I have writer’s block
The blinking cursor and blank screen
are driving me nuts.
I could write about
how difficult it can be
to shop for new shoes
I finally found
a new pair today – six stores
later, I have shoes!
Someone on Twitter
suggested that I should write
about puffins but…
I googled puffins
and I’m pretty sure that I
am puffin-clueless.
I could write about
how I am wearing short sleeves
No coat! The sun shines!
I could write about
my love of saltine crackers
but that’s nothing new.
I could write about
American Idol or
trashy tv shows…
But you expect that
from me anyway, don’t you?
That’s not new, either.
I could write about
how I’m looking to upgrade
my Canon and how
I really don’t know
what model would be best. (You
can answer that, please).
I could write about
haikus and how I’ve never
really written one.
That would explain it
if my count is messed up or
if I did it wrong.
But, still I’m blocky.
Maybe I should ask you to
pick my next topic.
the best writers block post EVAH
Writer’s block? Me, too.
Maybe I will try haiku.
To clear the blockage.