1. Things I’ve thought while watching reality television this week: Why did Adam Levine do that to his hair? He looks like he’s trying to sell me a car. Has Keith Urban always looked like Bryan Adams? Or is that Jon Bon Jovi? Who is it that Keith Urban looks like right now (besides Keith Urban)? How does Abby Lee have any clients when she’s such a meanie? I wonder how much those moms pay for all those dance lessons. (I blame The Princess for “Dance Moms” – it’s her addiction, not mine.)
2. I started a new job on Monday. So far, so good. I’m struggling with being the new person who doesn’t know everything yet. I’m told that this will pass.
3. Negative windchills are just unnecessary. This winter is unnecessary.
4. I wish I had some Dots right now. Except the pink ones. Nobody wants those.
5. This new full time schedule means I’m on the hunt for some slow cooker recipes. I have NOT liked coming home and being crushed for time to hurry up and get food prepared. I want to relax when I get home, hang out with my kids. Not bust my butt over some subpar meal. So, if you have a crock pot dish you recommend, go ahead and tell me about it. MY KIDS ARE TIRED OF SANDWICHES.
6. After sending my beloved 24-70 lens off for repair (finally) it returned home this week. Sharp and lovely and fast again. I was only without it for a couple of weeks and the repair cost was less than I anticipated. I’m pleased. (Also, if you have ever packaged up a very expensive lens to ship via FedEx, you may know my panic. Is there even such a thing as too much bubble wrap?)
7. Is it the weekend yet? It has been so long since I’ve worked a traditional level, I’ve forgotten how to long for Friday at 5, but wait, I think I remember how now. IS IT FRIDAY YET?
8. Learning new things, nine hours a day for days on end? Tiring. Not enough coffee or green tea. Zzzzzz….
9. Sometimes when I click through to read an article that ends up being particularly stupid, I wish I could have a take-back and get back my time and take my page view back from their stats.
10. What has been the best part of your week? I’m asking a) because I care and b) because I’m too tired to come up with a tenth thing because OY THIS WEEK. Anyway, tell me about you. How’s your week?
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