Last night was the parents’ information meeting regarding our soon-to-be kindergartners from the Class of 2020 (how’s that for making you feel old – and I usually refer to myself as a girl… but that? I mean, that aged me about ten years just hearing that). Given that I would have put The Princess in Kindergarten last year if they’d have let me, I’m very excited about this fall, and very excited as she begins her school journey.
Hubby and I enter the little multipurpose room (thank goodness they didn’t make us sit in the kindergarten sized chairs!), and start counting faces of people WE went to school with. We live in the same small town we went to school in (though, I have to point out because it’s really worth noting: I didn’t move to Michigan until I was 13, and so I didn’t start out my school career with the same folks I graduated with – as Hubby did). As people filed in, a girl that was one of my closest friends in high school (and a college roommate for roughly 3 months before she moved back in with her mom) sat down next to me. We had been so close. Really – she was like family to me for a time… But… I had NOTHING to say to her. All we have in common now are where we’ve been, and the fact that our kids are going into kindergarten together.
The Principal, who has been Principal for roughly one hundred years (my best friend has a story about how when SHE was in kindergarten he spanked her… way back when that sort of thing was not frowned upon, apparently), gave a little spiel about the school and about how in kindergarten, “half the day is spent getting ready for lunch, the other half is spent getting ready to go home.”
A few more people shared a few more details, and then we were released to roam the halls, interrogate the teachers, and scope out the classrooms. I notice my old friend hovered in a group with the same folks she has always hovered in groups with. And to be honest, it made me remember what these people were like when they were sixteen and seventeen and from just looking at them, it didn’t seem that they had changed too much.
That WORRIES me. These are the folks I’m going to be in PTA meetings with (because you know I am SO joining the PTA). These are the folks I’ll be sitting on sidelines with at sporting events. When it comes time to plan the Senior Party (you know, in the year 2020)… It’s these people I’m going to be arguing about stupid party decorations with. Cringe. In the thirteen years since we’ve graduated, they haven’t seemed to change at all, and I can only hope that they all MOVE.
Where You’ll Find Me