Archives for 2013

Day 6: 50 Things I don’t really love so much

On the flip side of yesterday… here’s 50 things that… I don’t dig so much.


when the chocolate chip cookie turns out to be raisin instead
when Reynaud’s makes my fingers hurt
getting out of a warm shower into a cold bathroom
vanity plates that don’t make sense
holes in my socks

the smell of cigarette smoke
when my pants don’t fit
my lens that front focuses when it’s not supposed to
wendy’s french fries
needing home repairs

burned toast
when people clink glasses with silverware at weddings
writing something i’m proud of and getting no feedback
double spaces after a sentence
bird poo on my car

obviously scripted “reality” show dialogue
when the kids don’t replace the empty roll of toilet paper with a new roll
emptying the dishwasher
not getting the job
whole tomatoes

people who drive slowly in the passing lane
having my eyes dilated
cheap dental floss
Flo from Progressive

school events scheduled for the middle of the day when i can’t attend
split ends
when my nail polish chips less than a day after i do my nails
cake from mixes

not being able to find my stuff
office coffee
having to pull a sequin out from between a kid’s teeth (don’t ask)
not arriving on time
granite countertops

when michigan loses
when there’s not enough hot water
forgetting someone’s birthday
public speaking

airplane turbulence
farting dogs
folding clothes
wall paper borders

not having health insurance
soggy bagged salad
playing tooth fairy
overdue library books
red meat

Day 5: 50 Things That Make Me Happy on Things I Love Tuesday

In honor of TIL Tuesday which has been kinda MIA for awhile… in no particular order (and man, I hope I counted correctly), 50 things that make me happy.

blue nail polish
garlic bread
hot water and lemon when i don’t feel well
HGTV magazine
ballet flats

the color green
funky typography
a relaxing pedicure
cappuccino art

the smell of rosemary
thanksgiving dinner
grosgrain ribbon
candlelit baths
butcherblock counters

getting all the green lights
a good hair day
a good self esteem day
the sun on my face
hockey games

avon walk for breast cancer
starbucks red cups
white twinkly lights
taking a beautiful photograph
candles that don’t stink

chocolate covered pretzels
blanket forts
the salt on the rim of a margarita glass
pretty umbrellas
sleeping in

crayola window markers
lunch box notes
comfort food
dancing in my kitchen

random acts of kindness
crunchy cheetos
bubble wrap
notes from my kids

sunny and 70 degree days
texts dictated by siri
getting mail that isn’t a bill
wandering through a bookstore

cozy little coffee shops
ordering room service
vacuum lines
flowers in a mason jar

Day 4: Top 5s

Top 5 Favorite Words

  1. flibbertigibbet
  2. serendipity
  3. y’all
  4. aperture
  5. viognier (this isn’t really in my top five. I don’t know that I really have favorite words…but doesn’t a glass of wine sound good? See. You get my point.)

Top 5 Favorite Avon Walk Memories

  1. Meeting Debbie & Barbara for the first time
  2. Walking across the Golden Gate Bridge – SO SCARY!
  3. Debbie in a shopping cart in Boston
  4. Crossing the finish line, every time
  5. Dancing while walking, San Francisco walk

Top 5 Favorite Places

  1. San Francisco/Bay Area
  2. Chicago
  3. New York City
  4. with the people I love
  5. curled up on the couch

Top 5 Dream Vacations

  1. Spain (I’m drawn to the sunflowers in Andalucia – and have the bulk of a board on Pinterest devoted to ’em)
  2. Australia
  3. NYC (I know. I’ve been there, but I love it and I wanna go back)
  4. Austin, Texas (maybe during SXSW? Just how weird is Austin, anyway?
  5. Amalfi Coast, Italy

Top 5 Favorite Flowers

  1. Sunflowers
  2. Yellow roses
  3. Dendrobium orchid
  4. Gerbera daisy
  5. Tulips

Top 5 Favorite Amusement Park Rides

  1. Millenium Force (Cedar Point)
  2. Raptor (Cedar Point)
  3. The Grizzly (Great America, Santa Clara – bumpy as hell but the first roller coaster I ever rode)
  4. Rides that spin and make you feel like you’re gonna puke

