Thursday Ten: Fancy Butter edition

1. I buy fancy butter. In our house, that’s the name for the brick of European salted butter that we’re all convinced just tastes better. It’s better on toasted bagels and pretty much rules the world.

2. The kids are BACK! IN! SCHOOL! Glory be. Never thought the day would come. And so far, so good.

3. Trying really hard to find the joy in life because I’ve been such a grumpelstiltsken lately. I found myself getting so frazzled by things lately and I hate that feeling. The feeling of overwhelm is not one that I cope well with – and so I’m trying to tell myself to just mosey on through life and get through it little by little. Yeah, obstacles suck… but if they didn’t, they’d call them something else. Like… waffles. I don’t know.

4. Been thinking a lot about the state of the health care system in the United States. It’s broken and I have no idea what the right answer is to make it not broken – but you know – yeesh. I’ve heard enough horror stories in just the past few days of people having to damn near beg their insurance companies to actually DO WHAT THEY ARE THERE TO DO. Y’all, that ain’t right.

5. Last night it was cool enough to sleep. Bliss.

6. There is a major construction detour in my town and it’s irritating the snot out of me. I think of how frazzled I get at work when I think I’ve messed up and I wonder about the dude who grossly underestimated the time it would take to do this project and I hope the fact that he’s inconvenienced everyone’s lives for MONTHS ON END has caused him to lose some sleep.

7. Sooooooo. Who’s ready for this election to be over already?

8. Everybody wants to be viral and while I love some of the messages, for the love of potatoes, I’m tired of videos of people standing in their underwear in public asking people to draw hearts on them. It was moving the first time. The second, third, fourth… not so much. It ceases to be effective when other people rehash someone’s idea over and over so it’s no longer something that feels authentic, but more so, “Well, it worked for the other girl, so maybe everyone will like it if I do it too!” Just. Be you, do your own thing, have your own idea.

9. I’m not saying that skinny people shouldn’t be standing in their underwear in public. Or that not so skinny people shouldn’t be standing in their underwear in public. I’m saying BE ORIGINAL for goodness sakes. Put the markers away. Do the hokey pokey for body acceptance. (Or don’t – because that would be stealing my idea.)

10. One of these days, I’m really going to follow through on that “getting more sleep” thing.

Thursday Ten: All Summered Out edition

1. After three out of town trips this month, I’ve gotta say, I’m really tuckered out, and ready for summer to be over. I love to travel and have enjoyed myself – but I’m ready to spend some real time at home. I’ve been away three weekends this month and I feel like I’m drowning in all that hasn’t gotten done around my house.  This weekend I think I’ve gotta write myself a massive honey-do list and try to make some progress.

2. Making progress would be easier if things would QUIT BREAKING around my house. I’ve replaced my washing machine and tomorrow, my new refrigerator is due to arrive. When I got my oil changed yesterday, I was told I needed new tires like ASAP, and so basically I’m looking up at the sky saying, “Hey UNIVERSE – what the h-e-double-hockey-sticks is this really all about because dang!” I’m feeling a little overwhelmed by it all.

3. Especially because I JUST WANT TO RIP OUT THE STUPID 15 YEAR OLD CARPET AND REPLACE IT. It’s ugly, matted and just gross. But, y’know, no money tree.

4. This past weekend, the family got together and went up north to Mackinaw City. This is the Mackinac Bridge.
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5. The thing about expecting a new fridge is you have to clean out your old one. Do you know how much salad dressing I threw away? Tons. Like seven half-used bottles that had expired. And barbecue sauce? I threw out two bottles of barbecue sauce – AND I DON’T EVEN USE THE STUFF (so you know it’s been in there a long time).

6. Just a few days left of the latest 365 project – cannot believe it’s been nearly another year. Time just keeps on keeping on.

7. And two weeks until school starts. I think the girls are ready for fifth grade and eight grade. This summer flew by faster than most – but every year I get to the point where I think year round schools are actually a really great idea. Now, two weeks before school starts, we’re at that point.

8. I got the results of my genetic testing and I would think I’d feel a bit something more – but instead it was fairly anticlimactic – because you know, it’s all well and good to know the cause but there aren’t any cures yet and my retinas are still stupid.

