98 Days Of Tax Season Left on the Calendar…

Tax season?

It sucks.

Rest assured, this isn’t some brilliant new revelation – I’m not new here, I’ve been through this a time or two but this is the first week of tax season hours and I’m trying to get acclimated and really all I want to do is curl up on the couch and read a book (Current read: Catch-22). Hubby has finally come to the realization that he needs to park his car in the driveway rather than in the garage, as the garage door opening and closing at 5:30 in the morning wakes up Pumpkin and me (The Princess has the farthest room from the garage and loves sleep far too much to be bothered by something as silly as a LOUD GARAGE DOOR, and will almost always sleep through it). You all know how I feel about waking up before 6 a.m.

Then there’s the fact that it’s usually just me and the kids at dinner time. Hard to get giddy about cooking meals for two kids who think my cooking is less-than-fabulous.

Wait a minute. I should check my archives. I think I wrote this same post last year.


And here we go again.