It’s Like Somehow It Knows

buying sunshine

I walked into the office today and almost immediately found myself rooting through my purse, looking for a bottle of ibuprofen and shaking four of the bright orange pills into my palm before chasing them down with a swig of lukewarm tea. I sat at my desk and got to work, waiting for that moment when the ibu would kick in, trying to cross little things off my list so as to start my day feeling productive.

Headache fading, into a meeting. Conference call, sales pitch, snake oil. Off the call, another discussion, one that should have been a relief but only made me frustrated. The headache creeped back in. Another several ibuprofen swallowed down with a gulp of ice water.

My to-do list was full and I was getting things done but I was upset about the meeting – a discussion about when my job would be moving to part time.

Side note: Occasionally I question whether or not to even post about it should my employer decide to read my blog – HI GUYS! – but then again, they know what they’ve said and they know the situation, and as Anne Lamott says, “You own everything that happened to you. Tell your stories. If people wanted you to write warmly about them, they should’ve behaved better.” And it’s not that I’m writing… not warmly. But to not write about something that is on my mind quite a bit would be to censor my writing even more than I would typically – and frankly, who WOULDN’T be upset at the looming future of no longer having full time work? So, yeah. There you go.

I have been given an extension of full time work – through the end of May now and while I am relieved, I admit that there’s frustration too, that each month has been a guessing game, that while none of us in the workforce in this economy ever have true job security, I’ve wondered each month if THIS is it, if that is the end of the line. I am seeking solutions to the part time work problem – trying to ensure that I’m able to get by. It’s not easy and so I’m frustrated a lot, stressed a lot, a little bit anxious.

And so I keep trying to put one foot in front of the other, and I try to not complain too much and I try (really, I’m trying) to be grateful for what’s good because it could be so much worse, and I know it.

But some days I am overcome by the extent of which I cannot control my life, by the extent of which I really just don’t have a clue right now, and on those days – OH THOSE DAYS – my head aches with the pressure of two very large hands squeezing the side of my head until my skull caves in, my brain compresses, and I consumeall of the ibuprofen.

Some days just aren’t easy.

And when Pumpkin’s school called and said she didn’t feel well, I needed to come get her, it was almost a relief to gather up my projects and bring them home and sit on the sofa, wrapped in blankets, nestled near my girl, cartoons chattering in the background, getting work done on my laptop instead of under the glow of fluorescent light. Without the hum of conversations in nearby cubicles. Without the chill of the constant air conditioning even though the temperature outside didn’t even reach 6o today.

Despite the pounding in my head, I’d have stayed in the office until the end of the day. Despite my discomfort and my own feelings of blah — but my daughter and her blah trumped mine.

Life has a weird way of telling me, sometimes, to step back, to breathe deeply and to just be a little kinder to myself amidst the chaos. Sometimes life has to find more creative ways of telling me, I guess.

This evening, I bought myself a bouquet of tulips and a bottle of wine. The wine is in my fridge – funny, I’m too tired for it now, but some day this week I’m sure I’ll be glad that Tuesday Sarah knew that Future Sarah would want a glass after one of those days. I tucked in my daughters. Now, I settle in with HGTV and I write, talking myself into calm so tomorrow I can get back to life, and keep on getting things done.

Doing the whole mom thing the best I can

Take the StrongMoms Empowerment Pledge
I am a mom.

I opted to become a mom and was fortunate to be blessed with two amazing daughters. My daughters challenge me, they make me grow, they make me laugh, they enrich my life. It was my choice to have children.

Recently, I’ve had people say things like, “I’m so glad I chose not to have children! They’re messier than my dogs!” or the even more offensive implication from another non-mom that her reasoning for not having children is that her hips weren’t wide enough. Admittedly, these statements have stuck with me far longer than they should have. I should be able to brush them off and realize the spirit with which these statements were intended – they weren’t intended to be hurtful. They were probably meant to be amusing.

(Btw? My hips aren’t that wide. I had two kids.
I can also name a slew of tiny actresses and real life people I’ve met in person who somehow managed to have children despite not having “child bearing hips.”
Have children or don’t for whatever reasons – but don’t blame your hips.)