Top 5 Favorite Smells

  1. Bread baking
  2. Lemon
  3. Cilantro
  4. Cookies baking (oh, I detect a theme)
  5. Chris

Top 5 Favorite Things I’ve Photographed

  1. Though drenched in sadness, the picture of my grandma at my grandpa’s side in his last days is one I’m grateful I have
  2. An amazing sunrise on my drive to work
  3. Graffiti in Chicago during Avon Walk
  4. Photographs of my children
  5. The birth of my niece – no, not THAT part

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Top 5 Favorite Little Things I’ve Done For Others that Made Me Feel SuperGREAT

  1. Buying coffee for the person behind me in the drive thru line at Starbucks
  2. Lunch box notes
  3. Sending cookies in the mail
  4. Making dinner for family home with a new baby
  5. (Speaking of babies…) I always buy infant gas drops for baby shower gifts. People always thank me later. I’m pretty proud of that.

Top 5 Guilty Pleasures

  1. Cheeeeeeeesecake
  2. Buying magazines
  3. Buying books
  4. Watching hours of HGTV (though I really feel very little guilt about that)
  5. Pop music

Top 5 Favorite Ways to Shake a Bad Mood

  1. Pretending I’m in a musical and singing everything I say
  2. Exercise
  3. Losing myself in a good book
  4. Super hot bubble bath
  5. Margaritas

Top 5 Slow Jams*
(Or rather, the first 5 to pop into my head)

  1. Anytime – Brian McKnight
  2. Freak Me – Silk
  3. If I Ever Fall In Love – Shai
  4. That’s the Way Love Goes – Janet Jackson
  5. Alone With You – Ne-Yo


Day 3: Sometimes I forget the internet has opinions

“Life is composed of light and shadows, and we would be untruthful, insincere, and saccharine if we tried to pretend there were no shadows.”
– Walt Disney

Last night after I posted, I tweeted the link to my post on Twitter and someone (helloooo to you if you’re reading) tweeted back and said it sounded like “incipient depression.”

I was offended for about two seconds.

And then I remembered, “Oh yeah, Sarah, this is the internet.”

I know that if I write something and I put it out there, y’all are going to have opinions about some of it. In this sense, I’m lucky that I’m not a blogger who has some massive readership. I’ll take a handful of people rolling their eyes disapprovingly at me through their screens versus hundreds, or thousands. When I hit “Publish” I know that I’m opening myself up to that.


There are shadows sometimes. And as our buddy Walt apparently said (according to a pin I saw on Pinterest this morning), pretending otherwise is not sincere.

There are peaks and valleys, shadows and light, hormonal times and less hormonal times. I take each day as it comes – and yes, some are better than others. Today was a little better than yesterday, but still with time change induced meltdowns and some exhaustion and an argument about brushing hair and being told that I am not in charge of everything, the President is in charge of everything (I wonder if I can get Barack Obama to tweet to me that he believes my kid should brush her hair and go to bed on time).

“Emotion is messy, contradictory…and true.”
– Nigella Lawson
(amazingly, as I was writing this post I saw a photograph Lotus had posted on Flickr with this quote as its caption. How appropriately fitting to this topic.)

I’m going to keep on being who I am and I’ll keep on writing about my days, and some days will be better than others, but I’ll be authentic because that matters. Will I love when the internet remarks about my state of mind? Well, probably not. But, you know… it happens. Well, it happened. Once. Let’s not make this a regular thing, y’all.

Being a single parent is hard. Job hunting is hard. Parenthood in general is hard. Life is hard. Not just for me, but for most people. And not all the time and not in all the ways but enough. No one wakes up and says, “Wheee. Job hunting is really fun and it’s great for my self worth and I really enjoy people not seeing the value in the work I do and the skills I bring to the proverbial table.” Most of us, when job hunting, hope to quickly pass through the hunting phase to the happily and gainfully employed phase. And when we don’t, it gets tiring. It wears you down.

