Thursday Ten: When Your Kid Makes a Cake and the Dog Eats It Edition

1. I took the kids to Barnes & Noble last week. After much hemming and hawing (and an epic shower of tears) in the store, The Princess opted for two books on cake and cupcake decoration. And so this week, she made a cake. Yesterday, the dog jumped on the counter and proceeded to eat half the cake. Thankfully, there was no chocolate in the cake and I talked to the vet who told me to watch for “GI upset” — but the darn dog didn’t seem upset at all. Not even a little bloated (NO FAIR! I’d have bloated if I ate half a cake). My upset kiddo decided, “Okay. Guess I need to make another one.” So she did. Yep. I have a baker.

2. Though the weather in Michigan has been sporadic and we have had snow as recently as this Monday, I have been getting kind of tired on Pumpkin’s insistence on wearing her snowboots every day and everywhere. I’d tell her to wear her regular shoes. She’d whine. So… I hid the boots. I know, in the overall scheme of things, it’s not a huge deal but those boots have been through a lot and are looking kind of rough. They had to go.

3. This month’s book club selection is “Water for Elephants”. I’ve read it before, but loved it – which was why I didn’t mind the prospect of re-reading it…however… I’ve dropped the ball. I’ve been so busy lately that when I am reading, I want to read something NEW, not something I’ve already read – no matter how great it is. Here’s hoping next month’s selection is something different.

4. This week marks 21 years that I have lived in Michigan. Whee. Thanks, mom, for moving me to the land of never-ending winters. Eternally grateful I am. (Not so much)

5. Been spending a lot of time with the camera lately – in the past few weeks, I’ve done a few portrait sessions – and both have been such tremendously different experiences. Probably the most fun was photographing a two-year-old. I had FORGOTTEN just how high energy toddlers can be – I certainly got my workout chasing that little guy. On the contrary, when photographing a baby’s six-month shots last weekend, it wasn’t so much running around, it was clicking quickly before she tired of the experience. Every shoot is a different experience, and I’m really happy with the opportunities I’ve had and the photographs I’ve taken.

6. Tuesday evening, a friend was in town and she and I were able to catch up over dinner. We ended up talking so long the restaurant emptied around us. I ended up driving home in a tremendous rain storm – one that I might have avoided had I left the restaurant an hour earlier, but you know what? Sometimes you just need to sit down over dinner with people and talk and catch up and listen and just…chill out. It was super fun. Except the driving home part.

7. Guitar lesson today, we are keeping on with the Jack Johnson marathon with “Better Together”. Hey, Jack? You are wicked cute – but ix-nay on all the bar chords. I walked out of lesson pretty smiley and with this song stuck in my head.

8. Easter is this weekend. How do you celebrate, and more importantly are you Pro-Peep? Do you prefer the Cadbury egg? I have to say, I find Easter candy pretty disappointing in general.

9. There’s been a lot of new music in my ear but the most recent is Ingrid Michaelson’s “Parachute”.  I love Ingrid.

10. It has been a crazy week with crazy deadlines and I feel like I’ve been barely hanging on. I’m getting things done. In some cases, it’s been a miracle. Ready for this week to be over. O – V – E – R.


Thursday Ten: Being Sick Is No Fun Edition

1. As I type this, I’m on day three of antibiotics for a sinus infection that makes my head feel like it’s caving in. I have a pretty high pain threshold, but this? It’s misery. I am waiting for the medicine to kick in while trying to alleviate symptoms with Advil Cold & Sinus. Not working.

2.  I actually started getting sick over the weekend while I was in Chicago. I had been looking forward to the trip for so long, to feel unwell at times while I was there was a bummer. I’m glad that the misery didn’t REALLY hit until I got home… because I love Chicago and I love to be happy while I’m there.
Millenium Park, The Bean

3. As a result of feeling rotten (are you detecting a theme, here?), my guitar lesson went HORRIBLY today. I could not get things together for the life of me. I finally told my teacher, “I hear what you’re doing, I understand what you’re saying, I just cannot do it right now.” It was a horrible feeling – this utter inability to figure out what I was doing and how to fix it. Anyway, still working on Jack Johnson’s “Banana Pancakes”.

