It feels weird not to write

I feel like I should be writing.
I guess that is what thirty days of writing leads to – this habit that this is a space I should be filling, time I should be spending and maybe a bit more often than I have been to date.

We’ll see.


Last night a friend of mine came over for dinner. We sat down and our daughters played and she and I caught up on life and we talked about my tendency to not speak up, my tendency to stuff emotions rather than talk about them. The topic originated from the subject of passive aggressive Facebook status messages (Note: Don’t do that). I am still not entirely that great at saying what I’m thinking but if I have something to say, I would rather say it then post it on Facebook. If I believe it will be productive, I am really making an effort to “put it out there”.

No, I wasn’t always that way. To a great degree, I wasn’t. I hate conflict. I hate making waves.

But, chattering around on Facebook passive aggressively never makes me think, “WHOA, that person has really got their stuff together.”

Quite the contrary.

My point is. Well. I don’t know. Just… don’t do that. If you won’t, I won’t.


Gymnastics meets start today and this will be the first with The Princess at a higher level than she’s been. I don’t know how different the process or the judging will be, but I hope that she still has a good time. I hope that I can ignore the fact that her floor routine music is an instrumental version of “Pumped Up Kicks.”


I have a million television channels. Why isn’t anything ever on? It is my plan to get rid of cable someday soon and it’s a huge leap because I’m afraid I’ll miss it until I remember that I flipped through the guide three times before settling on an edited-for-television version of a movie that I already own on DVD. Why do I have cable again? (Why do I pay what I pay for cable again?)


Thank god it’s December


This has been a post. A pointless one. I just… couldn’t not write.

I may take a day off at some point, you know. It could happen. I do what I want.


Thursday Ten: End of the Tunnel edition

1. Just one more day of consecutive daily posts. I’ve done it. Almost. Let’s hope I don’t screw it up. I’m probably gonna summarize this month tomorrow – it’s been an interesting experience. I have been considerably more candid, more revealing here than I have been previously – whether that is something I continue to do or whether I dial it back a notch, I’m not sure. What say you, lovely people?

2. It’s been a rough week in terms of my grandfather’s progress and lack of and the rehabilitation hospital (that I’ve been so pleased with so far) has really irked me. Sometimes I really don’t understand things, people, companies, procedures and the hows and whys. Truly frustrated with the latest development. GRUMBLE.

3. I deleted my iPod the other day – kind of accidentally – thus deleting all the stuff that was still living on my iPod but hadn’t moved over to the new iTunes after the old laptop went kablooey. Follow that? Looks like I’m missing, oh…. 800 songs. I am not happy about that development. Little by little I am finding what I was missing. Gah. TECHNICAL DIFFICULTIES.

4. I received an awesome card from my friend, Rachel, this week. It wasn’t so much the card – which was beautiful – but what she wrote inside of it. It really was a sweet thing and it was just exactly what I needed. It made me smile tremendously. My friends rule.
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5. I’m still reading the Cheryl Strayed book – it’s taking me awhile because EVERYTHING takes me awhile. I just don’t read as much as I used to. But? I’m loving it. Worth a read.

6. Baked two loaves of gingerbread last night in an effort to clear my mind and warm the house. There’s something about that smell, that lovely gingerbread smell. So warm and inviting and delicious. First gingerbread of the season – won’t be the last.

7. I’ve made a small dent in Christmas shopping. Very. Small. Dent. Most of my shopping has been via Amazon because it’s just easier with my schedule. I don’t really know how I’m going to get everything done in time. I usually aim to be done by December 15 – that feels impossible this year. BUT, I’ll try.

8. I was thinking of printing some of my calla lily shots for my mom for Christmas – they’re her favorite flower. So, I bought two callas, took a ton of pictures and then realized that all of them have this look about them. I’m not entirely sure how calla lilies became the flower of choice for sympathy cards because there’s something kinda… Georgia O’Keefe-y about them.

