1. Happy Valentines Day, y’all. Whether or not it’s a big deal for you, I’m glad you’re here. Have a conversation heart. You can have all the yellow ones. They taste like banana and I don’t want ’em. This isn’t my favorite “holiday” (I use the term loosely) so, if you dig it, enjoy, if you don’t… HAPPY THURSDAY!
2.So Tuesday night was both the State of the Union and the Michigan/Michigan State bball game. That’s all code for: STAY AWAY FROM SOCIAL MEDIA. I mostly did. It’s funny how rabid people get about that stuff – and by funny, I mean that there’s a great deal of people who would benefit from learning some meditative breathing techniques.
3. Guess who got a paczki for Fat Tuesday and then…didn’t eat it? This girl. Good news? No paczki guilt. Bad news? Been craving sweets ever since.
4. I can’t say this enough times – I really really despise text shorthand. Sure, I’ll use the acronyms. I’m not above a little “LOL” or somethin’, but there’s nothing like seeing U, UR, B, R blink across my screen as if those were words. It annoys me. For being extremely comfortable with text and internet hooey, those stupid abbreviations make texts a pain in the butt to read. And I’ll judge.
5. House of Cards on Netflix – anyone else watching? What do you think so far?
6. My grandpa’s doctors have ruled out surgery as an option for him following his heart catheterization the other day. Now they’ve scheduled two more CT scans to determine whether the next steps is a stent or medication. I am stressed and unhappy about this. He’s old and his body is old and he’s fine with whatever the doctor’s suggest, and I have to be fine with it too… It’s just not easy for me.
7. I see a lot of crazy crap on Facebook (some people will “like” ANYTHING), but one of the things I had seen a few times lately had to do with drinking half a lemon squeezed into a cup of hot water at the beginning and end of the day. Now, I rarely do it twice a day, but, I have to say, it’s kinda nice to start my day with it. And a mug of hot lemon water on my drive to work kinda kicks the desire to stop at Starbucks. Lemons are cheaper than Starbucks. Win. I guess.
8. I plan to wipe out any health benefits of water and lemon by eating a bag of conversation heart candy. Except the yellow ones. Everyone knows all the calories are in the yellow ones.
9. For those of you curious, I turned my thermostat down and… my bill went up. Granted, temperatures dropped a lot as well, but sheesh. STUPID WINTER.
10. I haven’t forgotten my Kitchen through the Lens project – in fact, I still sure do love it. But, I haven’t picked a recipe lately. I have a lot of cool things left to make – and I will – but haven’t yet. Something to come soon, I promise.
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