9. A taste of fall weather this week and while I know that most people are all, “WHERE IS SUMMER?!” and I’m like, “Oh! I don’t need to turn on the heater or the AC and I can wear jeans and not sweat a whole bunch.” In short: It’s bliss. BRING ON SEPTEMBER.

10. The thing about a three vacation month is that you never entirely catch up on sleep. I think I shall be exhausted until October, at this rate. I’m so tired I can still drink caffeine at 10 p.m. and still zonk right out. Zzzzzzz.

Thursday Ten: Not So Silently Seething edition

1. Annoyance levels are running high, y’all. Between schmucky people being schmucky, work loads being heavy, allergies being stupid. people on Facebook being ignorant, well… Pfffffft. Not sure why it’s so complicated, getting people to act nice but y’all: Just. Act. Nice.

2. My toaster is broken and heating toaster waffles isn’t the same. It’s not very efficient either. How the heck did my toaster break?

3. I don’t care what YOU do, but you’ll never convince me to spiral up some zucchini and actually refer to it as noodles. It’s not noodles. It’s vegetables. Leave my carbs alone.

4. We’ve been on a roll trying a new restaurant every month. This month was Grand Rapids Brewing Company. Our visit coincided with the GR Grandwich competition so Chris and I both ordered the Peach Pitt – but since we were at a brewing company (and I don’t beer much!), I got a lemon thyme margarita. The sandwich? Yum. The margarita? Mine are better.
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5. We are smack in the middle of July. Summer is half over. And 2015 is more than half over. Time spins quickly. Too. Quickly.

6. I have started a blog for my retinitis pigmentosa whosie whatsit because it just seemed that all of my feelings related to it tend to be all icky and emotional and even though I’m still me – I have a hard time with bringing all of that here. Writing all that here. Perhaps it’s silly to look at this place as a haven when I’ve been through some other ugly stuff over the past nine and a half years (yeah) that I’ve been blogging – but… you know. That’s how it is.

7. We took an adventure this past weekend and went to see The Minions at a drive-in theater! I haven’t been to a drive in since I was a kid – I remember going with my family to see “Airplane!”. It was a fun adventure to put blankets out under the stars and watch a movie outside (the girls and I eventually went to sit in the car – the sound was better via the radio and the seats were comfier!).

8. I’ve never understood anxiety about dentists. Our family dentist is hilarious and calls each of us “homegirl.” Related: the girls have to go to the dentist today.

9. I realize that the fear is legit – I’m sure some of you who are scared of dentists aren’t scared of your eye doctors, so I feel ya.

10. There’s been so much rain this summer (boo) but more perfect weather days than any summer I can recall and at least one of those is a very good thing.

Thursday Ten: It’s Been Awhile Edition

1. I haven’t posted much lately – and it’s not because I have nothing to say – it’s never because I have nothing to say. I have tons to say. I just don’t know how to say it. And sometimes I feel a bit negative. Okay, a lot of times I feel a lot negative. I’m sure that’s normal but it’s not the happiest feeling in the world and it’s hard to write about and y’know, it is what it is.

2. And so somehow we’re almost in the middle of July and how the heck did that happen? This summer is flying and before I know it, we’ll be stuck in February under three feet of snow.

3. The girls are with their dad this week – it’s always hard to adjust to the times when they’re not here. Miss them like crazy. The workweek has been absolutely bonkers so I’ve been going in early and trying to make a dent in my project list – which helps, but… I’ll be glad when they come home. It’s an adjustment – the summer schedule. I guess the good news about it being halfway through July almost is that in a month and a half, the normal schedule will be back.

4. I have hit the realization lately that I’m really bad at some of this being-a-grownup stuff. Stuff like budgeting for home renovations. I keep saying to myself, “UGH I want to get rid of this living room carpet.” If I had just started saving when I first started having that thought, I bet I’d have saved enough to actually do the freaking project. Here’s to actually setting up savings accounts and planning for all the things i want to do – things like hardwood flooring and Spain.

5. They’re FINALLY going to open a Trader Joe’s in Grand Rapids this fall and I’m kind of pretty much excited. What’s your favorite thing at TJ? (They’re also apparently opening a Chik-Fil-A and while Chris is excited, I tried it on a recent trip to Ohio and found it thoroughly underwhelming. So there’s that.)

