We’ll eat you up, we love you so.

“Live your Life. Live your Life. Live your Life.”
– Maurice Sendak

Sometimes my brain surprises me with its capacity to grieve for those I’ve never met. I cried when Lucille Ball died. I joined the rest of the grungy youth mourning Kurt Cobain. The death of Steve Jobs somehow hit me like a ton of bricks. And now, with the news of the death of Maurice Sendak, this inexplicable sadness fills me as this person, this creator of magic and wonder is no longer here.

Children’s literature has always held a place in my heart and I was raised in a home where reading was valued, and reading was special and reading was part of our daily lives. As a child and now, as an adult, I could easily slip away and get lost in the world between the covers of a book. I could let the words paint pictures in my mind and somehow I was transported – to the land of the Wild Things or to Ramona’s Klickitat Street.

Those who know me know well the place in my heart held by “Goodnight Moon” – my favorite children’s book, it was also my mother’s favorite to read to me. And now, even though my children are too old for its simple prose, I still cherish that great green room and its telephone and the cow jumping over the moon.

Max held a place in my heart, close to that of the quiet old woman whispering hush.

I remember having this story read to me, I remember reading it to myself, and I read it to both of my girls, though neither seemed to love it quite like I did.

Sad and complicated Max escaping to a world where he could be king.

And he felt sad and complicated to me – not so much naughty. Just a frustrated boy. Frustrated kid. Creating a world when he couldn’t control his own.

And I loved it.

I love it still.

And from a house of reading to my own house of reading, my daughters both have my strong love for books and our shelves overflow with books – all of these pages full of new adventures and characters and illustrations. But it seems so many of these stories don’t hold the same magic as the ones from when I was young – and maybe that’s just my age talking or maybe it’s true. There are so many people out there creating, and the creating? That’s good. But it’s hard to sort through all the garbage to find the true gems. The classics. The ones that become a part of your heart and your history and weave their way into your very being so that when you are older, you remember with a wave of nostalgia how much those words meant to you and you nearly ache to share those words with the next generation.

I have no idea what books those will be. What books my daughters will share.

But, to me, I still hold Max close in my heart.

And Max the king of all wild things was lonely and wanted to be where someone loved him best of all.

RIP Maurice Sendak. Thank you for your words, your creativity, your passion. Thank you for leaving your mark on my childhood and on my heart with your stories. I’ll keep on sharing them, I will, so that one day maybe my grandchildren will love Max and the Wild Things as I did.

Thursday Ten: May, Huh? edition

1. I am endlessly amazed by how quickly time zips by and how blurry each day seems to get and how I am already seeing notes in the kids’ backpacks about the last day of school and that’s how close it is – that it’s NEXT MONTH already and whoa, May, where did you come from?

2. Tomorrow is the dog’s birthday. He’ll be two. I remember when we met him – there were two puppies to choose from. We moved some distance away from the puppies and waited to see who would come to us. This is the little guy who chose us. He chews up stuff that should not be chewed, but dang if I don’t actually love having a dog. House actually feels safer with him in it (mainly because he hasn’t been trained not to bark at everything that goes by). Nice to know that no one will ever sneak up on us in this house. 06/29/10

3. So The Princess will be making a puppy birthday cake tomorrow. I have no idea what’s in a puppy birthday cake, but I envision a messy kitchen.

4. In an impulse grocery store purchase last night, I got these granola bars. Simply Eight. Supposed to just have only eight ingredients, so theoretically not all the garbage and chemicals and yuck. I was thinking, “FANTASTIC! I could use a little less yuck!” Well, FYI. The yuck is what holds a granola bar together. If you want a pile of crumbs, you should try these.

5. I would be remiss if I didn’t mention that OH MY GOD CHRIS MANN MADE IT TO THE FINALS ON THE VOICE. I’ll stop yelling now. Seriously, so excited for him. The guy is so phenomenally talented and I’m excited to see what is in store for him career-wise. I’ll definitely be watching next week and cheering him on. As should you, because REALLY? He’s so good.

6. Two weeks from tomorrow I get on a plane (ACK) to go to Boston to spend the weekend walking 39.3 miles to fight breast cancer. I’m still a ways away from my goal, so please, if you have been thinking of supporting the cause and supporting me in this walk, go ahead and CLICK to donate to the Avon Walk. It’s an amazing cause, it’s an amazing experience. I cannot believe how quickly it’s approaching.

