Archives for November 2008

Seal, "SOUL"

I don’t normally do reviews over on this site, but had the awesome opportunity to review Seal’s new album “Soul” for Blissfully Domestic, and wanted to blab a bit more about it here – not just because it rocks that much (though it does), but because if I tell you all how much it rocks, and include that awesome Seal widget, I get a chance to win free stuff (including a gift certificate to SpaFinders – and HELLO? Who needs a trip to a spa more than I do?!).

So, first of all, check out my review over on Blissfully Domestic. In case y’all couldn’t tell, I kinda sorta liked this cd a whole bunch. Oh yeah. It’s been playing non stop since I received it and honestly, I don’t think I’ll stop playing it any time soon. It’s THAT good. All classic songs – but thankfully, he didn’t redo “When A Man Loves a Woman” (which has been covered, what? Four hundred times?).

The album opens with “A Change Is Gonna Come” and in light of recent events in our country, seems so relevant even though the song was written decades ago. Seal’s version of “Stand By Me”? I think I like it better than Ben E. King’s. And “It’s Alright” by Seal – well, way better than that huge Huey Lewis cover-mess.

This is an excellent album, and one you’ll get stuck hearing if you’re stuck in the car with me anytime soon.

Friday Fill Ins

My answers will be bold and underlined. One of these days I’ll find something I like!

1. Please feel free to stop by my house in the morning with a hot cup of coffee. Or, ya know, teach me how to make coffee that won’t peel paint off the walls.

2. When I cook with cilantro I can’t help but sniff it occasionally.
**Other answers include: spray my perfume (I always sniff after!), bake bread, fold my laundry, etc. I am pretty observant in the way things smell.

3. My favorite thing to cook is ropa vieja (but I almost never do it. Man, I totally should put that on my menu for next week – YUM).

4. Music is something I can’t get enough of.
**Other answers include: sleep, caffeine, quiet, bliss

5. That’s the thing I love most about my iPod – the massive music infusion(I am assuming this question is talking about my answer to number 4 – but I have no idea, so oh well, it’s early and I’m sleep deprived).

6. People always make me think “what the heck”.
*I almost never think “What the heck”. I don’t love the phrase “what the heck”. And the more I type it, the less I like it.

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I’m looking forward to winding down from the work week, tomorrow my plans include dinner and drinks with my best friend (If I can pick a restaurant), and Sunday, I want to sleep in (YEAH RIGHT).

Thursday Ten: Big Fat Orange Moon Edition

1. I hate that it gets dark so early now, but as I left the house this evening to take some DVDs back to the movie rental place (“Baby Mama”, in case you were curious – but man, I can’t look at Tina Fey now without seeing Sarah Palin) and to go to Pumpkin’s preschool parent/teacher conferences (Seriously – more later) I looked up and the moon was rising and it was this huge big nearly perfectly round ball in the sky. I looked several times, not sure at first it was really the moon. I’m not sure what else I thought it might be, but it was just too perfect looking. As I drove, I kept looking up and the moon became more and more orange. Now it’s just obscured behind clouds (it IS Michigan, you know), but man, how beautiful.

2. And YES. Parent/Teacher conferences for Pumpkin’s preschool/daycare program. It was excruciating actually. When The Princess was this young, they didn’t do this kind of hooey, and though I’m relieved about that, I’m sure it would have been different because The Princess is this freakishly brilliant kid. Not saying Pumpkin’s not – she’s just…different. One of the things they assessed Pumpkin on is her knowledge of the alphabet – knowing the letter name, the Zoophonic animal representation, the Zoophonic “signal”, and if she could recognize the letter by sight. According to her assessment, she didn’t recognize any of the letters – a fact I know to be complete crap, because I’ve seen her identify letters. It’s really dumb to test kids like that – especially since three year olds tend to be free-wheeling, stubborn, controlling beasts who seem to like to do what THEY want to do WHEN they want to do it.

3. My grandfather seems to be doing well. He’s a little hoarse, but he’s home. I’m so relieved he spent less than 24 hours in the hospital this time. Whew. For those who extended positive thoughts towards my family – THANK YOU.

4. Music for the week: I have been listening to Seal’s “Soul” nonstop all day and I’ll be writing more about it soon, but OH MY GOD it’s incredible. So incredible. While I was all, “Oh Seal!” a friend sent me “I Wish”, a song by DMX featuring Seal, and I LOVE THAT ONE TOO. Also jamming to, “It’s a New Day” (, and “White Horse” (Taylor Swift). All good tunes. All of them. Not a rotten apple in the bunch this week.