6. After a week of “Watch Me (Whip/Nae Nae)”, I’m wondering just how many gymnastics floor routines this season will feature the Whip. Apparently two, so far.

7. My eyebrows are in dire need of waxing.

8. For the past two days, I have had my air conditioning off and my windows open and it’s just absolute bliss. I know people are ticked because this doesn’t feel like summer, and it’s too cold for pools – to which I say TOO BAD FOR YOU! THIS IS MY BRIEF BIT OF HEAVEN.

9. Things I’ve bought this week that I love: The Skinnytaste Cookbook: Light on Calories, Big on Flavor and Joy Williams – VENUS. Neither of these is a paid or sponsored review – these are things I saw and wanted and purchased with my own moohlah. I haven’t made anything out of the cookbook yet – but there are so many great looking recipes (lots of yummy latin-inspired recipes so I’m stoked!). And Joy Williams – I know there’s quite a few bloggers doing reviews of her stuff, but I decided on my own to purchase her album because I have loved her voice and The Civil Wars and I have basically been humming the whole album for days. Good stuff.

10. The good thing about Thursday is that it’s almost Friday. Have a good one, y’all.


Thursday Ten: I don’t want to have to use my AC edition

1. The humidity. Oh the humidity. I’ve had to break down and turn my AC on. It’s not the heat is the UGH UGH UGH. Actually, it’s both. When I can, I leave it off but honestly, I’m more concerned with the pup getting too warm during the day. It’s only June 11, though and I’m already kind of freaking out about my electric bill if I’m using the AC already.

2. Spring and fall. Spring and fall. Those are my seasons. You know, the short seasons that last about five days each.

3. I finally used Apple Pay for the first time which was oddly exhilarating and far too easy and did you know you can Apple Pay RIGHT THROUGH THE SEPHORA APP? And the Starbucks app? And wheeeee, I just ordered some new Clinique Black Honey Almost Lipstick because best. color. ever. (And Apple Pay.)

4. For nearly 24 hours, my Fitbit wasn’t working and I died a little bit inside. I’m addicted. Also, I’m absolutely positive I walked 18,000 steps that day and I guess we’ll never know. (It’s working now. Oddly, I was registering an almost complete charge but I gave it a whirl and left it on the charger for a few hours and then it was working again. Hallelujah)

5. You guys are nice people. You are.

6. This is not going to be a retina blog. Because I can’t have this place be a retina blog. Oh, and because I started a retina blog somewhere else. Gotta compartmentalize sometimes.

7. School’s out for the summer and with that comes the summer schedule with the girls spending half the time with me and half the time with their dad. It’s always a tough adjustment. I’m used to having my people around and it’s a bummer when they’re not.
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8. I miss my daughters.

9. I still tell myself every night to go to bed earlier and then I still never do.

10. I admit. I’m grasping at straws for ten things this week. I mean, how on earth could I top my broken retinas?

Thursday Ten: It’s been like watching paint dry edition

1. The week before a three day holiday weekend – that’s just about the longest week ever, isn’t it? I feel like i have so much to do and yet I’m struggling to get things done – I’m hopeful that tomorrow is an easy day and that the three days of rest will allow me to hit a mental re-set button.

2. Sometimes I see things that bring me joy.
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3. And we’re in the homestretch of the school year – seems like the never ending stream of field trips and school events will go on and on and on. Of course, this is not my first rodeo – I know that it ends. I know soon we’ll be elbow deep in summer ready for school to begin again. But for now, this end of the school year business is for the birds.

4. The Princess has a migraine tonight and I feel badly for her because I know how miserable she must feel. On the other hand, I’m grateful that at nearly 13 years old, she’s old enough now to make it to the bathroom before she throws up.

5. Those are the major milestones, right? Earlier tonight, I was realizing that the first big “wow, she’s growing up” milestone is when your kids no longer need you to help them eat their ice cream before it drips out of the cone. I noticed this as Pumpkin was eating a scoop of mint chip. Without needing my help.

6. Finally was able to put a dent in cleaning the playroom with Pumpkin this evening. Oh my gosh, what a mess that room is. She even let me throw some things away. The clutter, oh my gosh, the clutter. I’m glad to feel like it’s coming around a bit.