9. My dog doesn’t shut his eyes all the way when he sleeps and it’s creepy as hell.

10. Tonight The Princess has an event at her school. It requires that she bring an entree she’s made. It starts at 5:30. What the hell are they thinking? Even if I could make it on time, the cooking part creates drama. This schedule, this event, is not very friendly to many schedules – namely…MY OWN. With some juggling, everything will happen as it should and everyone will be where they should be when they should be there but UGH. (Don’t get me started on the school Christmas program for Pumpkin – it’s in a few weeks. That one is also going to take some juggling. Who plans this stuff?)

Day 20: Black Friday Shopping? Yeah. I’ve Done It.

The outrage has started already. Every year as Thanksgiving draws closer and talks of Black Friday deals begin, so does the criticism of Black Friday. Consumerism, selfish, greedy, blah blah blah. Same thing every year.

The thing is I don’t think Black Friday is awful – and in fact for the past several years, I’ve gone out the Friday after Thanksgiving to shop with my mom. It’s almost tradition.

I’m not gonna camp outside Best Buy for five days. Nor am I going to wake up at 3 a.m. to go ANYWHERE. But, you know, if I wake up at a decent time and venture out to the mall, well… I don’t mind the crowds. And I kind of enjoy the people watching. I never go with the NEED to buy anything, but if there happens to be a decent deal that I don’t have to trample anyone in order to get, well, who doesn’t like a deal? Often times, I come home after a few hours out with maybe one or two purchases crossed off my shopping list and a few interesting stories.

I’ve actually never encountered the kind of gruesome crowd that makes people cringe when they think of shopping on Black Friday. That could be because I’m not “busting any doors”, but what I’ve always found is that people are light hearted, helpful and chatty – all good things because the lines are a the worst part of it all.

With the plan to do a more low key holiday this year, I wouldn’t mind if I found some great deal on Friday – but frankly, I haven’t decided if I’ll even venture out. My daughters will be with their dad, so it’s not like there’s much else going on demanding my attention other than being a greedy selfish consumerist pig.

Besides, Pumpkin wants a Barbie Potty Training dog and so help me, if I can get away with not paying full price for that I’d sure like to.

Day 12: Taking the time

Last night, The Princess cut out pieces of paper in the shape of tickets with one side that read “Polar Express”. She made hot cocoa and a big bowl of popcorn. She instructed me and her sister to “Wear your slippers. Meet in the car.” In the car, we drank our lukewarm cocoa, ate some popcorn and sat in the garage chatting and giggling until The Princess said, “Okay, now let’s go back in the house and watch the movie.” {Apparently, when she saw this described as Pinterest, it was as an activity to do closer to Christmas, usually initiated by a parent and involved driving around to see Christmas lights}

She set up The Polar Express on the DVD player and the three of us curled up together on the couch to watch the movie.

The whole thing – from the tickets to her putting on the movie was a lovely and delightful surprise out of nowhere that touched my heart and made me think so many times, “I am so unbelievably lucky.”

(We’ll disregard the part where she turned off all the lights and I nearly fell asleep halfway through the movie. It was a long weekend. I was tired.)

I love this about her.

I love this kind of thing in general.

Gestures are an amazing thing. It cost her nothing but time, and the three of us had a good night chilling out on the couch together, eating popcorn and telling the dog to not bite us. I am a fan of gestures, and like to think I am a somewhat thoughtful person, and you know what? It had never occurred to me. Sure, occasionally, I make a half-hearted attempt to wrangle the girls to watch a movie. Sometimes I’m even 50% successful, getting the attention of one child but not both.

Somehow The Princess made it fun and inviting and it was a good time and after the weekend we had, it was a breath of fresh air to just be, to laugh and to drink cocoa while watching a movie.

We’d spent the day together yesterday. With an unseasonably warm fall day, we took the dog for a walk (I had the added pleasure of carrying 50 pounds of Pumpkin on my back because her legs were too tired and or she couldn’t want to didn’t want to keep up – whatever, more exercise for me!). We ate leftover ropa vieja for lunch. We went to the hospital and spent the first 30 minutes in the cafeteria with my aunt because my grandfather was in physical therapy (“He flashes everyone when he does PT,” my aunt said. “No one wants to see his junk. Let’s go wait in the cafeteria.”). Thirty minutes in the cafeteria with my aunt and the girls, the girls happily snacking on hospital junk food (because why should food in a hospital be good for you?) until we could visit my grandpa. We then spent a bit of time visiting with my grandfather (he’s quite tired, the strength and sensation in his left side has quite a ways to go for recovery but his mental facilities are pretty much on point for him – a relief, for sure). Then to the park to further take advantage of the weather.

