Archives for October 2007

Whole Lotta Crazy

This morning was the first day of having my friend’s kiddaroonies come to my house in the morning to wait for the school bus. Already, we have The Princess’s BFF who comes over at 7:30. The Princess only has school 2 – 3 times a week (kindergarten schedule is screwy), so she is not always getting ready and going in the morning.

Now, we’ll have my two kids, the BFF, and my friend’s two kids. That’s FIVE. Holy cow.

We eased into it this morning – only one of my friend’s kids came over. The girls got along alright, they got on the bus alright. The kid that came over is a compulsive neat freak (she gets it from her mom), and she organized cleaning of the playroom. How awesome is that?

So Super Cute

I just went to check on my napping Pumpkin. She had a restless time before falling asleep, and has all the toys and blankets from her room surrounding her on her bed. She reminds me of the movie E.T. where E.T. was hiding in the closet surrounded by Gertie’s stuffed animals. She’s so darn cute.

Crazy? I Was Crazy Once…

It’s only Wednesday and I feel the last grip I have on my sanity fading away. Dramatic much? Um, yeah. I don’t know what the hell is in the water over here in our house because my girls are making me old this week. I’m trying to roll with it, I’m trying to not be the mom who yells and gets frustrated (but seeing as how patience isn’t my strong suit, it’s a struggle, it really is).

The Princess has picked up this tremendous attitude from who-knows-where. She lets loose with comments and snarky bits that makes me look at her and think, “Who are you? And when can I have my daughter back?” Part of it, I’m sure is her testing her limits, testing these new phrases and words she’s getting, trying to find out where she begins and we end. I hope that’s what it is. I would hate to think that she just hates me (and Hubby too – she gives him attitude when he’s home – she’s an equal opportunity grump these days).

Today as I was preparing lunch, Pumpkin took a bowl of salad (with dressing!) and dumped it on the carpet. Of course, at that moment, The Princess asked me for something. I asked her to please wait, I was working really hard. Her response: “At WHAT? Ruining my life?!”


Remember, y’all… she’s FIVE. I did not expect her to think I was the Wicked Witch until she turned 12. She’s sure getting a jump start on the My Mommy Sucks thing.

I am trying to notice patterns of when she tends to get moody and vocal. Usually, it happens when she’s hungry. Since I’m pretty nasty when I’m hungry too, I can’t fault her for that. I also try to make sure meals and snacks are predictably scheduled and that she doesn’t GET to that point. Obviously, I missed the boat today. Twice. This afternoon, hours after the declaration that I’m ruining her life, The Princess fully melted down over the fact that I wouldn’t let her have ice cream. Yeah, I’m horrible, I know it. Eventually, I was able to talk her out of her tree, and get her some string cheese and she chilled out.

It’s hard not to lose your cool when someone is yelling at you – even when it’s a five year old. Especially when it’s a five year old who you love tremendously with every fiber of your being and she’s chucking words of anger at you. It hurts. It really freakin’ hurts.

But Of Course…

As we’ve been battling The Princess’s bronchitis for several days now (over a week if you count the days before we took her to the doctor and realized it was bronchitis), it is really no surprise to me that someone else in the house is coming down with the crud. Unfortunately, that someone appears to be me.