- Christmas is just over two weeks away and I have no idea where my spirit is or when I’ll snap out of the funk I’m in and I have no idea why this year has been such a tough one in terms of being jolly. Well. I take that back. I’m reasonably certain I know why I have no Christmas spirit. Or not enough spirit. But… trying to combat it is tough. Honestly, the fact that there’s no snow at all is a major saving grace for me right now.
- I rip recipes out of magazines. Ideally, I put the recipe in a plastic page protector in a binder and voila! Cookbooks. Instead, right now what I have is a massive pile of magazine pages that are not at all organized in any way. What a chaotic pile of suck.
- I guess this is where I mention that my 39 before 40 list includes reading that “Lifechanging Magic of Tidying Up” book. I haven’t started reading it yet. SURPRISE!
- Y’know what’s annoying? I just received a medical bill yesterday for an eye specialist appointment FROM APRIL. Nearly eight months to the day after my appointment, a second invoice from a day spent in Ann Arbor. (I’ve already sent them nearly two grand for the first appointment. *sob*) How does it take eight months? Thank god they were slow enough that my deductible has been met.
- I’m so grateful to have health insurance but dang, y’all could you know… COVER SOME STUFF.
- We have nearly a year to go until the presidential election and I am so disheartened I have no idea how I’m going to make it until next November. This country is a mess and these people are a joke and ugh. I feel very much like the election cycle needs to be like… a month or two long – that’s it. The candidates will come out all at once and talk about who they are and what they stand for and then like two weeks later you’ll vote and it’ll be done. When I think of all the money being wasted through this whole process right now it makes me more than a little sick.
- And how is 2015 almost over already? My god. Part of me is ready for a brand new year because this year has been so hard – and part of me is afraid of bleeding my bad luck into an all year. I’d just as soon stay in 2015, get all the bad stuff done with, AND THEN move on. (2015: The Year Everything Broke Including My Retinas)
- Work has been chaotic and it’s tough – there’s a lot to do and a lot of non-planned things keep coming up. On one hand, you’ll never hear me say that I’m bored. On the other hand… you’ll never hear me say that I’m bored.
- I’ve spent a lot of time thinking about blogging lately – and this may well be the topic of a post of its own – but y’all know how I am about that: everytime I say it merits its own post, I never write it because I just don’t have time. remember when I had time to write? Blogging used to be a way of connecting. Now it’s just another avenue where people try to sell stuff. ANd I totally understand it and accept it and to a degree I don’t even mind that because I get it but I miss the connection. I miss when authenticity was more than a buzz word. When people weren’t just trying to find that next viral thing that looks an awful lot like that last viral thing.
- I love convenience but I hate doing my Christmas shopping online. It’s not the same, and I am having a hard time remembering what I bought for what person? (Also? WHY YOU GOTTA TAKE SO LONG, FREE SHIPPING?) Limited free time means shopping by mobile app in the late or wee hours (bonus points if you accept Apple Pay). It’s just a really underwhelming way to do things. That could be why I still have so much I have yet to do. Sigh.
Thursday Ten: Trying Hard to Find My Spirit edition
December 10, 2015 by Leave a Comment
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