4. As I type this, a lot of my favorite people are en route to New Orleans for a conference. Nope, not me. I’m bummed, but hope they have fun. I hope that their missing me doesn’t get in the way of enjoying themselves. *wink*

5. Martha Stewart has never had any reason to fear for her livelihood or fear that I would somehow take over her throne as domestic extraordinaire. Witness, a massive pile of laundry needing to be folded and the dishwasher I’m avoiding emptying. I can wash clothes all day – but folding it? UGH. Likewise, I don’t mind loading the dishwasher (Though frankly, I would prefer if the family helped out a little more in this arena) – but man, I really HATE to empty it.

6. New music this week… It’s invaded pop radio, but I like it anyway. This is the clean version of Pink’s “Perfect”.

7. The Princess was given a speaking part in the school play and doesn’t want to do it. It was a one-line role and she will automatically be in the play as a chorus part anyway. I declined on her behalf. Part of me thinks, It’s one line. I should have encouraged her to do it, but part of me just wants to respect that she doesn’t want to do it and that’s fine.

8. I feel like I should be emptying the dishwasher right now. Ugh.

9. We had 80 degree weather Sunday here in Michigan. Just one day and then it vanished. Now, 80 is hotter than I want it to be, but I’d sure love if it’d hit 60, 70… and stay for awhile.

10. I had the opportunity to shoot two year portraits yesterday and lemme just say… I had forgotten just how BUSY toddlers are. I spent a great deal of time running after that little dude. In the end, I got several shots that I’m very proud of. He’s adorable and so I knew I’d get some good ones – but BOY. I WAS TIRED when I was done.


Thursday Ten: Spring Break Broke Me Edition

1. It’s kind of fun to have spent a week on spring break so far and have my daughters decide that they will either be best friends or they will be snarling at each other throwing ‘bows. Admittedly, when they fight? I really REALLY hate that. The “she said THIS” and “she PUSHED ME” moments make me want to cry. And then… five minutes later they’re BFFs again. It’s really…tiring.

2. Katie’s LOVE DROP may be over, but I am still really loving the group and what they’re doing. This month, they’re helping the Kahlen Family – and to help them out, they’ve opened up a store on Etsy with some cool donated art stuff to help them out. Love it. If you are interested in purchasing some cool stuff, check it out. If you are an artist and want to donate, check out this link.

3. Sometimes I make myself laugh. I have no real NEED for an iPad 2. I have gadgets that do everything that the iPad does and yet… I still lust after technology. Part of me thinks, I can get the OLD iPad for crazy cheap now… I should just do it. I’m just a goof ball. I should probably focus on replacing this laptop first.

4. SPEAKING OF THIS LAPTOP… I finally replaced the battery because it hasn’t been able to hold a charge in like… forever. I’d unplug it to move it from one room to another and in that time, it would just decide, “Nope, that was enough. I’m tired now.” and the computer would shut down. Pffffffft. Fine, fine, fine. Battery replaced. Ouch.

5. I was supposed to do a portrait session for my cousin’s kiddo today. Little dude just turned two, and true to toddler nature, on picture day he bumped into something and goose-egged his forehead. So, I have the afternoon free of photo sessions. Honestly though, I was looking forward to it. Maybe next week.

6. Over the weekend, one of my favorite music-maker-y people, Chris Mann, posted that he had a new song available on iTunes. “Beautiful Life” is classic Chris – his voice gives me goosebumps – the good goosebumps. I have found this song stuck in my head repeatedly over the past week. I love the melody, and this song already has an absurdly high number of plays in my iTunes. Check it out.

7. My kids make lists of songs for me to download and make mix CDs for them with. My most recent list from Pumpkin included several Lady Gaga songs (My library now includes “Born This Way” which makes me want to scream. I do. not. like.) and The Princess just requested some Justin Bieber. Oh so fun.

8. Spring break means no guitar lesson this week. Sad face. You’d think I would practice anyway. Well, then you’d be wrong.

9. Once Pumpkin’s antibiotics were done, her fever and cough immediately rebounded. Would be nice if the doctor had called me back today as promised. *SIGH* Guess I’ll cross my fingers and hope to get a call back tomorrow.