7. I scheduled an appointment for a hair cut tomorrow afternoon, thinking it was time for a change. Now? Can’t think of what to do with my hair. So, you know… I plan to leave the salon looking pretty much the same as when I walked in. I like having long hair – as much as I am tempted to chop it off, I don’t think I’m going to. Unless you can convince me by showing me pictures of great hair. Not too short. My hair is curly. I don’t want to puff up like a mushroom cloud or something.)

8. Do you know those days when you have a ton of things to do and then you eat too much yummy food at lunch and suddenly you’re in a food coma and you can’t figure out what to do next? Not me. I never have those days. Never. Not ever. Not even right now. Not a little bit.

9. I still haven’t started reading the book club choice of the month – though I showed it to the Princess and as I had anticipated, she seemed very interested in reading it. I think I may force myself to read this – that’s part of the point of book club – but, I accept that this isn’t really my cup of tea. I’m SO BAD AT BOOK CLUB.

10. I have gone through this list three times to make sure I counted right. One of these days, I will realize my fear of posting a nine-itemed Thursday Ten list.

Thursday Ten: Bloggedy Blogging Daughter edition

1. The Princess has started a blog. She asked, it was her idea – a friend of hers has one. This morning she published her first post. While I won’t be sharing the link here, I have to say I am so proud of my kiddo, and really do look forward to seeing where this takes her (Maybe she can start reviewing cool stuff too and give me her leftover swag – wouldn’t that be nice?). I’m a big believer in writing, though, and that the more you write, the better you get. Even if only family ever reads her blog, that’s cool – I love that she now has another outlet for expressing herself.

2. It’s staff appreciation week in my office. As you can imagine, after working from home for so many years – and before that for the same company (one that didn’t even have a holiday party), it’s kind of amazing to see the cool things they do to show us they care. A cookies and milk break the other afternoon, and yesterday a pretty nice luncheon (a great meal, fun dessert, and even a bar). I love that they do these things here – not only because it’s awesome to feel your work matters but because it really is fun.
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3. Pumpkin started talking about flowers dying the other day and it triggered my memory. “The flowers you gave me are just about to die…” I’ve had that old Tiffany song stuck in my head for a few days now. I have no qualms in admitting that yeah, it made me go to iTunes and download some of Tiffany’s greatest hits (NOT entirely sure how they managed to fill a whole album, but man, I hear those songs and I’m a kid again! I was probably about The Princess’s age when those songs came out!).

4. I have been dealing with the sinus infection from hell over the past week. As I type this, I’m coughing so hard that I think I’m going to develop six-pack abs from all the ab clenching. It’s been a pretty miserable go of it – I am feeling better than I was, but still not great enough that I risk spreading my germs to my lovely niece or to my friends new daughter – so I have not seen any of the babies in awhile. That’s no fun. When I saw my doc last week she said, “You have some bad luck with those sinuses, Sarah,” but when I asked her if she would surgically remove them she said no. (Do they even do that? It sounds awful, doesn’t it?)

5. Despite being sick, I went to shoot a family portrait session on Sunday and it was precisely what I needed at the time. It’s funny how I can feel like such garbage and then I pick up the Canon and… it helps. It was a fun shoot, with fun kids. I even managed to incorporate a John Deere tractor.

6. On the book front, being absolutely sick with cooties means that I missed Monday night’s book club meeting, which means that I didn’t vote in this month’s selection. To say I’m underwhelmed would be an understatement, but it is what it is and part of the thing that is supposed to be great about book club is to read things you wouldn’t otherwise, right? And I’m saying that no, I probably wouldn’t otherwise even look twice at The Aviary, this month’s book. I just ordered it, and as it’s a Young Adult book, I figure worst case scenario, The Princess may enjoy it when I’m done. Actually it seems like the exact kind of book MY NINE YEAR OLD WOULD ENJOY.

7. HOWEVER, if you want to read something funny, I urge you to pick up Let’s Pretend This Never Happened: (A Mostly True Memoir) which is (as you probably know) written by Jenny Lawson, aka The Bloggess. From her latest post, it’s currently #1 on the NYT Best Sellers List for nonfiction, so I’m sure you are all reading it already anyway. But if you’re not? It’s funny so do it.