But so goes the world of motherhood (or even parenthood – dads, I don’t mean to exclude y’all). It’s fraught with judgment from other people about damn near everything – from whether or not to have children at all to bottle feeding versus breast feeding to how much (if any) screen time you let your kiddos have to public schools versus private schools versus home schools versus charter schools to… to… to…

It’s really never ending.
Take the StrongMoms Empowerment Pledge

From the moment you decide to have children through whatever course you choose (natural, adoption, fertility, stepparenting) there are a great deal of things to consider. You could read 101 different articles and come up with a laundry list of a ton of things the “experts” say you could or should do or your children will be irreversibly damaged in some way.

It could make you crazy if you let it.

There are few right answers. There are few “musts.”

And generally, we’re all just doing the best we can.

That’s the philosophy I try to keep with me when I find that Judgey McJudgerson side of me sneak up – and it does. Usually, it crops up at times when I’m flipping through channels and I land on “Toddlers and Tiaras” and I see these women giving their six year olds spray tans and fake teeth and painting them up with enough make up to keep Sephora in business.

The instinct to judge comes up because I’m not that kind of mom.

That’s not how I choose to raise my children.

And then I step back and remind myself (sometimes ineffectively):

The way someone else parents their children, the choices they make don’t affect me.

Her kid’s spray tan on my television set has no impact on my life here in my living room.


Case closed. Flip the channel, Sarah. Move on.


Take the StrongMoms Empowerment Pledge

I’ve worked from home. I’ve worked in an office.

I feed my kids healthy food. I allow sugar in moderation (hell, I encourage it – I don’t believe in deprivation).

I breast fed my children. And then I bottle fed when it stopped being the right choice for each daughter and myself.

I swore I’d limit screen time to thirty minutes a day and then my oldest watched so much Nick Jr. that I had chunks of whole episodes of Dora memorized and I mourned when she moved on from The Backyardigans because I thought the music was so fun.

I swore I’d never take my kids to McDonalds, and now I do sometimes.

I know I don’t have the patience to home school so I rely on our public school system for their education.

My children now have to go back and forth between our house and their dad’s.


We make the choices we have to make out of the situations and circumstances we live in. Our focus is on what we value, and what we know. Sometimes it’s a bit of our culture or family experience.

We have musts – my musts are safety and concern for health and well being and that my kids are loved and that they know they are loved.

When it all comes down to it, all the other stuff is just extra.

It’s tough not to judge. We do it sometimes to help us feel more secure in the choices we’re making – if something that other mom is doing makes us think, “At least I’m not doing that. I must be doing okay,” it allows us somehow to feel better about what we’re doing.

Parenting is a terribly insecure endeavor at times. With no performance reviews or evaluations, sometimes we weigh how we’re doing against how others are doing.

Not gonna say I’ve never done it.

Not gonna say I’ll never do it again.

But I will try not to.

It’s not for me to tear down someone else’s parenting to lift myself up. I vow to use my children as a gauge for my parental successes, rather than comparing myself to other parents. Are my kids happy? Yes? Then… that’s all I need to know.

I am participating in a blog campaign with One2One Network. I have not received any payment. All opinions are my own.


Thursday Ten: Mother Nature is on Crack edition

1. Dear Mother Nature: Last year at this time, things were blooming. It’s been another week and there is now snow in the forecast and all I can think of is that you hate everyone. And if it really does snow this weekend, I may really and truly cry. This week has been rainy and I’m choosing to look on the bright side – here’s hoping all that rain means that all of the lawns in the neighborhood quickly turn from brown to green. BUT YOU HAVE TO STOP SNOWING ON THEM FIRST.
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2. We’re coming into the home stretch of competitive gymnastics season and I have to say, the end of this season has left me with a bitter taste in my mouth. From finding out that the gym has been padding meet registration fees (there could be a legit reason – and yes, I’ll be asking them) to being unable to pin down a meet time for an event nearly three hours away, I’m frustrated. I hate when people mess with my money or my time (OR BOTH).

3. Don’t mind me. Just googling crafts to make with empty wine bottles. And more crafts. And I hate making crafts.

4. Michigan made it to the finals and they KILLED my bracket (I’d picked Syracuse to win). It was a bummer to see my team make it that far – and then lose – but it was still pretty awesome that they got that far. And if a team had to kick my bracket in the teeth, I guess it’s okay if it’s MY team.