10. I have a cake cooling on the counter. It’s funny how you wouldn’t think cake could talk and yet there it is down there, calling my name so softly, “Sarah… Sarah… You don’t even need to add any icing. Just tear off a piece and tryyyyy meeeeeeeee….” What? Your cakes don’t talk to you?

Weekly Winners – March Sunshine Edition

For more Weekly Winners, head on over to see Lotus and  the rest of the participants.

You’re Saying You Want To Paint Socks

“All I know is, if you don’t figure out this something, you’ll just stay ordinary, and it doesn’t matter if its a work of art or a taco, or a pair of socks! Just create something… new, and there it is, and its you, out in the world, out side of you and you can look at it, or hear it, or read it, or feel it… and you know a little more about… you. A little bit more than anyone else does… Does that make any sense at all?”


One of the things you should know about me is that I watch cheesy movies when I’m on the treadmill. Now that winter has decided to revist Michigan, I’m back on the treadmill instead of out in the glorious sun. Instead of breathing in fresh air, I’m breathing in basement while watching corny Hillary Swank movies on DVD.

Tonight, I was watching PS I LOVE YOU (she’s married to the Irish guy, he dies of cancer, and arranges for her to get letters from him at various times after he’s died. Say it with me, one two three: Awwwwwww!). It gets to the scene where she’s in Ireland, his mother hands her a letter from him and he’s recounting in this letter the first time they met. First of all, true to rom-coms, they totally meet cute as Holly somehow manages to get lost in some scenic national park in the Ireland countryside (happens to the best of us, Holly). And as they walked together, she goes on this ramble about her future and her life and gives the above quote about tacos and creating stuff.

And then I almost fell off the treadmill.

(No. Not really. Not this time, anyway.)

This afternoon, I spent thirty minutes in my guitar lesson – and that thirty minutes was easily one of the brightest spots of my day. This morning, I went out in the backyard with the dog and took pictures of the snow and the sunshine and the sparkle of winter (I hate it, but sometimes it’s pretty).

And every time I visit one of my hobbies, one of my passions, one of the creative endeavors that keeps me from going completely insane (in my decidedly UNCREATIVE job), I feel like that – that there’s a little piece of me out there – by reading my words, looking at my pictures, holding a guitar in my hands – I get to know a little more about myself, I get to find the things about myself that maybe set me apart, for a bit of time in an ordinary day, I can do something that makes me feel extraordinary.

Weekly Winners – I’m Back From The Land of the Lost Edition

It’s been awhile since I’ve participated in Lotus’s weekly winners – BUT I’M BACK. At least this week.

Here are some of my favorite shots from the week…

I don't love Valentines Day. But my coffee loves me. See? It says so.

She picked out her outfit the day before. Complete with accessories. Who IS this kid?

Feel the sun on my face, close my eyes and just breathe

Chillaxing on the bleachers. Swim mom mode.

Thursday Ten: I Maybe Need A Nap Edition

1. Occasionally I get bit with a bout of insomnia and struggle to sleep or stay asleep. This happens particularly in hotels, but I’ve been home the past two nights – I’ve gotten roughly four hours of sleep each night and I’m used to about seven or so. I’m so miserably tired I can’t stand it (or myself).

2. For those of you who stopped by to read my post yesterday – the love letter to myself – thank you. I hope if you haven’t yet written one you will – please come back and let me know, so I can come read it. I know it’s not the easiest thing to do, to wax poetic about how awesome you are… but, but, but! You’re awesome. You can do it. I know you can.

3. In guitar lessons, I continue my post-Blissdom Mat Kearney love fest and am playing more of his stuff.  Why? Well, because DUH, I love Mat Kearney’s music… but also because it happens to be relevant to things I’m learning and things I need to work on (including some chords that are more than a lil’ sloppy).


Me, Mat, Kat & Michelle Branch - Photo by Jana

4. Yesterday, in a need to shake up the monotony, I did a photo scavenger hunt around the house – asking people what I should take pictures of around my house. I kind of like the egg.

5. I got a note from The Princess’s school this week letting me know she was receiving a Character Award today. I love how the school doesn’t tell the kiddo prior – so she was surprised, not only to be getting an award, but to see me.  That was fun.