8. Less than a month until Boston and the Avon Walk. I’m getting excited. It’s a lot of work, and I’m starting to get a little bit antsy about getting on a plane, but, yeah. Excited.

9. Playoff season was far too short for the RedWings this year. HUGE bummer.

10. I’m loving this cover of Radiohead’s “Creep” that I saw posted a few days ago. I’ve always loved this song, but this version is beautiful and adds an element of haunting prettiness (listen, you’ll see what I mean) to the original lyrics.

The Awesome Book is Awesome.

I may just be a little bit in love with Dallas Clayton right now. Can I say that? Because even though I had no idea who he was before I received this book, I really kind of loved this book. Hard. And not only did I love this book, but my daughters did as well. If you can please all three of us picky-cranky-curmudgeonly reviewers, well, then you’ve got yourself a winner.

I guess I am the ideal target for books like this. Not only do I love children’s books, I love children’s books that encourage our children to dream, reach, achieve and to let them think all of the magical things in the world could be so.

There are places in the world where people do not dream of rocket-powered unicorns…

And so begins “An Awesome Book!” with it’s vivid and engaging illustrations and the far-reaching, creative and outrageously and gloriously imaginative prose.

One afternoon, I arrived home and this book was there. The Princess and I opened the front cover and immediately began reading it aloud and in unison as our eyes slowly took in the bursts of color on each page and we recited the lines, these fantastical lines (“of magic watermelon boats and musical babboons…”). We’d smile at these thoughts, these silly thoughts.

You see, the thing is, I’m a creative person. Being creative is both a wonderful and terrifying thing – and when I read these words, these words about dreaming big and how your dreams can change the way things are and the way that things are not – on a parental level and on just a “human being in the world” level, I think it hits in the same place. I want my kids to be dreamers, to reach beyond what they can see and to strive for that which may seem impossible.

But then.

I should too.

This is why children’s literature never stops being exciting for me – because the same basic lessons I hope my children absorb from it, those lessons are sinking in my own noggin as well.

This morning, I pulled the book out and set it on the counter so I would remember to write this review today. Pumpkin woke up and with an arm full of stuffed animals, silently turned through the pages reading the words to herself. I watched her – how her lips curled up in a smile at the delightful illustrations and silly copy – I watched my girl reading (silently! Finally, silent reading!) and enjoying herself, unprompted. Reading as in, “Here is a book that looks good to me, I think I’ll open it up to see what’s inside.”

I. Love. That.

On the back of this book, Dallas Clayton listed the appropriate reader age as 0-1000. I’m not gonna disagree. This may be a children’s book but it’s found a new home on my bookshelf.

So, if you like books that make you happy, that are encouraging and that work whether your a toddler in diapers or a great-grandparent in diapers… you should definitely check this one out.


I wasn’t paid to write this review but did receive  a copy of this book in the mail, outta-the-blue, free. I loved it and felt compelled to share.

Thursday Ten: There’s No Witty Subject Line edition

1. First and foremost, congrats to my dear sweet friend who gave birth to a beautiful baby girl yesterday. I’m guessing that she won’t see this post until the middle of the night while she’s awake with a baby… maybe days or weeks down the road… but, WHOOHOO! Congratulations and much love to your family.

2. I’m not always the biggest fan of Grand Rapids so I try to embrace the things about it that I love. This week, not only did I have a spectacular cappuccino (I may never look at Starbucks the same again), I found a great shop that makes these awesome desserts in house in their cute store. Had a taste of an amazing chili sea salt brownie the other day – frankly, that worried me slightly but it was SO GOOD (can you really go wrong with chocolate and sea salt?).
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3. Was thrilled and over the moon excited to see Chris Mann advance to the next round on The Voice. While I admittedly LOATHE Coldplay’s “Viva La Vida” (as you know), Chris’s version was better than Coldplay’s (much as I adore him, though, I really really hope he doesn’t revisit the Coldplay catalog in the next round). Rooting for you, Chris!

4. What am I reading now? Well, I just started John Green’s The Fault in Our Stars. I’m not far enough into it to give a decent review, but so far, I’m interested in reading what happens next, and I’ll probably be able to tell you more about it next Thursday.

