Weekly Winners – Green Acres Edition

Oh, I LOVE Weekly Winners. All of my weekly winners were taken with my kit lens this week – oddly enough – but I was concerned that my 50 wouldn’t give me enough leeway for possible short distances between me and what I was shooting. And now I’m trying to pick what lens I need to get next.

For more weekly winners, be sure to bop on over to visit Lotus and check out the other participants.

Baby goose - Pumpkin named this little guy PADDLES

This goose is Max. He's a rather attractive little goose, dontcha think?

So tired.

My daughters gathered these from the chicken coops. How cool is THAT?

Miscellaneous farm stuff.


Weekly Winners, week ending may 1

Another week of Weekly Winners – of course, I know y’all are going over to visit the lovely LOTUS and her Weekly Winners as well as hopping around to the other participants. Right? Right.

Remember when I said I'm kind of addicted to greek yogurt and honey? Oh yeah.

Bubble season!

Awesome bubble wand cost a buck at Target. Whoohoo!

Fly away bubbles

Anniversary party for my grandparents...

Weekly Winners, New York Style

It’s late because of all the traffic, y’all.

You KNOW I love Lotus’s Weekly Winners and so not being able to post my pics on Sunday kind of made me sad. But, I got over it because I was in New York! That’s right. I was on vacay in NYC, so even though I’m several days late I still wanted to play along.

Light fixtures at the hotel. Funky, no?

Window treatment thingy in the hotel room

I could have spent the whole time in Central Park

You may say I'm a dreamer...

I kept thinking of the movie, ANNIE - "If this floor don't shine like the top of the Chrysler Building, your backside will." Miss Hannigan burned in my brain forever.

She looks much shorter in person.

Weekly Winners, Middle of April Edition

Lotus’s weekly winners is definitely one of my favorite parts of the week. First of all, as you can CLEARLY see from her site, the woman takes AMAZING pictures. And then? So many people join along – and I love hopping from blog to blog to see what kind of week other people have had. So, head on over to Lotus’s place and check ’em out.

This week has been an interesting one for me – I’ve jumped back and forth between my lovely P&S and my new DSLR. Admittedly, habit makes me wanna grab the lil camera – it fits in my purse so easily. BUT BUT BUT, I love the shots I’m getting with the Rebel – and can’t wait to figure the shtuff out on that camera a bit more.

Here are a few of my favorite shots from the two cameras.

Sunday morning coffee on Orleans Street in Chicago

For a few weeks a year it blooms. Here we go.

Birthday flowers for my sister

Mother Nature's color palette blows my mind.

Slow like honey and heavy with mood.

Frame the day

Weekly Winners, Chicago Style

I sure do love Chicago – so my weekly winners are a few of my favorite snaps from the Windy City. For more weekly winner awesomeness, visit Lotus, and the other participants of Lotus’s Weekly Winner carnival.

I got the Windy City Martini. Up 96 floors, a drink was kind of in order.

This is what a windy city martini looks like. Isn't it pretty and pink and fun?

Breath taking, nausea inducing view.


Lovely view. Chicago is one of my favorite places to be.

Weekly Winners – Catching Some Fresh Air Edition

Y’know I love me the Weekly Winners. I love visiting Lotus to see what awesome mojo she’s worked with her camera all week, and then visiting all the participants and seeing what they’ve got going on. It’s pretty awesome.  So visit Lotus and check out the other peeps of the week.

A dock on a sunny day.

Who says money can’t buy happiness?

Going up?

An evening at the park

First iced latte of the season – cause for celebration, no doubt. And yes – I keep dental floss in the console of my car.

At the car wash, yeah.

Weekly Winners – Into the Great Outdoors

Be sure to check out a few of my favorite shots this week, taken yesterday in Saugatuck, Michigan — and then a bit closer to home.  I love the WEEKLY WINNERS – so be sure to drop by, give Lotus some love, and visit the other participants as well.

And then be sure to scroll down to the post below this for BIG NEWS about a photo scavenger hunt to raise moohlah for the Avon Walk for Breast Cancer.

I wanted to go to the beach. We found the woods instead.

Do you know how much I love ice skating? A LOT.

Lake Michigan - Some days you just need to see some water.

Weekly Winners: It was spring for about two minutes

I LOVE the Weekly Winners photo-blog-hopping-extravaganza. It really has become one of those things about my Sunday morning that I look forward to most – linking up to Lotus’s post and checking out all the amazing shots people have been taking all week.

So take a moment to visit the other participants – a lot of people doing amazing work with their cameras.

When you're driving and you have no barrette.... a binder clip is an acceptable alternative.


My shadow has really long legs. Like whoa.

Chillaxin' in the sun. Outside!

Sunny days, sweeping the clouds away....

And then?

Yesterday it snowed. GRRRRR.

Weekly Winners – Spring is Coming Edition

It’s time again for the WEEKLY WINNERS. Be sure to pop on over to Lotus’s place to check out her awesome shots of the week and to visit the other participants for WW.So, you remember my lovely green flowers from Costco, right?

Sometimes you have to check things out from another angle.

Less than 24 hours later, the green was starting to seep from the flower’s petals down into the water in the vase, which is actually kind of a neat emerald color right now.

Half empty or half full (or time to buy more straws?)

When it comes to shoes, I often gravitate towards comfort. Love my Chucks.

I took The Princess to Barnes & Noble on Friday – she was so engrossed with the whole browsing for books process that before she even realized I was there, I had snapped over 20 shots. (I love how she reads with her pinky out!).

Weekly Winners, Week Ending 03/06/10

For more Weekly Winners, visit the lovely hostess, Lotus of I Am Lotus and check out and give some comment love to the others participating!

Kicked off the week with the John Mayer concert on Sunday. You know why I love this picture? Check the face of the girl on the screen behind him. It CRACKS ME UP.

Reflections. I got a little bored at my bake sale Wednesday and took a selfy via the window of the office building. (BONUS: I raised over $300 by selling cookies and sweets – I’m so jazzed to have raised so much moohlah for a good cause)

To the butterfly gardens yesterday. This lovely creature landed on my hand and stayed there enough for me to snap a few shots. Of course, I was in such direct sunlight that lighting conditions aren’t ideal, but there’s just no reasoning with a butterfly.

Have you ever tried to take a picture of a blue morpho butterfly? No? Well, here’s the thing: THEY FLY REALLY FAST. And when they land, they shut their wings tight like this. Still pretty, but… I sat there for the longest time waiting for it to fly off, and then when it did… it was just too fast to capture. Like I said, there’s no reasoning with butterflies.

“Sarah? Did you just take a picture of the barrel cactus? I knew you would take a picture of that.”

I’m not sure what this is for, but it caught my eye.

She waited SO PATIENTLY and stood so still – and yet… she remained empty handed.

Aw yeah. National Oreo Day. That’s what I’m talking about. And of course, if you have a fresh pack of Oreos, you should totally make a tower. Or play Oreo Jenga.