6. Musically, I’m so far behind the curve and have been on a Ryan Adams kick lately. I love his lyrics – the way he writes is so stark and honest. {Ryan Adams – “Desire”}

7. I have the winter blahs. January is always rotten. February always gets a little bit worse. The cold, the bitter bitter cold. In spring, I am outside breathing fresh air, running, walking, seeing neighbors and faces. Winter feels so solitary. I hate it. Even traditionally warm climates are being hit with this cold YUCKY messy weather. Can’t seem to escape it anywhere this year. Bleh.

8. The SuperBowl – did you watch it? I didn’t. It’s not because I have some huge opposition to sports, but pro football has never really been my thing. In college, watching the SuperBowl used to be assigned homework – oh the joys of a Marketing major taking advertising courses. The only commercial I saw this year was Chrysler’s Eminem/Detroit commercial – and I loved it.

9. Pumpkin’s insistence on waking up early has been pretty consistent over the past five years – the day she was born, she came into the world just before 6 a.m. That she continues to wake at or near 6 daily is still mind boggling though. See also Item One and my insomnia.

10. Everyone in this house has a runny nose at the moment. I had to buy Advil Cold & Sinus last week and had to jump through hoops to purchase a small box from the pharmacy. I’m admittedly rationing them out now – heaven forbid I run out too soon and end up on some pharmaceutical watch list. Look, I’m a mom. I don’t even like to make macaroni and cheese, and I swear to you I won’t cook meth with my Advil. Isn’t that enough?

Thursday Ten: When It Rains It Pours Edition

1. Isn’t it funny how you could just be going on about your life and everything is fine and then suddenly there’s this figurative smack in the face and suddenly you’re bombarded with…STUFF?! Whether it’s work projects or life or whatever, seems like the saying, “When it rains, it pours” is definitely true. I’ve gotten a few things going right now – with work and prepping for travel, and it’s a little chaotic up in here. I’m not one hundred percent in my happy space – but I will be soon.

2. And prep for travel, I AM. Just a few more short days til I’ll be heading to Nashville. CANNOT WAIT.

3. I was trying to think, yesterday, of songs that were perky and that cheered me when I was feeling blue. The first song that popped into my head was “Dry County” by the B-52s. I still love this song. My mom and I listened to this album repeatedly as we road tripped from California to Michigan when we moved here in 1990. It still evokes memories of the road (the flat, boring, stupid road). What songs cheer you up?

4. In guitar lesson this week, we started playing Mat Kearney’s “Nothing Left to Lose” because I MAY BE A LITTLE EXCITED about seeing Mat Kearney next week. I love the song too.

5. I got a manicure today – SUPPOSEDLY this type of polish is some newfangled gel stuff from OPI that I should not be able to ding, chip, crack or peel. WE’LL SEE. I’m notoriously bad with manicures.

6. While I was at the salon, there was a horrible talk show on television. The topic today was something about “Men Who Lock Their Wives In Closets”. The salon owner was engrossed. I didn’t say this was a classy place. Also – who takes their man on a talk show about getting locked in the closet? You can call Joe Schmo at a reality show, but not the police? {Skeptical Sarah is skeptical}

7. I have a photo shoot coming up this weekend – I’ll be photographing a very lovely three month old. I’ll consider it a success if she doesn’t puke on me. I’m excited for the opportunity – she’s a pretty baby so it ought to be a cakewalk.

8. I cleaned out the spice rack today (I know, I know. My life has hit heights of fabulousness that you can only aspire to). WHERE DID ALL THOSE DAMN SPICES COME FROM? I’ve never used half of them. Onion powder? It was so old it was hardened in the bottom of the jar. Imitation vanilla extract? I KNOW I didn’t buy that.

9. Gearing up for an upcoming gymnastics competition – knowing what to expect helps a lot. The Princess isn’t nervous – per usual – but this time maybe I’ll keep calm, also.

10. I bought Giada DiLaurentiis pasta from Target the other day. I made it. It was pretty, but plain (hmmm. Gosh. Wonder if that was a coincidence). Long story short – get the cheap grocery store brand. No difference except Giada’s face isn’t on the box.