5. Massive winds whipped through Michigan earlier in the week – sent the kids’ trampoline flying across the backyard and into our fence. I don’t know if it’s gonna be salvageable, but man, The Princess is heartbroken at the thought of that trampoline being out of commission.

6. I have decided I need a new project! Why? It’s not as though I need more ways to spend time – god knows, my time is at a premium as is. I just need to find things that are fun and challenge my desire to utilize my creative brain in different ways. I’m not sure if it’s a photography project, or a baking project, or hey, maybe I need to tackle some new challenges to get myself back into the swing of writing again… I’m not sure. Ideas?

7. Sometimes I think that I should decorate with white Christmas lights all year also. While I guess the look could say, “I’m too lazy to take my lights down”, to me, it’s kinda joyous and whimsical and pretty.
A sprinkle of lights

8. I am so way overdue for having my eyebrows waxed. If you’ve seen me lately and wondered about the caterpillar on my head… I’m sorry. I really need to get better at making time for the important things.

9. It’s funny, I went over ten years without having a hamburger and right now (perhaps because I am chew-my-arm-off starving!) I am craving one. I did not plan for lunch very well today and have spent far more time than I care to admit thinking of food. Frankly, this post has been excessively about food… Sorry. Guess sometimes I just write what I know.

10. A month from today I’ll be wrapping up day 1 of the Avon Walk for Breast Cancer – 26.2 miles. It’s a lot and I’m so very excited because even though it’s hard work, it’s a great deal of fun for such a good cause. Time’s flying! I’ve never seen Boston before, and I haven’t seen my walking team in awhile. So much looking forward to it.

Thursday Ten: Free Time WHUT edition

1. Time is flying and I feel like every moment is accounted for. That’s a bit of a twitchy feeling. Granted, I’ve always been one to fill time – I hate being still – but man, would I love for things to slow down just a little bit.

2. Thanks for your help last week – between people who read my post and my coworkers, over $300 was raised on Friday to fight breast cancer. Using random.org, I selected a winner to receive a special gift from me. I’ve already notified Erica and I look forward to sending her something. If you still feel like you’d like to donate, you may do so right –> HERE <–

3. Was thrilled to see Chris Mann make it through the first round of live performances on The Voice. He’s wickedly talented and tremendously nice and every time he makes it through another round, it really does give me a bit of a feeling of genuine joy – because he deserves the attention he’s getting right now. Hope this is the boost he needs to go on to do fantastic things. (Crystal Bowersox doesn’t look amused, does she? Sorry, Crystal. Also, where is my mascara in this picture? See how I say that? Like I would otherwise look better in this picture!)

4.  Just downloaded… Alabama Shakes’ album “Boys and Girls”. What are you listening to?

5. I haven’t gone through all my pictures from a mini-vacay to Chicago last weekend (see above and that whole not enough time thing). But I kind of love this picture that The Princess caught of me jumping on the hotel bed.
sometimes i get ridiculous

6. My car had to go into the shop for a day yesterday and I ended up riding in to work with my mom. I was reminded how much a quiet commute is a good thing. I love my music and a cup of coffee on my drive in to work. Massive amounts of conversation? Meh, maybe later.

7. So, Tigers baseball opens today. Some people are happy about this, right? (Not me. I’m neutral. Baseball…meh.)

8. Sooooo… two pictures of myself in one Thursday Ten post? That’s a bit much. Sorry.

9. Finally sat down with the fam to watch “We Bought A Zoo” last weekend and you know what? I loved it. The kids haven’t mentioned it at all since – but I want to buy it now that it came out on DVD. And not just because of Matt Damon, either. It was REALLY a good movie.

10. Realized that in the midst of fundraising and gearing up for that aspect of the Avon Walk, I have completely neglected training to walk 40 miles! Uh…whoops? I guess I better get on that or those long days of walking are going to be a little interesting!

Thursday Ten: Spring Fever edition

1. The kids in west Michigan are gearing up for spring break – but where’s MY spring break?! I really think there should be mandatory spring breaks for parents too. I mean, I guess you’d have to stagger it a bit – the whole world can’t stop working at once, but yeah. Spring break for EVERYONE!

2. I’ve mentioned Chris Mann once or twice around this here blog. Well, The Voice is getting ready to start its LIVE ROUNDS next Monday – that means Chris will be performing again (WHOOHOO!) and that we’ll get the opportunity to vote to keep him around. Watch him, love him, vote for him. Seriously, the guy is GOOD.