5. I have been reading the fluffliest books just to FINISH something lately. Don’t ask what.

6. The Avon Walk is in under two months and so while I’m in a rush to get outside and start getting real workouts in soon, I’m also in the frame of mind of “Work out, get in shape but for the love of god, woman, don’t hurt something!” Some days I wake up really feeling my age and I’m slightly more afraid of maiming myself just climbing out of bed than I used to be.

7. Pumpkin has had moments of expressing frustrating with our schedule and I do hope that she adjusts soon. I know the chaos of an ever changing schedule doesn’t do anyone any favors, but it’s been hardest for her and that’s tough for me.

8. Though I haven’t posted a “Kitchen Through The Lens” post in awhile, I haven’t forgotten the project. I’ve got one post pending (Okay, I took the pictures, I have to write it) and frankly, I just need to take the time to get back into my kitchen. I made all the stuff I really wanted to make already. Now it’s the leftovers. Makes it harder to keep moving forward.

9. Due to some spectacularly awful driving on behalf of a school bus driving hauling a bus full of kids (yeah. scary.), my vehicle and I very nearly became the squished up middle of a Lexus/Audi sandwich. Fortunately, we’re all better drivers than the person carrying a bunch of kids so… crisis averted.

10. I’m still thinking about a 40 before 40 list. I guess item number one should be “Finish writing this list.” And then items two through 39 will be things I’ve already done. Item 40 will be something new. Because that’s how I roll. Lazily. Slowly. Downhill.

The Absence of Noise

I really miss my kids.

Save for brief FaceTime calls on Easter (bless you, Apple), I haven’t seen them, hugged them or talked to them since Friday. Per our parenting time agreement, the kiddos are with their dad for half of their spring break vacation – and tomorrow they’ll come back home and join me for the second half of their vacation which will be more like a staycation (there was no budget for travel even before the Barfing Dog Fiasco™).

This is the hardest part for me – the shuffling of the children. It’s hard because someone is always missing out. When they’re with their dad, while I know it’s important he has time with them, I miss them. When they’re with me, I’m assuming he misses them. When they’re with me, they miss their dad. When they’re with him, they miss me and the dog.

That’s a whole lot of missing.

That there are so many people who stay together “for the sake of the kids” doesn’t surprise me. I’m guessing in a sense it’s for the sake of mom and dad, too. It’s a tough feeling to miss your little people. To adapt your way of living every few days to accommodate for their presence or their absence.

Just when I had finally learned to adapt to the weekends when they’re away, this spring break hit. I’ve gotten used to weekends. When they’re gone, I don’t cook much, I get caught up on cleaning (all laundry folding), I keep busy.

But last night I got home, fed The Barfing Dog™ some bland food, made a quesadilla for myself, fumbled through a miserable treadmill work out and then…

And then what?

There was no Pumpkin coming up with reasons she couldn’t sleep. There was no Princess asking to watch one more episode of DC Cupcakes. There was just nothing. The silence in my house was heavy and thick and awful.

I miss the hugs most of all when the kids are gone. As I type this, I know that I won’t be hugged today or most of tomorrow. It sounds silly, but it’s those things I miss – the easy knowledge and affection of caring and being cared for.

But they’ll be home tomorrow. And this is important, that they have time with their dad, time beyond just the weekends.

Doesn’t make me miss ’em any less.

It’s the most negative consequence of divorce – the absence of my children. It is more difficult than figuring out finances or being solely responsible for taking the garbage out. It’s more difficult than a lot of things I’ve experienced.

But we’ll all be okay. I’ll adjust, the girls will adjust. Eventually, I hope, these transitions will be seamless. Maybe I’ll take up a hobby to keep myself busy while they’re gone. I hear basket weaving is fun. Maybe I’ll get another TV, hang it in my room and drown out all that dreadful silence. Maybe I’ll get another dog (ha ha just kidding).

I have faith in time and in the ability to adjust. We’ll get there.

Right now, though, I miss ’em. Is it tomorrow yet?