That’s…to be expected, y’all.

I do my best to not dwell in negativity in life – because I do truly believe that it’s not good for me.

But sometimes you’ve gotta.

Sometimes it’s good to be upset.

(I’ve never thrown a hammer through a window.

But I’ve wanted to.)

Saying I was offended for two seconds and then writing 500 words about it seems contradictory but it’s actually true. Internet, I ain’t mad atcha. I’m just living life.

Day 2: Even in Australia

Alexander and the Terrible Horrible no good very bad what

Pumpkin woke me up at 7:30 on the first day in a week when I didn’t have to wake up early, on a morning after I stayed up far too late the night before archiving photographs because the warning messages were starting about “Hey girl hey, you have too much stuff on your computer so I’m going to just slow things down for you. Liiiiiiiiiike thiiiiiiiiiiisssss….”

I don’t know where the morning started going off the rails. Pumpkin had prepared my breakfast and left me a sweet note. The breakfast was cold and frankly I wasn’t really hungry – but I ate it anyway.

I started tinkering around the house, chipping away at my to-do list. I found a towel, drenched with bathwater, resting on the carpet in the hallway. Heavy with water and starting to smell of mold. Frustration rose. Who did this? Why? Trudged downstairs slamming a pile of wet towel and wet clothes with me.

Tried to put clothes away, tripped over toys.

Tried to let the water drain out of a two days old bath, the drain refused to cooperate.

A series of little things made me think of all the big things – all of it pointing like big neon arrows to: None of this would be so bad if you had a real job.*

And it’s true, you know, money can’t really buy happiness but it does quiet some of the nagging voices that tell you that you can’t really call a plumber to deal with the tub. And that it’ll be okay if the garbage disposal never really starts working right, you’ll just take out your trash more often. It lets you buy Christmas gifts without having a detailed grand master plan and it allows you to sometimes decide not to try to figure out what to make for dinner and lets you spontaneously tell your kids, “Hey! Let’s go out!”

But it’s not even just that.

A messy house that the kids don’t want to help clean. A dog that has somehow acquired thirty tug of war ropes, all of which have been chewed to shreds, leaving little rope pieces all over your living room. Not being able to fold clothes because the dog steals the socks.

A hormonal and Halloween-induced feeling of fluffiness and no energy to do anything but a jaunt on the treadmill that leaves your hip aching because your gait is dumb and your foot rolls out and it’s making everything hurt.

A kid who says she’s hungry but refuses everything you’ve suggested until you finally make a piece of buttered toast sprinkled with cinnamon sugar, thrust the plate in her direction and say, “JUST EAT THE TOAST!”

Michigan and Michigan State played and I always want Michigan to win if only to quiet the “ha ha sucka you lost” taunts from State fans. Michigan lost.

Preparing a dinner that The Princess refused to eat because, “I was just tolerating grilled chicken before. I don’t really like it.” (I mean, WHAT IS THAT? Tolerating chicken? Can you just give me a break now?)

All of those little things and more. This heaviness. This feeling. This being so tired and exhausted and just wanting the tide to turn and for everything to start going my way.

So Chris, He Who Makes Me So Happy, met me on his way to work to bring me his dog  as an excuse to stop and hug me in the middle of my day. As another reminder – my children are two more – that not everything is bad. That there’s a lot of good stuff. That I am loved. As I type this, his dog is licking his foot clean and the girls are laughing at this display, the weird grooming practice of this dog. This dog who hovers close, assumes the role of little spoon as soon as I lay on the couch.

I am grateful now that the day is almost over. I feel like I’ve been tumbled in the clothes dryer. Beat up, worn down and just exhausted. I am hopeful that tomorrow will be better. It should be.

I wonder sometimes if perhaps it is a mistake lately to post so much of this negativity. Meh. Maybe? Maybe not? I would hate to give the sense that all day every day that I am sad or ungrateful for what is beautiful in my world and focusing only on the negative. I could gloss the picture, surely, and let everyone believe that life was perfect but just as those people who post on Facebook (Fakebook?) all the time about how wonderful everything is, you wouldn’t really believe me if I said that, would you? I’d laugh in my face and call me a liar.