So, for The Princess to plan this movie event was quite possibly the perfect end to this day. This day of hanging out, being together, being a family – and we ended on a good note.

I’m not surprised she got the idea from Pinterest –  that seems to be where she gets all of her ideas lately, including the Christmas gifts she plans on making this year and can I please buy x, y and z and let her do chores to make extra money and “HEY MOM GUESS WHAT I SAW ON PINTEREST?”), and I love that she tweaked it to make it work somehow for our family. But I love that she took the time.

I said yesterday, I feel like I’m supposed to be learning something from all of this stuff lately. I don’t know what it is, exactly. What I do know that in the face of my grandfather’s medical emergency, I was able to somehow manage to add some peace to my weekend in the form of time with people I adore and surely that’s something.


Day 2: You Give Me Fever

There are some moments you don’t forget – and for me I vividly remember The Princess as a toddler, elevated fever. I remember getting ready to lower her into a bath to cool her down. And then I remember her face just looking…funny, unresponsive. And then she began seizing.

I had never seen a seizure before and I had no idea initially what was going on. I remember we carried her downstairs into the living room, and called 911.

I had no idea a seizure could last so long.

Princess’s dad was panicking and I remember his saying something worst-case-scenario-ish while I was talking to the 911 dispatcher who basically told him that he was going to need to stop talking.

They sent an ambulance. I remember putting her in her huge carseat and then putting the carseat in the ambulance. I sat up front while the EMT drove and one sat in the back with my daughter trying to make the seizure stop.

They gave her Versed.

She threw up.

And still the seizure went on.

I had no idea they could last that long.

We finally made it to the hospital.

I don’t remember when the seizure stopped, only that it finally did and that the Versed made her grind her teeth together so horribly – this awful noise coming from my little girl, the scraping together of teeth.

I remember being discharged to go home and I remember how little sleep I got that night, checking on my baby in her crib, making sure she was sleeping, making sure she wasn’t running a temperature, making sure she wasn’t having another seizure.

The doctor told us then, “She’ll never remember this, but you’ll probably never forget it.”

And so tonight… She’s ten now. A temperature of 103.8 blazing through her body. We’d been in the grocery store – she didn’t even ask for anything. I got one of those mammoth carts with the bench in the back for children to ride along. She barely moved from the seat. Usually she’s a “helpful” shopper, with suggestions of things we can make, things we should buy, things we need. Tonight, she was silent and when we got to the checkout, she didn’t even try to guess the final dollar amount – our bizarre game of The Price is Right that she always wins somehow, sometimes guessing within the dollar.

We got home and she immediately curled on the couch. Pumpkin away at a birthday party, the house was fairly silent, just me and my oldest. I put away groceries as she burrowed under a blanket on the sofa. She seemed sleepy. “Why don’t you go ahead and go to bed?” I said. “Here, let’s take your temperature first.”

She slid the digital thermometer under her tongue and we waited and when it was done, the read out of 103.8 caught me off guard. No wonder she’d been so listless. No wonder she didn’t even want to watch television. No wonder she didn’t beg for random junky things at the store.

Fevers that high still scare me. That’s too high. I still see my baby having a seizure when I see numbers like that.

A phone call to her doctor at home with a breath of gratitude that we have the kind of doctor that can be called at home. I met this woman, the doctor that is now the whole family’s doctor, when The Princess was one day old. I liked her so much, I switched practices so she’d be my doctor as well. And then I liked her so much she was the one to deliver Pumpkin, instead of some OB-GYN who could never learn my name (like when The Princess was born).

“There’s a nasty virus going around,” said the doctor. “High fevers are very much a part of it. In some cases, I’ve seen it last a week.”