Thursday Ten: Not En Route To Dallas Edition

1. Though I left Blissdom early last year because I thought my sister was going to go into labor ANY MINUTE (and then my niece waited TWO MORE WEEKS), it’s still kind of a bummer seeing my friends posting on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook about their travels to Dallas (and a whole ‘nother BioDome). *sniff* The downside to having a lovely group of blogging friends – is that most of us aren’t all in one place and don’t see each other much… so I’m a bit bummed to be missing it.

2. The kids and I had a family portrait done a few weeks ago – the photographer did a lovely job. It’s not her fault that I’m hyper critical of myself. I hate it. I’m trying to look past my perceived flaws and focus on the fact that I’m surrounded by my daughters – and you can see the love and the happy in the photos, despite the fact that I had shoes full of snow. I see all of these things and my eyes lock on them and I can’t unsee them and this is why I do better on the other side of the camera. Because I’m dumb.

3. But on a brighter note, Justin Timberlake’s album came out this week. I haven’t listened to all of it yet, but I love “Mirrors”  – far better than “Suit & Tie.” There’s an ad before this video, but that’s okay, it’s not too obnoxious.

4. Do you Bracket? Y’all know that I’m kind of a BIG FREAKING NERD about my NCAA March Madness Brackets. Don’t make me watch any basketball, but indulge me because I AM COMPETITIVE AS ALL GET OUT and yeah, my bracket is filled out. I, uh, actually have two apps for it on my phone too. (That’s really only because the ESPN Bracket Bound app is just a big old mess and it keeps changing my picks and I can’t have that. Nope. No way.) NERD.

5. Easter is fast approaching and the girls and I have had a chance to check out a few new books. Our favorites for Easter are Easter Bunny on the Loose!: A Seek and Solve Mystery! and Mia: The Easter Egg Chase. Both books are awesome for ages 4 – 8 (Pumpkin loves ’em) and are available on Amazon. Each is under ten bucks (Mia was under $5 – and comes with a fun page of stickers your kiddo can use to decorate the pages of the book.)

6. As the winter weather holds on even though spring is officially “here” – I’m grateful that I remembered about the Nike Training Club app. Tired of my treadmill, my workouts have been boring, lackluster, and frankly? Ineffective. There’s a wide enough variety in NTC workouts to (hopefully) keep me motivated and from getting bored. Goodness knows, I wanna be ready when the weather warms up.

7. So, because I’m a goofball, I’ve started a Flickr set of Other People’s Grocery Lists. You know how sometimes people leave ’em in the cart (lazy litterbugs)? Well, I’mma take pictures and add them to Flickr. And then I’m going to judge them (not really).
Other people's grocery lists, 3.15.13

8. I haven’t made anything from the Kitchen Lens project for quite some time – but! I’m going to! I have all the ingredients. I’m just…too tired when I get home to try something different. But I will.

9. The other day I did the “math” with regards to just how much of the year I spend FREEZING here in Michigan. Damn near half the year it’s cold here. Ugh. Do not like (This is when it’d be awesome to have some weird SEO-friendly relationship with a brand that wanted to send me someplace warm so I could drink umbrella drinks and post pictures on Instagram of my toes in the sand while on some tropical beach. Anyone want to adopt a blogger?).

10. I’m passing on my HGTV fondness to The Princess who particularly gets emotionally involved with trying to guess the outcome of “Love It Or List It.” Man, I remember those days of having to sit through countless hours of Dora the Explorer. Watching HGTV and cupcake shows with my kid? Not bad.

Thursday Ten: I AM SO GLAD IT IS ALMOST MARCH edition

1. February. Why you gotta be like that? For the shortest month, it sure does feel like the longest month and you know, I am so so so ready to see it go. It’s not even that it’s been particularly awful (though, you know, it’s February and so it hasn’t been super great either – effing snow), but… dang. Every year feels like February is ten years long. Hello, March. I’m ready for you.

2. Followed Breaking Bad with Netflix’s House of Cards. Finished Season 1 of HOC, and now….White Collar. I haven’t watched as much television as I thought – so many shows to choose from. Watched the Pilot of White Collar the other night. Enjoyed it. We’ll see how long it lasts. (And I’m still muddling through Weeds. I had to stop watching because I got tired of Nancy.)

