helped me grab a shirt off the shelf when my hands were full. Though there were people squashed in everywhere, I didn’t stumble into any cranky ones. A huge plus.

In the midst of my waiting, my mom dropped off a heavy bag that had a gift she had purchased for my stepson. A heavy, cumbersome bag. I dragged it through Children’s Place, and by the time I was done and had carried that freakin’ bag to Kohl’s (her next stop), I thought my shoulder might fall off.

Kohl’s was pure insanity so I ditched mom (unfortunately, I was still stuck with her stupid bag) and went to Old Navy to pick up some clothes for Stepson. And yeah, if you saw a woman in the boy’s section of Old Navy this morning trying on boy’s clothes – that was probably me. Unsure of his size, I ended up trying on a vest to see if it would fit him. I ended up buying him a boat load of clothes – a necessity since he had a major growth spurt and his mom never lets him bring clothes with him to our house. In the check out at Old Navy, I was standing behind a girl I went to high school with. A girl I didn’t like then, a girl I have nothing to say to now (especially after she went on to become a high school math teacher, gave my sister a crappy grade all the while asking what I was up to as if we’d ever been friends). I managed to avoid her though – whew. Crisis averted (YES – I should move).

From there, I met back up with my mom and we ventured to Best Buy where basically everything purchased was for me for Christmas (Oh yeah, there will apparently be no surprises), then on to Target where mom went crazy and bought far too much stuff for my kids.

Pure insanity, but not in a bad way.


1. My stomach is not accustomed to Thanksgiving amounts of food.

2. Mashed potatoes is what I ate the most of on Thursday.

3. The yard is barely green anymore.

4. Away is where I’d rather be at any given time.

5. The smell of gingerbread reminds me of the holidays.

6. Sleep is what I need right now.

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I’m looking forward to curling up with a book, tomorrow my plans include not eating like a pig, and Sunday I want to get the Christmas tree up (Did I say that?).

Thursday Ten: Things I’m Thankful For Edition

1. I am, today and always, thankful for my daughters. At the moment, Pumpkin has an insane cold (so, expect to see that hit me in about a week and a half) and was up numerous times last night. Her nose is running like a faucet and she likes to wipe it on her arm (I’m trying to break her of this habit, but really, Rome was NOT built in a day). The Princess spent most of the day at my mother’s house muttering, “I’m booooooooooooooored.” (I hate “I’m bored”. I don’t entertain “I’m bored”. The answer to “I’m bored” is “Go find something to do”). But, still, they make me crazy nutty happy. They are good kids. Even if they don’t sleep as much as I think they should.

2. I still have a job. Despite numerous layoffs at my company, I still have a job. (Knock wood)

3. My grandpa is doing so well! It was fantastic to see him today – in great health and great spirits. I find myself taking more pictures of my grandpa lately – alone, with my daughters, whatever. I’m scared now, and want to be sure I capture as many memories as I can. As we were getting ready to leave, he looked at my girls like he always does and said to me, “Sarah, you have a beautiful family.” Makes me smile that he adores my children so much.

4. My sister is READING. My sister never reads. She hates it. Buuuut, after seeing “Twilight” last week, she decided she wanted to read the books. She’s now mid-way through book 3. My husband, also not a reader, said to me the other day, “Why do you say it like that: ‘She’s not a reader’? You say that like it’s a bad thing. Ewwww, she doesn’t read. Just like, Ewwwww she has open sores.” Not to criticize non-readers (too much), but honestly, it’s just so foreign to me. I have always been one to get sucked into a book. Always.

5. Speaking of books – I’m grateful for books and magazines to occupy my brain. Currently, I’m reading “The American Wife” which is a novel somehow loosely based on Laura Bush. I try not to think too hard about the inspiration, as there’s quite a bit of smut, and I don’t need to think of GW that way. Ewww, indeed.

6. I’m also thankful for Sudoku. I am horrible at math, but love Sudoku even though I consistently spell it wrong and probably mispronounce it.

7. I’m thankful for Apple and the invention of the iPod, iPhone and my beloved iTunes. Without it, well… I’d be perfectly fine. But I like it anyway.

8. Starbucks, thank you for making overpriced coffee for me to buy and enabling me so that I never actually have to learn to make my own. It tastes better when someone else does it anyway.

9. My friends – you are not at number 9 because you’re that far on my list. I am so lucky to have you. And my blogger-friends, I’m glad to have you here when I write and to catch glimpses into your worlds, via your blogs, Twitter, or other social media timesucks. Y’all are awesome.

10. And everything I forgot or didn’t have room for. I’m thankful for all that too.

I hope you all had a great day, great food and great fun. What are you most Thankful for?

Five Day Weekend? Five Things MeMe!

I totally stole this from Jenn and I sure do love a good me me when I don’t have much to say! I’m not tagging anyone (because THE PRESSURE, OH! THE PRESSURE!), but if you do it too, leave me a comment.

5 Things I Was Doing 10 Years Ago:
Marketing trailer hitches

Travelling for work to exciting places like… Little Rock, Arkansas!

Living in an itty bitty apartment

Commuting about 70 miles round trip daily for work

Getting lots more sleep

5 Things on My To-Do List Today:
Bake a cake for my mom’s hubby’s birthday tomorrow

Get. Coffee.

Buy Kleenex – Pumpkin has a runny nose and we’re going thru tissue like CRAZY

Get some work done

Figure out something to make for dinner that isn’t difficult. I am NOT feeling it today.

5 Snacks I Like:
Traditional Chex Mix

Oatmeal Squares Cereal

Cappuccino. Yes. It’s a snack.

Homemade bread, still warm from baking

Cheez Its

5 Things I Would Do if I Was a Millionaire:
Move somewhere warm

Travel more (er, or… Travel, Period. I don’t go ANYWHERE these days)

Set aside enough to pay for my kids to go to college

Buy more books (instead of going to the library so much – I just checked out a book and it smells like stale perfume – naaaaaaaaaaaasty)

Be smart with my money so it lasts more than five minutes

5 Places I Have Lived:


Kalamazoo, MI

Ann Arbor, MI

Grand Rapids, MI

5 Jobs I Have Had:
Waitress in a bowling alley

Patient Registration Clerk

Marketing Coordinator

Marketing Assistant

PR Freelancer

Everything Tastes Better As Cheesecake

Gingerbread is one of those flavors that I associate with the holidays. I rarely have anything gingerbread-ish any other time of the year, so by the time November rolls around and the Gingerbread lattes come out, well, I am ALL ABOUT THE GINGERBREAD.

Of course, I love cheesecake too.

The past few days I have been brainstorming how I could mix the two and today – I did it.

The recipe is posted on Wha’Cha Got Cooking (because I suck! I suck! I suck! And I haven’t posted a recipe there in a VERY LONG TIME – though, to be fair – really, you all should feel grateful because I’m not that great of a cook. So it’s really only dessert recipes you want from me anyway).

I had a yummy piece of it and then promptly packed the rest of it up for my husband to take to work tomorrow so I won’t eat any more of it!

So Do You Think…

…that I take too many pictures?

I am almost never without my camera these days, lately so sometimes when I try to capture my kids on camera, I get the “don’t take my picture” gestures, like this one from Pumpkin who collapsed on the kitchen floor to hide from my lens.