Today was day four here, so I guess I should be relieved, glad that we may be on the downhill slope of this.

She advised me to alternate the Tylenol and ibuprofen – and I’ve been relieved that the Tylenol nudged the fever down enough that I can comfortably send my daughter to her room to sleep.  Turning down my offers of 7Up or watching shows on Food Network, The Princess was merely waiting until I was satisfied that her temperature had dropped enough that I would let her go to bed.

I sent her upstairs moments ago, and I anticipate that I will be checking in on her as the night goes on just like I did that night when she was much younger, hoping that whatever this virus is, it works its way through her system soon so my girl can feel like herself again and I can put away that memory for another while.

Something’s Gotta Give.

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“If you see a whole thing – it seems that it’s always beautiful. Planets, lives… But up close a world’s all dirt and rocks. And day to day, life’s a hard job, you get tired, you lose the pattern.”

– Ursula LeGuin


Last night, the doorbell rang just after 9 and I cautiously flicked on the porch light, peered into darkness. No one was there. I looked down and there was a plastic pumpkin. We’d been “Boo’d”. Turns out, one of Pumpkin’s friends (and her parents, I’m presuming) Boo’d nearly every house with kids in the neighborhood. It was a fun gesture – this pink plastic pumpkin full of candy, and my kids were overjoyed and spent this afternoon looking for people to “boo” back. Me? It just makes me tired to think about.

More and more these days, I think about how I want to spend the time that isn’t committed to things already. I have hours dedicated to my full time job, I have hours committed to the commute to and from. I have the time I spend with my children, providing them with love and providing them with care. I have the time I spend working out. The time I spend trying to keep my house from looking like an episode of Hoarders. And with the time that remains, I try to fill it with people and things and places that make me happy.

And some things don’t. There are projects I still do out of obligation – projects that used to bring me a lot more joy than I get these days. Things I used to do because I had more time but now that I don’t. I mean, even my workout regimen has had to take on an altered status because it’s hard to find time for it like I used to. I accept that, it’s life and it happens. But with the decrease in free time comes a shift in priorities and a need to figure out how to get things done and just what things are worth my time.

I would love to take a pair of scissors into the fabric of my life and hack giant holes into the pieces that don’t work, and patch those holes with things I like better, prettier fabrics, and trim up the whole chaotic mess with grosgrain ribbon and maybe it won’t look nice or make sense but it will be mine and it will work somehow.

Maybe I could cut out some of these joyless pieces and replace them with camera pieces. Fun time with my kid pieces. Laughing with friends pieces. Because the joy-sucking pieces of life are making the rest of things look bad. And they’re making me tired.

Thursday Ten: I Saw Snow Yesterday edition

1. I saw snow yesterday and that is some ridiculousness because hello? It’s only October and even though Michigan is not necessarily known for having stable weather conditions EVER, it’s still far too early for the frozen stuff. (Knock it off, Mother Nature)

2. Tis the season for gymnastics competitions to start – well, soon anyway. Two aggressively worded emails from the owner of the gym last night and one cranky over tired gymnast at the tail end of a four hour practice session and I was feeling NO LOVE for gymnastics yesterday. Is today any different? I dunno. Ultimately, The Princess loves gymnastics. I think the schedule sucks for her right now (four hours of practice immediately following a full day of school? Recipe for cranky pants), and thus it sucks for me… but I think when all is said and done, it brings her more joy than grumpiness so, in she stays.

3. Oh the things I see when I’m out walking.
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4. I was going to take the week off from Kitchen Through the Lens and then changed my mind. Not only did I change my mind – I’ve already decided what I’m making next week. Sometimes I am so ahead of the game that I impress even myself.

5. The girls and I spent this past weekend in the Chicago area visiting some friends of mine as well as cheering on runners in Saturday’s Chicago Marathon. What fun we had. The car ride was probably the least fun part of that equation, but beyond that? The kids had a great time playing with new friends and we visited a fun farmers market and there were s’mores made with peanut butter cups and it was a fun time.  Also: I remain in awe of marathoners. To RUN for 26.2 miles? I can’t even wrap my head around it. Really amazing to see.

