1. The blog was up and then it was down and then it’s up and now I’m getting a message that it might not be safe and then I switched over to Firefox and I”m not getting that message and y’all I just don’t know but here’s hoping it’s not broken because I’d hate to lose ten years worth of stuff.
2. Can you believe it? Ten years of blogging. That’s a lot of words.
3. There’s a post it on my computer from Pumpkin: “Stars can’t shine without darkness.” I’m keeping it there – partly because it seems especially meaningful because my retinal crud makes it a bit harder to see stars unless it’s super dark and partly because it’s a reasonably good reminder that there’s a reason for the tough times. Sometimes.
4. This week is a HUGE week for THe PRincess – her school musical (she has a big role) and her first meet of the season. It means there’s a lot going on but it’s good stuff, for the most part, so yay.
5. I saw a huge double rainbow when I was leaving work last night and I stood in the rain until my shoes were soaked through, taking pictures of it with my phone because sometimes after a day that is full of struggle, you are confronted with beauty and dang, it’s just a perfect opportunity to get outside of yourself, get over yourself and just see what’s in front of you, what’s beautiful and perfect and feels a bit like optimism.
6. I can tell I’ve been stressed because I think I’ve bitten the right side of my cheek so many times that now I can’t stop biting it. Some people bite their tongues…
7. And it’s been a hard week – this is the time of year we spend planning budgets and marketing engagements for our clients for the coming year. The dollars and cents isn’t as fun as the strategy and creative and concepting, and so I would love to fast foward over the PLANNING and get to the DOING. The planning hurts my brain a little.
8. Thanksgiving is next week – can’t believe it. Where has this year even gone? It’s going to be Christmas before we know it and then 2016? How is that even possible?
9. We finally have a Trader Joes in Grand Rapids and I’m more than a little in love with it.
10. DId EVERYBODY buy a Star Wars waffle iron this week? Yeesh. Lot of waffles in my Facebook feed. Lot of bigots too. But we’re talking about waffles now. But really – did everyone buy that waffle iron?
I just finished migrating my stuff to wordpress.com today so I don’t have to worry any more – and wish I had done it some time ago – they have re-written their entire authoring and reading interface since I last looked a few months ago – it’s not significantly better than anywhere else online…
Urr… if I could type it would help… it’s “NOW significantly better”