Thursday Ten: I Haz An Earworm Edition

1. Earlier this week, I saw this song posted online somewhere. I have never seen this movie (I have this thing where Nicholas Sparks makes me a little barfy, and I mean that in the nicest possible way). I love the lyrics and simplicity of this song – and it’s been in my head almost nonstop since the first listen.
“Paperweight” – Joshua Radin, Schuyler Fisk

2. My summer birthday kiddo is approaching her half-birthday. Pumpkin’s teacher allows summer kids to celebrate half-birthdays in class – so I’m on the lookout – I need some AWESOME cupcake ideas for her (no peanuts or peanut butter). Anyone have great fun (cute) ideas?

3. How many of you are heading to Nashville for Blissdom in a few weeks? I’m looking forward to meeting those of you I haven’t met yet (tweet me, find me, say hi), spending time with my friends (HEEEEY), and HELLO, Mat Kearney and Michelle Branch are coming to entertain us. I figure, maybe if I ask really nicely, I can just stand off to the side and hold guitar picks for Mat. Think that’d fly?

4. I’ve decided that 2011 is my year to get my shtuff together. I really would like to make it the year that I spend more time doing the things I love doing – and one of those things is hovering behind my camera. I was asked by a friend the other day to take pictures of her beautiful infant daughter. I am so tremendously flattered and excited. I can make this happen – it’s just a matter of not getting in my own way LIKE I DO.

5. A lot of people have designated a word for the year – a word to define their goal for the year, or how they aim to live life in 2011 — the word I’ve chosen is “HOPE”. I figure, once you lose hope you’re pretty much screwed – so it’s a matter of finding hope and hanging on. Have you chosen a word for 2011? What is it?

6. Valentines Day is fast approaching and guess what? I’m not excited. It’s my least favorite “holiday” (quotes because, let’s be real, it’s not a TRUE HOLIDAY). The best part about V-DAY? The candy conversation hearts. And, I’m told that philosophy has a great smelling bath product for VDay also.  (No one paid me to say that. Hey Philosophy: Call me. You can pay me in bubble bath).

7. My cold is back. My local grocery store doesn’t have the good cold medicine. The good stuff you can make meth with and actually get sinus relief from. Consequently, my ear hurts like someone is burrowing in it with an ice pick. It’s AWESOME.

8. I have gotten into the gross habit of waking up before 6 a.m. Now that Pumpkin has that amazing alarm clock – she doesn’t wake me up that early. However, the dudes that plow our driveway like to come by around 5:30, and then there’s the guy across the street with one of those obnoxiously loud exhaust systems on his car (it’s like “Fast and Furious Suburb Style”). HATE IT. Now I am incapable of sleeping.

9. I have loaded up my Kindle for my trip to Nashville. I don’t anticipate reading much once I’m there – but I’m going for the “read to distract myself from in-flight panic” method. Are you reading anything great worth recommending?

10. Over the holiday break, I didn’t pick up my guitar AT ALL and had a phenomenal lesson when I returned. This past week I did practice and played HORRIBLY at my lesson this week. Hmmm. Why is that? Seems like a total flip flip of how it should be.

Flip Side – Hiding Behind 28 – 135mm

I am constantly behind a camera.

Okay, almost constantly.

I spend my days looking at my surroundings as if looking through a lens – I gauge my surroundings as though I’m framing a shot. I see beauty in unexpected places. I see beauty where some people wouldn’t. I see beauty in everyone.

I hide behind a camera and so much of what I see is translated into pixels and colors and textures and richness.

And my world is better for it.

Somehow, the same care I give to viewing the world around me is not given to viewing myself. Somehow the rules that apply to the things in front of my camera do not apply to the woman behind it.

I made a promise to myself – 2011 is the year I would be kinder to myself, less dysmorphic, less apt to point out the fat days and the bloat (PMS, you cruel cruel beast), the split ends and bad hair days, the imperfections. It would be the year to embrace the qualities as they are because those are part of what makes me who I am.

And I tell you this:

It’s FREAKING difficult.

I don’t think I’m going to be entirely successful, but I guess I don’t have to be. Even if I become a little bit kinder to myself, that’s a step in the right direction.