6. I’m getting sick. I’m not happy about that. Alternating cups of tea with cups of hot water, lemon and honey and wishing for sleep.

7. ArtPrize is over for the year and a piece I had basically walked right by with only a slight glance was the winner. Granted, I didn’t like last year’s winner either – but this year, I felt very detached from the whole event and felt that overall the quality of entries was, if not lacking, then just… different enough that nothing resonated with me. Not even the elephants that won. That’s okay. I think, though, that I may challenge myself to enter a photograph in next year’s ArtPrize because, hell, at least it’s not another crappy exhibit made with driftwood.

8. Speaking of entering a photograph in ArtPrize – that may need to go on my 40 before 40 list. I don’t really want to call it a bucket list – but I’ll be 40 in just over 4 years, and I think I want to create a list of things to do before then. LIIIIIIIKE…. ride a Zamboni, for example. (Really. I don’t know why. BUT YES.)

9. During that ride to Chicago last weekend, the iOS 6 maps function took me on an tremendously convoluted route to where I was going. Probably added an hour to the trip. My friends recommended the Waze app – which is free – and I’m kind of a fan. Not only does it give you turn by turn directions, but other Waze users are constantly updating it – so if there’s an accident or a police officer up ahead, it tells you that too. What can I say? I’m easily amused.

10. As a treat to myself recently, I signed up for Birchbox. Not because I needed to or because I was itching to spend more money – but because it seems like a really cool thing. Also, ten bucks a month to get fun surprise pamper-y stuff in the mail, probably worth it these days. In this time of stress and chaos, I look forward to having something to look forward to. (October’s box should be here soon – should be interesting to see what’s in it)

And so.

drink me

I opened up this page to write a new post. I typed some words. I deleted some words.

I wanted to share. I didn’t want to share.

That’s life these days – there are details that spin through my head – things I’m learning and adjusting to and it’s a different sort of life and it’s okay. And I’m doing it. I’m getting by. The kids are doing well. And who knows, things may snap into place as new routines are created. Sometimes I doubt my ability to carry me and the girls through – but I keep putting one foot in front of the other and things keep getting done and we get through each day no worse for the wear. I may wonder if I am able to do it, but here I am, doing it.

Not that any of it’s easy. Surely there are things I could do better (I am slowly improving with respect to my grocery shopping skills, but OH I HATE IT SO MUCH).

But for the days that are tough, we are really doing okay.  Me and my kids, we’re okay.

I type that, and I read the words over again.

Are we really okay? I ask myself.

Yes. Yes, I think we are okay.

I think these moments of doubt are natural and if they’re not, if other people don’t question their own strength, if they don’t question their abilities, if they’re not stressing about how they will accomplish everything, well… maybe something’s wrong with them. Maybe I’m the one who has it right.

The above photo was taken at a cocktail party I shot last week. Those are not my drinks. Nor did I have to wash those dishes. Thank god.

Thursday Ten: Need A New Routine edition

1. I thought that the return of school would also bring a sense of calm and routine but what I’m finding is that no. Not so much. Gymnastics eats a good chunk of the schedule after school during the week. It’s chaotic and hopefully we’ll settle in just in time for the holidays to start and the snow to fly.

2. Among the many posts I’ve seen in recent days, one of the things I’ve loved the most is having been introduced to Brandi Carlile’s “That Wasn’t Me”: do i make myself a blessing to everyone i meet?

3. Around Grand Rapids, artists are getting ready for ArtPrize and I couldn’t be happier. I am not the biggest fan of West Michigan (sorry, but I’m not) but ArtPrize makes me love it a little bit. I love the vibe of the town when it’s filled with art and people are talking about what they’re seeing and the streets are full of people (okay, that part annoys me a bit).  I’m ready to see what is in store this year. BRING ON THE ART.