3. Spent a good chunk of time yesterday dealing with QR codes and I have to say… I’ve never actually used one. In fact, when the girls and I were at dinner last night, I purposely avoided something with a QR code on it. Does anyone actually use them?

4. Completely humiliated by my chicken fiasco, I feel like I should mention that the carne asada tacos I made last weekend were completely amazing. And the margaritas were face-numbing good.
margaritas and carne asada tacos

5. So, I watched most of the Oscars the other day and I agree with most of the criticism of Seth MacFarlane. But mostly – I had no idea who he was before Sunday. Annnnnd, uh… I don’t feel like I was missing much. (Also? Jennifer Lawrence is adorable but I’m tired of seeing her face everywhere. It’s like when you hear a song that you like and then the radio plays it OVER AND OVER AND OVER AND OVER and finally you’re like, “STFU with that song already! That’s enough!” Yeah. That.)

6. Spent a good chunk of Sunday watching HGTV. “Love It or List It” is clearly scripted (apparently that’s a complaint people have about the show – that it’s scripted… well, duh. OBVIOUSLY it’s scripted) but, kind of amusing. And then I watched some show about Americans living abroad and now I really want to go to Australia and Amsterdam and probably several other places that start with A.

7. I’m in the process of un-crate training my crate trained dog. Not for all the time – the thought of leaving him uncrated during the work day, for example, makes me fear for the life of my furniture – however, at night time, I don’t want to crate him. Turns out, if I actually pick up any clutter, there’s nothing for him to get into. Win-win – my house is clean and he gets to sleep comfortably.

8. I’m so over the snow. The kids are either out of snow days are damn near out of snow days. I can’t remember that EVER happening before since either of my kiddos have been in school. SO over the snow and paying for snow day daycare.

9. There are a lot of posts brewing in my head that someday I may find the time to write and publish. I’ll work on it. I hear things and think, WELL, I HAVE SOMETHING TO SAY ABOUT THAT (Marissa Mayer, I’m lookin’ at you. With a scowl, you big ninny) – and then? I don’t write anything. I will soon.

10. In the spirit of the awesome girl power vibe I have going on in my house lately – I have to say that I’m pretty proud of myself that my drive way was the first shoveled after this gruesome dumping of snow recently. Not only that, but this mom with a shovel was out there before any of those men with snowblowers who live around me. And if THAT wasn’t enough girl power… The only person who offered to help (not that I needed any! *flex*) was the thirteen year old girl who lives next door! I don’t need or expect help – that’s not it at all (frankly, I’m enjoying the process of shoveling far more than I thought I would. Who knew?) – but it does surprise me that people don’t offer to help – except the neighbor kid. Girls just get things done.
grab a shovel

Thursday Ten: Where I Wax Poetically About Potatoes edition

1. Okay, I don’t know how poetic I’m going to get, but I had some of the best potatoes ever over the weekend and days later? I still am thinking of how good they are (I took a picture so they’d last longer). My grandpa used to make fried potatoes, and I miss that. I tried to make some a few weeks ago and while they were pretty damn good, they weren’t this good. I really love potatoes. I love carbs. It’s potatoes like this that make me wonder how people on low to no carb diets don’t end up going complete insane.

at peace and with a belly full of potatoes

2. I also watched Season 5 of Breaking Bad over the weekend and holy hell, Walt, WHAT ON EARTH IS WRONG WITH YOU WALTER? Not nice, that Walter White. I’m so sucked in. I’m so caught up and now? I HAVE TO WAIT UNTIL WHEN FOR A NEW SEASON? Slightly tantrum inducing. I really want to know what happens next.

3. Tomorrow it will be February 1. How on earth did that happen already?

4. “My tailbone hurts.”
My tailbone hurts.”
“How did you hurt yours?”
“Kept falling back on it in gymnastics.”
“Maybe my tailbone hurt is sympathy for your tailbone hurt.”
“But you didn’t know that I hurt.”
“Maybe my tailbone did.”