5. In guitar today, my teacher taught me “Jesu, The Joy Of Man’s Desiring” (? Is that right?) by Bach. I told her I’d never heard the song before and she said, “What?! It’s in weddings all the time!” Well, not MY wedding (my dad wrote my music). Am I just an idiot?

6. My cousin rocks – he gave me free passes to see an early screening of “Four Christmases” next Wednesday. I’m so excited. I like Reese Witherspoon and I adore Vince Vaughn and Jon Favreau. And it’s FREE. Wheeee!

7. New season of Top Chef started last night. My goodness, I love that show and it always blows my mind what they do with food and yet I remain a fantastically unenthusiastic cook. Go figure.

8. Three days a week, I pack a lunch for The Princess. I got this cool book of little note card dealies to put in her lunch (I bought the book from Target). I had no idea that she even liked getting the notes from me until Monday morning. She packed her own lunch and then came tearing through the house looking for me so that I could write her a note to put in her lunch bag. The past few days, she’s been waiting for me to put the note in. I’m glad that she appreciates the something special I do for her. I was doing it to make myself happy. Added bonus that she likes it too.

9. The closer we get to the holidays the more my calendar fills up – and not just with kid related activities, but things that might be fun for ME too. I keep meaning to pester my BFF about plans for this weekend, but next weekend we’ve got a massive day of baking on our horizon (Seriously, my best friend’s sister-in-law tallied up the ingredients we need and we’re looking at 22 cups of powdered sugar in use. 22. 22. Let me say that again: 22 cups of powdered sugar — oh and TWELVE sticks of butter). But, how much fun is that gonna be? So much fun.

10. I need to get a new treadmill. Or an elliptical. I am getting VERY SICK of Turbo Jam.

So Far, So Good.

When my grandpa came out of surgery last night, the doc came out and ushered the posse that was my family into a small triage room and started his update by telling us that my grandfather suffered a stroke during the surgery. Way to open, Doc. He then clarified: it was a small stroke, they don’t believe there will be any lasting effects from it, and that everything else looks great. He said they were able to scrape (OW!) the blockage out of his carotid artery and then patch it back up. I guess the part that was all blocked was the section that leads to the brain. He drew a picture on the white board of the artery structure and what they did, but I wasn’t thinking enough to be the tacky girl taking a picture of it.

Of course, my grandma stopped listening after stroke. She is a worrier, which is why my mom is a worrier which is why my sister is a worrier (I’m a worrier too, but those other three? They are WAY worse than me!). We ventured back into the waiting area to wait for some of the anesthesia to wear off and for the doctor to give us another update. Awhile later, he came back out and said that everything looks good.


And it was a relief to see the tears in my grandma’s eyes, knowing she had been hanging on to it since the last time the doctor had talked to us. She was so obviously relieved. (I’m guessing that as a family, we’re gonna have to school these docs on how to present news to my grandmother – good news first, guys, and then if the bad news is really THAT small, BURY THE HELL OUT OF IT inside all that good news).

I ventured home at that point. It had been about six hours of hospital and I was tired and missing my kids. I couldn’t reach Hubby on his cell phone or the landline and I was admittedly a bit freaked out, not knowing if a) The Princess got off the bus where she was supposed to and b) if Hubby remembered to leave work early to pick up The Princess from her friend’s house and Pumpkin from daycare. (My aunt asked, “Do you really think he’d forget?” Short answer: Yes. The man forgets everything). Remember that worrying thing I talked about? Yeah. I was worried about my kiddos.

I was able to reach them as I pulled out of the hospital parking lot and was relieved to hear the kids had been fed (McDonalds: did I call it or what?) and they were heading up to Barnes & Noble so that Stepson could spend some birthday cash in the bookstore. I mosey’d home to my empty house and a bowl of Cheerios for dinner before settling in to get caught up with the work projects that had accumulated while I was sitting in the Surgical Waiting Room.

I stopped when my kids came home and hung out for a bit. I took frequent breaks after that because I was so tired that my attention span was shot and I couldn’t handle long doses of staring at work. I finally wrapped things up sometime around 10:30 or 11 and all but collapsed into bed from sheer exhaustion.

Even today, I still feel tremendously wiped out, but it’s another day and coffee will soon be involved.