Fact is, some days just…are rough. And sometimes life is rough. And sometimes you have to give in to that. Sometimes you have to cry and curse the bathtubs that don’t drain, the jobs you don’t get, the abundance of leftover chicken, and the football team that beat yours. It’s just… life.


* I feel like I should state for the record: Sometimes I worry that people I work with will read this blog and get all defensive or angry the way I talk about job hunting or “real jobs” but I also figure that every one knows that it wasn’t my choice to transition to part-time. And most people realize that a single mom can’t really get by working 24 hours a week. If they don’t like that this change in circumstances is causing me stress than they are welcome to stop reading. I mean no disrespect: it is what it is. This is a situation I didn’t choose and I am working towards solutions that work for my family.


Day 1: National Blah blah blah Month

I went back and forth about whether or not to take part in National Blog Post Writing Month (what’s it called again? That thing that bloggers do when they’re too chicken to commit to trying to write a novel? YEAAAAH. That thing), whether I wanted to write every day, whether I wanted the fuss, whether I wanted to be real or put myself out there. Again.

I remember how difficult it was to write for 30 days (31?) last year – especially because not even halfway through November, my grandpa suffered a stroke. He never returned home. It’s silly, perhaps, when we had all those months yet after that stroke that I am associating November with it all, why this month and the writing feels like revisiting an accident scene, but it does feel that way. A little.

{I miss my grandpa. A lot.}

I have no idea what’s in store for this month and I can’t believe it’s November already. More job hunting I’m sure, as it becomes more and more obvious that living on a part time income (even with the unemployment kick in) is not really an option — oh, and unemployment won’t last forever. A few portrait sessions at the end of October have made Christmas shopping possible, so you may see that – that I’m gonna try to get that done before anything else comes up. And at some point this month, I have to tackle researching health insurance – so you can maybe tag along for the ride as I venture on my adventure {let’s not get political, okay? I spend a lot of time being afraid of getting sick or getting into an accident and going bankrupt because of it — so it will be peace of mind to have insurance, even if it’s just catastrophic coverage}.

I dunno. Here we go, huh?

Thursday Ten: Hand Over Your Reese’s and No One Gets Hurt edition

1. I don’t love Halloween. I do love Halloween candy. I feel vaguely hypocritical that I want nothing to do with the trick or treating part of things, but I basically want all of the chocolate things when my kids get home. It actually works well that their dad likes Halloween – definitely will never be a holiday that we struggle over.

2. I may just go out and buy some candy so that I can make a leftover Halloween candy cake. I made one for the office last year and because I have a deadline tomorrow, I’ve funked my schedule up a bit this week so I’ll be heading in to the office tomorrow. Who doesn’t like when someone brings in AMAZING CAKE?

3. Note to potential future employers: I make excellent baked goods. I also excel at making things with melty cheese. So if you think some day you’ll want a marketing rockstar AND a superb quesadilla, well, you know…call me.

4. One of my favorite things is to visit the Downtown Market in Grand Rapids and get a cappuccino from Simpatico and a gougere from Field and Fire. Well, I’ve started playing in the kitchen to see if I can make my own gougere. This was from the first batch – tasted good, looked funny. My second batch (unpictured)? MUCH better. Prettier and yummier and with more perfect air pockets. I’m pretty proud of myself.
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5. I registered last night for the 2014 Avon Walk. In New York City. I have no idea yet if I’ll be able to pull it off — clearly with a walk that far away, there’s expenses involved. At the very least, I’ll be able to raise funds to benefit the cause. Worst case scenario, I raise money and don’t end up walking. It’d be a shame for me BUT I could live with that because the organization still benefits. Still, I hope that life settles and that I’ll be walking in New York City next October. We’ll see, eh?

6. The Princess made her own Halloween costume after scoping things out on Pinterest. Pumpkin is some weird store bought spider lady thing. It makes me remember I’ve been blogging for eight years, as I started right around the Halloween when Pumpkin was a baby, and their names here are what their costumes were that year.