5. The Jose Gonzalez version of “Heartbeats” has been in and out of my head for a few days.

6. When you spill something on your phone, do you lick it off or are you constantly aware of what a germ infested piece of technology it is? I’m asking for the person (who isn’t me) who got peanut butter on her phone yesterday. (OKAY FINE IT WAS ME)

7. Sooooo, about that weather we’ve been having…. DOUBLE YOU TEE EFF MOTHER NATURE?!

8. For the first year in awhile, I won’t be attending the Blissdom conference. I left early last year, thinking my sis was going to have her baby any second… but this year it is in Dallas and too far to drive, and well, I think I’ve mentioned the job situation. Financially, it doesn’t make sense to go, and really though I’d love to see a whole bunch of you, it’s not gonna be this year. But have fun if you’re going. Feel free to send me your extra swag. Especially if it’s chocolate.

9. Now that Breaking Bad is done, I moved on to Weeds. Just into Season Two and I’m already thinking, Meeeeeeeeh. I’ll probably keep watching (because really, what else am I gonna watch), but… yeah. Meh.

10. Sesame Street on Twitter yesterday? WELL DONE, GROVER. This made my afternoon a little brighter. Anyone else love this book when they were younger?

Thursday Ten: We Could Use a Break edition

1. It’s been a tough week and it could have been tougher. My grandpa was supposed to have a heart catheterization today – and it’s been postponed because of a stomach bug (My mom emailed me, “He has the big D.” Thanks mom.) . My family is actually quite relieved – they were concerned about this procedure. Though heart caths are routine, everyone has been worried about whether Grandpa has the strength for it right now. It’s necessary in order to determine the next steps (surgery or a stent for his carotid artery), so they’ll have to reschedule the procedure — but my mom referred to the postponement as “divine intervention.” I think she and my aunts (as well as my grandpa’s tummy) just weren’t ready for another procedure right now.

2. When I wrote down my list of things to include in my Thursday Ten list, I made a note about being grateful the cath was postponed – but my note and shorthand looks like it just says “grateful heart.” I suppose that works too. In the midst of chaos, my heart is still grateful for what’s good.

3. It’s only recently that I’ve come to appreciate the joy in standing around a kitchen, drinking adult type beverages, cooking or watching people cook. It’s peaceful, the warmth of a kitchen. From someone who has “hated cooking,” it’s funny how much joy it brings me (bigger joy if someone else is doing the cooking). Yesterday at work, in the midst of cold I kept thinking that what the day needed was a warm kitchen, a glass of wine and the preparation of comfort food. {Instead I had a Coke Zero and a granola bar. Totally the same.}

4. I am now ready for season 5 of Breaking Bad. OH. MY. GOSH. I cannot remember the last time I was sucked into a show quite like that – I’m ready to dive into Season Five. I am gonna miss this one when it’s all over.

5. Aside from my Breaking Bad addiction, the girls have taken control of the Netflix. That’s why all the shows recommended for me are cartoons.

6. The Princess had a gym meet on Sunday and somehow forgot a part of her routine. It resulted in a lower score than she’s used to and she was pretty disappointed with her performance. My mom tried to make her feel better by telling her that at least the beam routine was perfect, to which The Princess responded, “Grandma, if it was PERFECT? It’d have been a 10.0. It wasn’t perfect.” I actually love that she recognizes that and that she knows that she doesn’t automatically deserve a 10.0 – that it’s earned with skill and precision and all of that stuff she practices at the gym.

7. The job situation has somehow made me table thinking of photography as a real business – not because I don’t want to, but because I’m terrified about y’know, actual stable income. As in HAVING actual stable income. Much as I’d love to do the work I’m passionate about, I don’t know that I could handle the fear. Some people have entrepreneurial souls. I have a soul that is laced with doubt.

8. This weather has been ridiculously cold. It was -1 degree (not even counting that pesky wind chill) when I woke up the other day. Hey world? THAT IS TOO DAMN COLD.
i never saw blue like that before

9. Kitchen Through The Lens – more projects are coming, I promise. The same winter blah that is bringing the cold yucky weather is also sucking up all the natural light so that by the time I get home from work and cook, I’m not generally satisfied with the photos because ugh, no natural light. I made a greek salad from the list a week or so ago and it was U G L Y, and the bad light? Made it look worse.