Waiting Sucks…

I am sitting in the hospital Surgery Center waiting room. It’s loud in here – everyone’s on a cell phone and the television is blarning Fox News even though no one is watching it. My eyelids are heavy and I’m tired – and this is the first time in years that I have felt bored. Boredom is a luxury you don’t really get when you have kids. I have my laptop, a WiFi network (albeit, a slow cranky one, apparently), a box of Wheat Thins, some peanut butter cookies I made for my grandmother, texting on my phone, chatting on Skype. I have a book in my bag. My family is in the middle of the waiting room – I’m off to myself in a double chair by the wall. My laptop battery was getting a little low and there are so few wall outlets in this place. Fine by me, I don’t feel like having a conversation with my family – and to be honest, I can follow their conversation fine from over here. (They’re that loud).

My mom just shouted over to me, “Sarah! Grandma thinks you’re pretty!” I don’t know if I’ve ever heard her say that, so I’m a little shell shocked in my corner of the room. It’s funny, I guess – I can’t think of a time when she has ever said anything like that to me. An unexpected bonus of sitting in the hospital waiting room. Maybe it was all those cookies, who knows.

Right about now, The Princess’s school bus should be going by our house and I am hoping that she remembered that she was supposed to get off at the next stop at her friend’s house. I am hoping that if she forgot, the bus driver remembered. And I’m hoping if EVERYONE forgot, she sees the note on the door and goes right to where she needs to go without panicking.

I hope that Hubby remembers to leave work early to pick up the kids. I hope he remembers the security code for the entry system at Pumpkin’s daycare. I half wonder what the kids are going to eat for dinner – but I’m betting that he gets to be Fun Daddy and take them through the Drive through at MickeyD’s (a RARE occasion in our house, I hate the smell of McDonalds).

My grandfather has been in surgery for about an hour, and so there are about two more hours to go. We haven’t heard anything, and I hope things go smoothly. I’m tired. I slept horribly last night, and it’s hitting me like a ton of bricks. My game plan, which involved lots of Coke Zero, means that I really have to pee, and I am afraid that once I stand up, I’m going to realize that one of my legs has fallen asleep. I really hate waiting. I’m horrible at waiting.

It’s a long day.

And A Request

My grandpa is having surgery tomorrow afternoon. He’s scheduled for surgery at 2:30 eastern time to unblock (or whatever the hell they do) his VERY blocked carotid artery. So, if you are so inclined, please send prayers, good thoughts, positive mojo, good juju, happy energy, or just… whatever you’ve got. Means the world to me. Thanks!

Sometimes I Am A Whiner.

Yesterday, I stopped at Starbucks (duuuuuuuuh) after a quick trip through Target and asked them about gingerbread – were they going to have it in sugar free this year. The barrista said she didn’t think so, and then handed me these little cards asking, “Do you like computers at all?” (Lady, do I like computers? Um, yeah). “Here’s their website – you can write in to them and tell them what you think.”

But, I don’t ever do anything the easy way – and besides, I needed a picture of the day. (You can click on it to make it bigger but it says: “Dear Starbucks: I am really bummed that you won’t be offering Gingerbread in a sugar free version this year. I was really looking forward to restarting my addiction to gingerbread lattes. Alas, I guess it wasn’t meant to be. Sarah P.S. Those crystallized ginger things in the gingersnap latte? Those are REALLY gross.” For the record, those suckers are supposed to melt, but don’t, and then you end up CHEWING your coffee. Nasty).

My next step was to put my pic in my Flickr photo stream and then I Twittered the folks at MyStarbucksIdea ( to send them the link.

SarahinMI: @mystarbucksidea Today my 365 picture is for you 🙂 [then a link to the above pic on Flickr]

I woke up this morning to see a reply from them:

MyStarbucksIdea: @SarahInMI Ha! So clever! Why isn’t everyone so clever?

I then went on to ask if clever was code for obnoxious, to which they assured me that no, if I was obnoxious, they’d say so… and then a bit ago a post to me and another eager twitter-er letting us know they’d be checking in to the lack of sugar free options. Whoo!

So, I guess the moral of the story is, if you need to whine, you should totally do it with arts and crafts.

You’re welcome.

Think I’ll Just Lay Down on the Couch and Zzzzzzzzzz.

It’s Sunday and I just woke up from another freakin’ weekend nap on the couch. And I’m not a napper. It has been insane. The past two nights I have gotten at least eight hours of sleep and I’m still completely exhausted and freezing throughout the day. I’m taking that to mean that I’ve got another trip to the doc’s again soon for another round of getting my blood drawn to check my thyroid levels. At my last appointment, my levels were too high so the doc wrote a prescription for a lower dose. I’m thinking they went too far in the opposite direction. Wheee, what fun.