7. “What Does the Fox Say” is pretty annoying.

8. Also? That YouTube video of the baby crying at his mom’s voice? I don’t like that either. I may be a little bit dead inside.

9. Oh, I’m tired. Stupid “insomnia catching up with me” tired.

10. Quick: What’s the first word that comes to your mind? (Leave it in the comments. If for no other reason than so I don’t feel like I’m talking to myself.)

Yeah, well, at least I don’t live in my mom’s basement and sleep on Star Wars sheets.

I have been talking to myself in the car for the past week. I have been making amazing points and delivering riveting anecdotes and I have been issuing compelling statements.

About the benefits of blogging.

As the web-type-person in my office, I deal with those who blog – by “deal with,” I mean I’m editing content and I’m helping craft catchy headlines and I’m encouraging them and sometimes prompting with post ideas.

Like it’s my mother-fluffing-job.

Because it is.

For 24 hours a week, anyway.

I’ve been a blogger for eight years – I’ve been on Twitter for nearly that long – you’d think talking to a room full of people who are still pretty fresh-faced about the whole endeavor would be a piece of cake.

Yeah, well.

The thing is, sometimes I think the reason why I love blogging and social media so much is because like mannnnnny people who love the internet, I am just a wee bit introverted. I don’t love the spotlight. All eyes on me? NO THANKS.

I have a bit of social ineptitude that does prefer to just quietly crank out amazing work and instead of being in your face with a “look at me! look at me!” attitude, well, I’d rather hang back at the wall. With my iPhone in one hand. Probably tweeting, “look at me! look at me!”

My personality is part of what makes me good at what I do.

I knew that material better than anyone in that room.

I practiced my presentation so many times that I’m sure that if my dog could talk, he could recite the benefits of blogging and having an online presence. I was prepared and even if I hadn’t rehearsed, I know my stuff.

I let someone’s lack of faith in me shake me. I let someone else make me feel like I wasn’t capable of talking about the work that I do, the work that I’ve done. I’m frustrated by that – the way I let it shake me, the way I lost faith in my ability to somehow overcome my inevitable nerves (I may know what I’m talking about but I’d still prefer smaller groups and intimate conversations than presenting to large groups) and give a kick ass presentation.

I gave someone the power to make me feel like I might fail.

I made myself miserable about it for several days, constantly practicing, constantly worrying about what might go wrong.

I got so used to the car practicing that tonight, HOURS after I delivered my presentation, I found myself talking to myself again – what I should have or could have said. Or what I will say if I have a follow up presentation.

I might be a socially awkward, introverted blogger, but I’m competent and smart. I’m capable and I’m personable. I know my stuff. And today, I showed it.

{huge sigh of relief}

Thursday Ten: Gaining Confidence. Maybe. Kinda. Sorta. Edition

1. Well, with all this free time on my hands I have decided to try to spend more time on portraits. It’s a process because despite my business background and marketing degree, none of that helps with the lack of confidence that can creep in when it comes to my photography skills. It’s too bad, really, because I am the one getting in my own way.

2. Kayak is the coolest. Now, you can set a budget and see all the places you still can’t afford to go. {Flights to Spain for under a grand but…alas! Not yet for me.}

3. Fall, how I already miss thee. What the heck, Michigan? It’s already COLD here. Cold weather means comfort food so last night I baked some beer bread. Delish.

4. And in the midst of editing photographs, I lose sight of taking my own pictures just because. Except this one. This one I love.
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5. Halloween is coming and though I strongly dislike Halloween, there’ve been quite a few adorable Halloween books for kids to land in my mailbox. Like Monsters on the Loose!: A Seek and Solve Mystery!, which is very “Where’s Waldo”-esque but without the Waldo. A fun oversized book with brightly colored illustrations to keep your kiddos busy for a bit, looking for the “monsters.” Also Hedgehug’s Halloween – an adorable Hedgehog and awesome collage style illustrations. Finally, Lulu Goes to Witch School (I Can Read Book 2), ideal for your learning to read kiddo. Each of these books retails for under ten bucks each on Amazon right now. Mostly because Halloween is in a few days and I should have told you about these awesome books like two weeks ago.