3. We’re having a fundraiser in my office tomorrow to raise funds for the Avon walk and other breast cancer charities, and I think I may do some cool things here as well. Stop by tomorrow. Really.

4. Apparently my bundt pan is too small. I saw an amazing recipe for a glazed lemon pound cake in Real Simple magazine. After about 20 minutes of cooking, I smelled something burning. When I peered in my oven I found all the batter had overflowed onto the bottom of my oven, burning up a big stink. Oy. Enough of it survived though even though it wasn’t a very pretty cake. I’ll buy a bigger bundt pan because I am DEFINITELY making it again. DELISH.
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5. I wish I had cake. That cake went to my sister and brother-in-law along with some homemade ropa vieja, as the last dinner to be delivered to them post-baby. I had arranged for people to bring them dinners. Due to egos and people just being bananas, it went horribly afoul. Except my ropa vieja. That was good. And we’ve already established the delish-ness of the cake. (And my friend who gave them gift cards – that worked well too. But the mean people? That didn’t work).

6. As the weather warms up I start trying to eat in a more healthful way – most of the time it goes really well. Other times I start blogging about cake and end up diving face first into a bag of Everything-flavored Pretzel Crisps.

7. My March Madness brackets? A big ol mess. BOO to you Vanderbilt. And Duke. And the other team that I forgot about. Pfft. This is my worst showing in years.

8. Completely caved in to a fashion whim and bought brightly colored jeans for spring. I’m not often “on trend” – mostly because I just don’t care – but have found myself so drawn to these bright pants. Cute pinkishy-purpley skinny jeans from the Gap. Now where am I gonna wear ’em?

9. TicTacs as a food group – yes or no?

10. Right now, I’m reading The Paris Wife for book club. Wow, another great book club selection. It’s fiction, but based on Ernest Hemingway and his wife. Definitely enjoying it. What are you reading these days?

I’m not a bitch, I’m just an introvert

Dig if you will a picture…

We’re at a dinner party. It’s cocktail hour, everyone is dressed to the nines, people are getting drinks, mingling. The room is packed and every where you look it’s a seemingly endless sea of faces. The room hums with the chatter of several simultaneous conversations. There are familiar faces, but a lot of faces I don’t know as well. You? You dive right in. You look for friends, you look for new faces. You jump into a conversation, hand extended to greet someone with a firm handshake and a “Hi, my name is…”

Me? At this point? I’m OVERWHELMED.

And I love people and I love being social but time and time again, I find that events like this leave me wanting to find the nearest wall to hold up, to let people come say hello to ME, and sometimes I leave wondering if maybe I couldn’t have tried to be more social.

I’m an introvert.

Not like that was any surprise to me. I mean, I’ve known that, but recently I picked up Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can’t Stop Talking, a book by Susan Cain that not only explores what introversion is but explains lots of other stuff – that made me feel like Ohhhh, THAT explains why I react like X when Y happens.

Being an introvert doesn’t mean that I’m an antisocial hermit – quite the contrary – I really enjoy when I’m able to go out with friends and connect and talk and socialize. Yeah, I will enjoy myself more if I’m sitting down with one or two peeps and digging in depth and connecting and talking about life than having surface conversations with dozens of people at an event. Does that mean I avoid events? No. But I’m not a social butterfly. I’m probably kind of sort of a little overwhelmed. I probably will leave feeling like I should have talked to more people.

But that’s okay.

Being an introvert also (obviously) explains why working at home was such a fantastic fit for me. I remember when I started working from home six plus years ago, my boss being concerned – some people need to be in an office, they need to have people near by to bounce ideas off of, they need that water cooler talk. Well, to some degree, I do as well… but… I work pretty well without it. In fact, getting to work in my own little world is how I thrive – and I’ve had to adjust to being back in an office again.

“Quiet” addresses finding restorative niches – basically ways to catch your breath during your day. For people who need to shut the world out sometimes, offices can be overwhelming. I love the people in my department, but I find that making sure I get outside for a walk  by myself during my lunch hour kind of restores a bit of centeredness (shut up, it is SO a word) I need to get through my day.