My kids are hanging with my mom today. I figured with the weather turning to cold (it’s about 37 degrees right now) that I wanted to do some Christmas shopping. Dropped girls off with mom, and made the Hubby go to Target with me. While I’m pretty sure their stockings are done, presents wise, I want to pick up a few more things. I could tell Hubby wasn’t really feeling it and to be honest, I love Christmas shopping for my girls – I wanted it to be fun. I’ll finish it on my own in the next few weeks. (As with last year, I think I’ll make it my goal to be done by December 15 – because, why not?).

The stockings are my favorite part – and have always been. Maybe because of the way I was brought up. My mom still puts together stockings for me and my sister and brother – and that’s always the most fun part – seeing what weird quirky things she puts in them. I make my mom’s and my sis, brother and mom’s husband contribute a few things to put in it. It’s fun to look for those crazy little things you know a person likes (things like margarita salt and funky nail polish colors and random stuff like that). I’m a big dork about birthdays and Christmas and all that stuff – which is why the stocking appeals to me, I think. Someone taking the time to fill it with things that will make me smile – it’s not the gifts, but just knowing that I’m thought of. I’m a sucker like that.

All this Christmas talk today, sheesh. It’s just barely November. Guess that’s what happens when the snow starts flying.

Friday Fill Ins


1. My blueprint for success includes a lot of coffee.

2. A mini KitKat was the last candy I ate.

3. The best facial moisturizer I ever used was… seriously? I have no idea.

4. Music can be good therapy.

5. I’d like to tell you about the fact that there is far too much Halloween candy in my house and I’m trying very very hard to resist temptation.

6. Creativity is my strongest characteristic. (I could totally be wrong here – people who know me, weigh in. What do you think?)

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I’m looking forward to tucking the kids in, tomorrow my plans include taking the girls to see Madagascar2, and Sunday I want to make buttermilk pancakes for the girls because we have just enough buttermilk for one more batch of pancakes and if I don’t use it by Tuesday, it’ll go bad.

Thursday Ten: The Detours Edition

1. This afternoon on the way home from my guitar lesson I ended up getting detoured about five miles out of my way around an accident (several police cars and a fire truck were at the scene), which added about fifteen minutes to my drive home somehow.

2. I don’t love detours. Scratch that – some detours are okay. The figurative kind. I can’t think of how many good things in my life were things that I had never planned on, things that sort of happened along the way. And I’m a planner – I love to know what’s going to happen when… (Ask my best friend who fed ex’d my planner to my when I was on my honeymoon. I’ve relaxed a BIT since having kids – because it’s a necessity – but… I still love having a clear idea of what’s in store for me). So, sometimes when something unexpected happens… it’s cool. And life is better for it. But the literal detours? They suck.

3. In guitar lesson today, I started learning “Sweet Home Alabama”. You can ALMOST recognize it, but still… it’s slow. Way slow. I’m gonna get it though.

4. New music this week: “Love Lockdown” Kanye West (And I don’t love Kanye West – AT ALL – but like this song), and “Spaceman” by the Killers. Slow week for me.

5. I took both girls to see “Horton Hears a Who” last weekend. My mom scored free tickets for me to take them to see “Madagascar 2” this Saturday (Free popcorn too – which is awesome because my girls eat a LOT of popcorn). I love going to the movies but go so rarely. It’s odd that I’ll have been three times within seven days.

6. This morning as I was leaving the library, I walked past my van and saw a dead bird hanging out of the grille of my minivan. Gross. I left it alone, got in the car and Twitter’d about it, figuring I’d deal with it later. By the time I got home, fortunately, the sucker had fallen out. Now just a lone feather remains where the little birdy was. There’s something you don’t see everyday.

7. Starbucks is not making a sugarfree version of their gingerbread latte this winter. Means I cannot get a gingerbread habit going again or I will end up needing someone to rip the roof off my house and pull me out with a crane. Starbucks, why did you let me down?

8. Just over two weeks until the “Twilight” movie comes out. My sister wants to go, and my mom is now getting drawn into the books. We may all go see the flick together. We’re such nerds.

9. Still having trouble adjusting to the time change. For example, it’s just after 6 p.m. and so dark outside now that I feel like I should be winding down and my kids should be tucked in their beds. No go. Two hours til bedtime. The Princess has learned to tell the time so I can’t even try to trick her anymore.

10. Thank you Target, Walmart, Toys R Us and Meijer for sending us your big ginormous toy catalogs for Christmas. My girls have gone through ALL FOUR of them and have circled EVERYTHING they want. Their wantyness is annoying the hell out of me on one hand – on the other hand, I could go online and be done Christmas shopping for both of them in five minutes. It’s that easy. I’ve already started buying stocking stuffers for the kids. Has anyone else started Christmas shopping yet?