7. Earlier in the week after a few rough days, I went on a walk after work with one of my dearest friends on the planet. We both kind of needed to vent. The long walk and the accompanying conversation sparked a lot of thoughts and potential blog posts (I always threaten to write deep blog posts but then I never do it, so don’t you worry). My wheels are turning.

8. I am pretty tired this week. Looking forward to a weekend of sleeping in. I hope my brain lets me sleep in!

9. A week past 37, I’m holding up remarkably well for an old lady. And… not really feeling any older. Birthdays are weird, I guess. There’s a lot of emotion tied into my birthdays, mostly because there’s a whole lot of upheaval in my life… but… aside from these gray hairs, I’m doing alright.

10. Every year my mom writes one of those long “this is what we did this year” Christmas letters — I’ve always kind of hated them. When I was a kid, I hated them because our year never could compare with those from people who spent their holidays skiing and traveling and having adventures. As an adult, they’re dreadful for kind of the same reason — how many years in a row do people want to read about us having essentially the same life? This year, I’ve asked if I can write it — it seems like we can’t just be business as usual this year. Every time I’ve tried to imagine what I’ll write, my eyes fill with tears – but I figure that will just have to be okay.

Thursday Ten: So Humbled edition

1. Yesterday, I was blessed with numerous birthday messages, birthday love, gift cards to Starbucks (seriously, y’all, I may not have to pay for my coffee again until December) and just…kindness. So much kindness. Every time I read a sweet message, my eyes would fill up with tears and I would think, “How am I so lucky?” It’s perspective for sure, I guess. I will weather the storms that need to be weathered, and it’ll be easier because I have so much support.

2.My mom put together an amazing gift basket for me with a bottle of wine and gift cards to some of my favorite places – I am so very much looking forward to treating myself to things I wouldn’t normally buy. Having been so money conscious lately, I think it’s gonna feel weird to “shop.” I look forward to making an effort anyway.

3. Post season baseball. You know, I might be the only person in Michigan who has no real strong feelings about this series. I’m sorry everyone. You’ll just have to love baseball a little bit extra to make up for my lack of care.

4. The Michigan/Penn State game last weekend – and it’s multiple overtimes – made me want to pull my hair out. And I wish it had ended differently. Bah.

5. I have a photo shoot scheduled this weekend and I’m excited to be shooting and to be shooting in a different location. I am energized by the work I get to do with my camera. Wish there was more of it.

6. I love how he gave me my own lovely flannel shirt for my birthday as if that means I would stop stealing his. (I won’t stop stealing his. But mine is very very lovely and so soft.)

7. There’s been several moments over the past few weeks where I realize I have a lot of things I need to change. I need to be a little kinder to myself in general. And I need to be a bit more protective of myself, the people I care about, and our time together. I don’t have to accommodate everyone else’s schedule and I’m allowed to be upset and to verbalize it when someone has been cavalier with my time. BOUNDARIES ARE DIFFICULT, but I need to get better at asserting mine because when I don’t, life is a little tougher.

8. “But…they’re both BLUE!” said my mom when I told her what nail color I wanted for my birthday. The one I’ll be polishing my nails with today if I can get a few minutes to myself: Essie After School Boy Blazer. I love blue nails. (The other blue is from OPI’s San Francisco collection.)

9. I have seen a lot of criticisms of the movie “Gravity” from people who would know more than I just what is the reality of being out in space. Since I don’t actually know what it’s like to be out in space (I, uh, barely know what it’s like to be out of my time zone), I actually really enjoyed the movie, though I found it to be extremely tense. White knuckles for sure.

10. Hey person I haven’t talked to since high school. What a coincidence that you’ve friended me two weeks before launching your  business. Probably not a coincidence, huh? I’m all for promoting yourself, selling yourself, for using social media to do it… but it peeves me when people dig way back into their high school years to do this. Also, when did you start looking like Tom Hanks in Forest Gump?