I totally stole this from Jenn and I sure do love a good me me when I don’t have much to say! I’m not tagging anyone (because THE PRESSURE, OH! THE PRESSURE!), but if you do it too, leave me a comment.
5 Things I Was Doing 10 Years Ago:
Marketing trailer hitches
Travelling for work to exciting places like… Little Rock, Arkansas!
Living in an itty bitty apartment
Commuting about 70 miles round trip daily for work
Getting lots more sleep
5 Things on My To-Do List Today:
Bake a cake for my mom’s hubby’s birthday tomorrow
Get. Coffee.
Buy Kleenex – Pumpkin has a runny nose and we’re going thru tissue like CRAZY
Get some work done
Figure out something to make for dinner that isn’t difficult. I am NOT feeling it today.
5 Snacks I Like:
Traditional Chex Mix
Oatmeal Squares Cereal
Cappuccino. Yes. It’s a snack.
Homemade bread, still warm from baking
Cheez Its
5 Things I Would Do if I Was a Millionaire:
Move somewhere warm
Travel more (er, or… Travel, Period. I don’t go ANYWHERE these days)
Set aside enough to pay for my kids to go to college
Buy more books (instead of going to the library so much – I just checked out a book and it smells like stale perfume – naaaaaaaaaaaasty)
Be smart with my money so it lasts more than five minutes
5 Places I Have Lived:
Kalamazoo, MI
Ann Arbor, MI
Grand Rapids, MI
5 Jobs I Have Had:
Waitress in a bowling alley
Patient Registration Clerk
Marketing Coordinator
Marketing Assistant
I think I’ll use this for tomorrow so I don’t have to slave over a turkey day post for nablopomo. Thanks!!
I of course did it! 🙂
Do you mind if I use this? I just started my own blog and thought that this meme would be fun to use. 🙂 Love reading your blog!
Shoeluvngirl – Feel free! Thanks for stopping by!!