Being an introvert or an extrovert – neither is a disease or something that needs to be fixed – they’re just traits, part of who you are. And if you, like me, pick up that book it’s not because you don’t know whether you’re an introvert or an extrovert and you want to find out — it’s probably because you already know. And I really figured “what can this book tell me about myself that I don’t already know?” but I was kind of pleasantly surprised with it.


Thursday Ten: Sleeveless in March edition

1. This afternoon at the end of the work day, I peeled off my cardigan, threw my hair up in a ponytail and rolled the windows all the way down before driving home. This record breaking March heatwave is insane. So grateful for cooler weather rolling in. Somewhere between snow and oven-roasting is the temperature I like best. I’d like to have a little spring first.

2. I was thrilled and honored to have been able to photograph my newborn niece last week. Truly a labor of love and I find it so much easier to photograph people I care about. I frequently second guess myself and always feel I could have done better. This shoot? I’m pretty pleased with how it went.
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3. Just finished reading the first of two book club books last night. Defending Jacob: A Novel is probably one of the better books I’ve read in a long time – quite a few plot twists I completely didn’t see coming (and frankly, usually you can see ’em coming). Well written, riveting. A++. If you like mysteries or legal thrillers, give it a whirl.

4. I’ve taken to drinking a lot of water in the office – gotta stay hydrated and frankly it keeps me from being hungry all day (okay, it doesn’t really. I’m still always hungry, but it at least distracts me from eating). When I fill my water cup, I’m reminded of a story my high school Spanish teacher used to tell, which revolved around the saying “Agua va!” I guess I think of it when I’m getting water, because y’know, water = agua… But the saying actually had to do with dumping chamber pots full of pee out the window. If I’m remembering it right. Wouldn’t it be funny if my brain was just making that up? But yeah, I’m sure it’s about falling pee. Cheers.

5. Booked my flights to Boston and I’m definitely gearing up for the Avon Walk for Breast Cancer. I suppose right about now I should be doing longer training walks. Oy. I haven’t yet. The past three years, the longest training walk I’ve done is 8 miles. And you’re right, walking eight doesn’t prepare you to walk nearly 40.

6. But I have been able to go outside and enjoy cardio outside again. I may not be walking 40 miles, but it really is nice to work out in fresh air as opposed to clunking around on the treadmill.

7. The Princess got her report card this week – straight As. Just completely wonderful to see her teacher’s nice comments and seeing how hard the kiddo has worked for her grades. She is just really an amazing kid – and I like that she’s a good student.

8. I got Crystal Light Margarita flavored drink mix. It’s just like a margarita! Without the ice! Or the salt! Or the zillion calories! Or the tequila! Actually, it’s not awful – but I guess there’s still a part of me that if I’m drinking something that tastes like a margarita, well, I’d actually like for it to be a margarita.

9. I’m really very hungry right now.

10. To make life a little easier for my sister and her hubby while adjusting to life with a new baby, I’ll be bringing them dinner tomorrow. I’m telling you about it now because I’m very hungry. I plan on making a lot so there’s enough for us and them – but I sure do love ropa vieja so that’s what I’m making. I’ll throw everything in the slow cooker in the morning and prep some rice before I deliver it at dinner time. That sounds really really good. Okay. I should go eat now.

Plant a Kiss – A little bit of love in a storybook.

It goes like this.
Little Miss planted a kiss.
Planted a kiss?
Planted a kiss.

And so begins “Plant A Kiss”,  the latest children’s story book written by Amy Krouse Rosenthal (@missamykr on Twitter – and author of some of my favorite kids’ books – as well as the beckoner of lovely) and illustrated by Peter Reynolds (You may recognize his style from the Judy Moody series.

Little Miss plants a kiss and she nurtures and cares for that kiss and patiently waits for it to grow.

Like all of Miss Amy’s stories (that’s what we call her in my house – we kind of really love her – a love that was cemented even further when she called The Princess and read a story to her on her birthday a few years ago), this book has much to do with love and kindness and giving – and the simplicity, along with the whimsy of the illustrations, brings such joy to my heart.

It’s a very very sweet story, and one that I’ll love long after my children decide they’re “too old” for it.


I received this book free for review but this post is 100% from the heart and I was not compensated for writing it. I do like my opinions and I’ll give them for free. Especially when books are involved.