7. So, in exactly one week, The Princess will be 13. It’s… sobering, somehow. That means I’ve lived in this house 13 years. It means my daughter is a teenager. It means that there’s really only five years until she’s an adult, goes to college. And… where did the time go?

8. My Facebook feed tonight is filled with friends with graduating seniors tonight – so at least I’m not there yet.

9. I went to the library, checked out a bunch of books and… haven’t spent any time reading again. (Common themes are common, are they not?)

10. Ah tomorrow, let’s hope it flies. Mama needs a three day weekend.

Thursday Ten: Watching Greys Anatomy Reruns on Netflix edition

1. I know there was some wicked big stuff happening on Grey’s in the past few weeks but I haven’t watched it live in several years. I’m only on season seven so whatever it is that Shonda Rimes did that pissed off so many people (and trust, I KNOW WHAT SHE DID because hello, people, y’all spoiled it like two seconds after it happened) doesn’t really impact me yet because I’m only on season seven and I have a lot more people for her to kill off first before I catch up.

2. After a rather dismal few StitchFix boxes, I came home today to one that was pretty much knocked outta the park. Only one piece that didn’t entirely fit, and it may work with a cami underneath and if not? I have a kiddo who will LOVE that shirt because it’s chevron and chevron is her favorite.

3. Also, her birthday is two weeks from today and she’ll be 13 and so, early birthday gift?

4. I don’t like jelly. I ended up describing peanut butter yesterday as being a “lone wolf.” Peanut butter doesn’t need jelly. PEANUT BUTTER NEEDS NOTHING. You can quote me on that.

5. Yes. I amuse myself.

6. Listening to All Songs Considered on our way to Chicago last week, Chris and I heard The Staves “No Me No You No More.” And I immediately downloaded and have been listening to it ever since. Beautiful harmonies. Calming.

View on YouTube

7. In and out of Chicago in 24 hours last weekend. Not something I’d recommend but we were pretty happy to celebrate the wedding of some friends and road trippin’ with Chris is always fun (even though – poor guy – I slept most of the way back because I wanted to leave early so I could spend Mother’s Day with my daughters).

8. We tried Uber for the first time while in Chicago so that was pretty interesting. How country bumpkin of me is it to describe Uber as “interesting”? But… it was. I mean, cabs in general kinda squick me out and I’m always relatively certain that cab drivers never passed drivers training so I felt no more or less safe in an Uber. Comfier than vinyl cab seats.

9. I had a really good day today. In a sea of days that have been more than a little tough, today was a good day. Acknowledge. Smile. And strive for more of them.

10. Tomorrow’s Friday. This is the kid’s last FULL week of school for this year. There’s a weekend coming. How are YOU? Good, right?
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Thursday Ten: A Little Bit of Rain, A Little Bit of Sun edition

1. What a difference a day makes. Rain. Sun. Closed. Open. It’s been a roller coaster lately and, y’know, I guess that’s just the way it goes sometimes. But sometimes you just want to say, “Hey Universe? Easy there, now. Just… slow…your…roll.”
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2. Work has been completely busy lately – I make progress and then… I’m still left with a full to do list. The days generally zip by, though, which is a very good thing.

3. “Mom, you’re so lucky to get to write all day!” said Pumpkin the other day. Sigh. I guess it’s hard for kiddos to realize that writing all day is different when writing all day is writing web content about things like updating your operating system and making sure your browser is up to date.

4. Took The Princess for a manicure the other day. Made an appointment for 6:30. Didn’t end up getting in until 7. A bridal party was taking over the whole place – and as soon as they walked out, the woman doing my nails said disgustedly, “They had a 5:30 appointment. They showed up at 6.” Why don’t people realize how rude it is to be late like that and how it’s a domino effect that doesn’t just impact YOU but the other people after you. Pffft. Rude bride lady.

5. We had two days of spring and now it’s nearly 80 degrees. Gah. Pure michigan.

6. What a week for birthdays! Happy birthday to Chris and to my dog – who share a birthday. One of them was five years old this week. One of them…is a little bit older.

7. Book club was at the local Mexican restaurant on Cinco de Mayo – and whoohoo $2.99 margaritas. I only drank half of one – basically because my margaritas are way better. Also? I didn’t feel wasteful because y’know, $2,99 margarita.