10. “I don’t care how badly you want a snow day, you are NOT putting your underpants in the freezer.” Actual thing I said yesterday. I’m told that kids also flush ice cubes down the toilet and wear their jammies backward in order to get a snow day. REALLY? There’s really just no way any child of mine is going to be allowed to freeze her underpants.

Thursday Ten: This Is Only Sort of About Hair edition

I apologize for the formatting but i am too lazy to fix it. I wrote this elsewhere, copied and pasted here and bleh. Ugh. Let’s all pretend I did it on purpose because I super love white space.

1. I am wearing my hair in a braid today. There’s nothing about this “style” (to call it such is a tremendous overstatement) that looks remotely good, it’s just… I didn’t feel like straightening my hair and I was out of frizz-fighting product. If I could have shoved a baseball hat on my head before walking out the door, I’d have done that instead.


2. I didn’t want to straighten my hair because the split ends are winning. My hairstylist left/got fired/fell off the planet and I have an appointment for a trim on Saturday. I’m very very nervous. I’d avoid going at all if I could – oh the power a scissor-wielding stylist has to really mess up your appearance and your self esteem – but… the split ends. There’s so many of them. The dry weather and the heat of a straightening iron don’t help. So, hobo braid. Meh.


3. I really, really miss my daughters. They come home tomorrow.


4. For those curious about how my grandpa is doing… he and my grandmother have moved into an assisted living facility and so far they really seem to like it. I was tremendously relieved to find that my grandpa had accepted so easily the fact that he and my grandma wouldn’t be able to live on their own. This place seems like a good place for them. It’s a relief.


5. Some people choose a “word of the year” – this year I chose two words: SEEK JOY. And let me tell you, I’m not sure that I’m any good at it, but I’m going to try. Why wouldn’t one opt for happiness if given the choice, right?

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6. I don’t make resolutions with the new year, but I am going to make an effort to get back on track with being healthier. I’m getting older and my metabolism isn’t what it used to be and blah blah blah… but also, life stress in 2012 followed by getting happier coupled with a lack of free time all kinda did a number on me. Happy is good, buying bigger pants is not. Do not look for me to cut tacos out of my life. Not gonna happen.


7. With a gift card I received for Christmas, I picked up two new books yesterday.
May We Be Forgiven
The Great Night
What are you reading now? (I haven’t been to book club in MONTHS.)


8. I am completely sucked in to the show “Breaking Bad.” I’ve just about wrapped up season two on Netflix and WHOA. The downside is that I’m so sucked in that I keep watching episode after episode because I want to see what happens next. (Sleep, whut?)


9. I know that winter is cold. I know that it could be much colder. I AM SO TIRED OF BEING COLD.


10. Over the weekend, I saw “Silver Lining Playbook.” Was it as good as I had anticipated? Um…no. But I did like it. And I like Bradley Cooper as a non-Hangover-goofball. And I liked Jennifer Lawrence (this was my first time seeing her in anything). Have you seen any movies over the holidays? (Django is next on my list. Then Les Mis. And then the movie about fracking that I’m going to see because Matt Damon is in it.)

Code Blue

I have yet to really be able to comment on what happened in Connecticut last Friday.

There are a lot of people shouting about gun control and a lot of people shouting about mental health and a lot of people shouting about video games and autism and parental involvement. There are people shouting about Christmas trees and people shouting about shouting and people shouting about who the hell knows what, they just want to hear their own voices, i guess.

I’m sick of the shouting.

I have no answers.

Pumpkin’s teacher sent home a letter that said: “I would also add that this rare and horrible event is why it is important to practice our Code Blue drill.”

When I was in elementary school we had earthquake drills.Those were replaced by tornado drills once I moved to Michigan.

Never once did I have to even begin to comprehend a “someone is in your school with a gun shooting people” drill. And yet that’s the world my kids live in.

My heart is heavy for the lives cut way too short.

My heart is heavy because even in tragedy, people can’t entirely come together. There are always “sides” – and when even the most devastating thing doesn’t truly unite, I wonder what on earth it really takes.

I have no answers.

I have children who mean the world to me. Who I’ve been blessed to love and care for. Who are with me. Who I hug tighter at night these days. And I am grateful.

But I wish I had answers.