4. The Princess tried to stump me with a fifth grade social studies question last night but AHA AMERIGO VESPUCCI. Can’t fool me with your homework, kid. (Okay, maybe the math)

5. There’s a certain glow the sun has when it’s rising in the morning. I kind of love it. I pulled over on my way to work to get this shot – and one of these days, on the weekend when I’m in no hurry and I’m awake insanely early for no apparent reason, I’m going to go out and shoot more.
there's a bright golden haze on the meadow

6. I make no secret about not loving summer but you know what one of the perks is of the days getting shorter? Catching a sunrise on the way to work, and soon, catching the sunset. Yeah, I hate to drive to and from work in the dark – but my porch doesn’t offer the best view of a sunrise OR sunset (Stupid houses and trees). When I’m driving, the views are amazing.

7. I am using my netbook to type this. My laptop was making some awful groan-y noises last night while I was editing photos and I know it’s a matter of needing to back up some photos and get them OFF my laptop (also, MEMORY)… That laptop is ollllld and it’s been a pain in the ass for awhile. If it was Old Yeller, I’d have taken it out back and put it out of its misery by now.

8. I finished reading Gone Girl this week for book club. OH MY GOSH. This book and The Fault in Our Stars are two of the best I’ve read in awhile. Gone Girl was suspenseful and well-written and just when I thought I knew what was coming next I was always way wrong (in the best way – it’s the worst when you can anticipate every plot turn!). The Fault In Our Stars is a young adult book but a well crafted one, and one that left me (and the two people I’ve loaned it to since) in tears.

9. I have not yet decided what I’ll be cooking up for Kitchen Through The Lens next week but want to be sure I thank those of you who are following the process and who are sharing those posts. My friend, Rachel (who is far better in the kitchen than I could hope to be) gave me an awesome shout out on her blog the other day, and I’m just glad that any one is along for this ride with me. So… thanks. And welcome. (Savory biscotti next week, maybe?)

10. Good morning, happy Thursday. Let’s go make this day magical, shall we? Have a good one!

Thursday Ten: Back to School Edition

1. Today is day THREE of the new school year. They seem quiet okay with being back – and the bonus is that bedtimes are a little easier to enforce, especially for Pumpkin, because when the day is over she is EXHAUSTED.

2. New music this week, well… You know, you have to realize I was probably just the right age when Alanis Morissette’s “Jagged Little Pill” came out in the mid-90s, so when I read a review of her new album “Havoc and Bright Lights” and saw that it was on sale on Amazon (remember, iTunes – you are dead to me), I just bought it sight unseen, or….er… song unlistened? Well… there are some pretty melodies but there are some lyrics in this collection of songs that make me think, “Uh, Alanis? What are you even talking about?” So, what I’m saying is… don’t buy this album in its entirety. Take a listen, pick up a track or two and then go back to her older stuff and think fondly of loudly singing “You Oughta Know” while driving with your windows rolled down.

3. If I had known when Lisa asked me to guest post on her blog that she was moving this week, I’d have devoted my post to begging her to stay. Instead I wrote about a few of my favorite things.

4. For a short week, it has been C-R-A-Z-Y busy. Admittedly, I prefer busy to bored… but I also kinda dig the feeling of accomplishment I get when I am able to complete my whole to-do list for a day. And, yeah… that isn’t happening these days.

5. The kids and I finally made the bruschetta and served it over pasta and it was our prelude to strawberry shortcakes and whoa-my-goodness I was feeling a bit rock-starry in the kitchen that day. We were definitely right about how yummy it was – and I’m gonna call it a good start to when my Kitchen Through the Lens project takes me into the realm of making my own pasta sauce.

6. While I don’t know if my cooking is getting any better, my comfort level with making new things is certainly higher. That’s kind of awesome. (It would be more awesome if my cooking was improving too, but I’m hardly impartial.)

7. I believe in signs.

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8. Two weeks until ArtPrize!

9. I was walking past the television at work the other day and Matt Lauer was on the Today Show and suddenly the thought that flashed through my head was, He reminds me of Ben Stein. Whut? I’m not sure if there is a real resemblance or if my brain just needed coffee at that moment. What say you?

10. Wrapped up one 365 last week, started a new one. Are you in?
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