Thursday Ten: In the Home Stretch Edition

1. Only one more full week until school starts. {big sigh of relief} The kids are bored and antsy and ready to get back at it, and I’m ready to get a set schedule in place – one in which I am more clearly able to separate when I’ve got my work hat on and when I’ve got my mom hat on. Assured, both hats are adorable and I look completely stunning in either one – but the constant switching of hats messes up my hair.

2. If you haven’t yet contributed to Lucy Kate’s care package, you can still do so. The response so far has been tremendous. It always restores my faith in humanity to see people selflessly reaching out to others going through tough times.

3. No guitar lesson for the  next few weeks. “Summer break” for a few, and then back at it the week the kids start school again. I miss it – because it’s the one thing that I do truly for myself. When I start again in September, it will be my one year guitarversary.

4. I’m kind of wondering how Rick Astley feels about the whole “rickroll” thing. If I was him, I think I’d be kinda giddy — because if it wasn’t for that, would anyone born after 1990 even know who he was?

5. I’m going to miss Project Runway tonight. I’m not happy about that little turn of events. Quite sad, actually. But, I’m sure they’ll repeat the episode eleventy-five times, so I’ll catch it before next week’s airs.

6. New music this week: I’m loving the new Ingrid Michaelson album, “Everybody”. It was released on Tuesday and I felt like some lighthearted music and it did the trick. Very catchy hooks, and I’ve been humming “Everybody” for days.

7. I think I already like The Princess’s 2nd grade teacher. She sent a pretty awesome letter to the parents – and from the sounds of it – I think her teaching philosophy meshes with what I want for my daughter. I’ve already volunteered to help out WITH AN AT-HOME PROJECT throughout the year. I’m thrilled that there are at-home volunteer opportunities for parents.

8. I don’t really enjoy in-class volunteering because I’m not a very patient person and I have never wanted to be a teacher. Acting even remotely in that capacity to twenty-some children doesn’t come easily. Admittedly, because things come so easily to The Princess, I’m not used to explaining things in detail. I’m the first to admit that teachers deserve EVERY PENNY of their (MUCH TOO SMALL) salaries. I know I couldn’t do it.

9. I decided I’d try a new method of keeping my house clean. Every day, ONE ROOM of my house gets special treatment to get super clean. Which has worked really well… til today. Today is bathroom cleaning day. I haven’t done it yet. Not only that – but the kids have TRASHED the living room, so basically I’m about ready to curl up in a ball and start sucking my thumb. GAH. I can’t think when it’s so messy. When school starts, some of these toys will mysteriously disappear during the school days.

10. We are OUT. OF. PEANUT. BUTTER. This is a problem of epic proportions (and laziness). I’ll have you know, I just scraped the last littlest bit out of the jar so I could have a slice of peanut butter toast. I stopped just short of using my finger to sweep out the remains of the PB (creamy, in case you were thinking of asking – if I wanted crunchy, I’d just throw a handful of peanuts between two slices of bread). I didn’t do it though, but oh, my toast was woefully inadequate with only a small smear of peanut butter. And I’m too lazy to go to the store.

About sarah

Sarah is a book nerd, a music lover, an endorphin junkie, a coffee addict. Oh, and a goof ball. She writes, she tweets, and she sings off key.

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