8. I need to get more sleep. I keep meaning to go to bed earlier and then I look up and it’s midnight and hey self, you were supposed to be sleeping by now.

9. My oven has decided to stop working so that’s something new and exciting that’s happened. Seriously, after being in this house for 13 years, I’m afraid that all my appliances are going to start dying all at once. And that would NOT be a good thing.

10. I have a fridge full of leftovers. I don’t eat leftovers. I need to not save every darn thing every time. I can’t even remember when I made some of this stuff?

Thursday Ten: In The Homestretch Edition

1. This time of year makes me more than a little crazy – we’re entering that time of year where it seems that every darn school activity is scheduled one right after another – boom boom boom boom. Permission slips, field trip money, concerts, performances. KISS YOUR FREE TIME GOODBYE, MOMS AND DADS. It’s ALL school ALL the time. Well, for a few more weeks. And then it’s summer and YOU ARE ON YOUR OWN.

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2. Oh summer. Well. It feels like this summer is filling up with lots to do already – and not much at all. I have to say, my perspective on summer has changed somewhat since I no longer work from home. When I was sitting in my home office all week – summer was a real struggle for me – because I had to balance being a mom and being a good worker bee. Now that I’m in an office full time, that problem is solved for me. NOW my bigger issue is that the cost of childcare increases in the summer. Boo.

3. And I still hate summer weather.

4. Mad crazy desire to travel – what are your tips and tricks and hints for outta the country travel. I want to see Spain and I better start saving my pennies. Wanderlust times a bajillion.

5. Now that we’re done with Gilmore Girls, The Princess and I have been watching Glee. I…prefer Gilmore Girls.

6. I have become a maker of smoothies and it’s tough because my blender is a piece of garbage and MANGOS ARE TOUGH TO BLEND. Brought a smoothie for lunch yesterday and was slurping up chunks of mango through my straw. Yum?

7. This week has felt a hundred years long and yet, it’s been okay? The weekends have seemed too far apart lately. That may be a sign that I need a vacation. Nothing on the calendar any time soon, unfortunately. I really need to get better about making that a priority.

8. It feels really weird to not be getting ready for the Avon Walk. I miss the fundraising and the anticipation and I even miss the forty miles. Life just got kooky this year.

9. Looking for taco recipes is some of my favorite kind of Google-ing.

10. I accidentally bought red lip gloss the other day. I’ve been wearing it but I don’t like it and I still hate red. I’m just too cheap to throw it away.

Thursday Ten: Better Late Than Never edition

1. I’m having trouble writing lately. Actually, that’s not really true – I’m composing posts in my mind all the time, but none of them yet have made it to the screen. And that’s probably okay – there’s a lot going on in this brain of mine lately. And one of these days I’ll write it down. Soon. Or not. I mean, why does the day only have 24 hours, anyway?

2. We’re not supposed to “glorify busy” but honestly? That’s really just the way it is.

3. Kid President’s Guide to Being Awesome? It’s awesome.
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4. We’re wrapping up gymnastics season this weekend and I am pretty excited. Love to watch my girl compete, but it’s very time consuming and so I’m ready for a few months off from those four hour meets and long drives to get there.

5. I wanted to love the new Alabama Shakes album as much as I loved their previous. And it’s good but it’s so different than their first album. It sounds like they’ve been listening to a lot of D’Angelo lately. And, in general, it just doesn’t feel cohesive to me.

6. Wish I could make myself spend the $40 on Ryan Adams huge ol “Live at Carnegie Hall” collection. (I probably will. Slowly. I’ve already downloaded two songs.)

7. I am so far behind on listening to podcasts – and it’s funny because I haven’t listened to the radio in forever and sometimes it’s nice to have the talking in the car when I drive – it’s like I have company when I don’t. That sounds like a weird reason to like podcasts but it’s also because the radio station I listen to plays wretched dance remixes during the evening commute and that just sucks, so no.

8. I spent time with my niece and nephew today and they made me so ridiculously happy – the unabashed giggles of a toddler is enough to bring a smile to even the crankiest face.

9. Saturday is National Mani Pedi day and you better believe I have my appointment set because eventually the weather is going to be better again and I’mma be wearing flip flops.

10. Cheers to the people who go above and beyond. The people who make a difference – the people who make change. The people who make the world brighter.