It’s hard to fill this space here lately


When I started this blog, a friend called it “Plastic Sarah” – because this is where I often tried to keep things positive and light and never really touched on things that were bothering me or not right in my world or even remotely unpleasant. I think there have been times when I have taken a break from the norm and spewed a little here, but for the most part, yeah… I try to be positive.

I think there’s a lot to be said for putting on a happy face when you’re not feeling it. It makes me think of Ben Affleck in The Boiler Room (“It makes me think of Ben Affleck…” – words I never thought I’d say): “There’s an important phrase that we use here, and think it’s time that you all learned it. Act as if.”

Acting as if doesn’t really mean that everything’s perfect or that I really am feeling joyous and peppy, but it’s sure easier to feel hopeful and optimistic if I’m not mired in gloom – and frankly? I prefer hope. I prefer thinking that things will be better at some point, and when you’re looking for the bright side of every situation, you’re more likely to find it. That may sound disgustingly Pollyanna-like, but… I’ll accept that.

I took my kids to the beach the other day, and I’ll be writing about that soon. I’ve been listening to some new music, and I’m sure I’ll mention that at some point. I am not a fan of this 90°+ weather we’ve got going on and how the circumference of my frizzy hair gets bigger as the humidity rises… and you’ll be hearing about that until autumn.

But right now, finding the words to put here is a bit tough, and I’m trying.

And I’m trying with a smile on because that’s what I do.

About sarah

Sarah is a book nerd, a music lover, an endorphin junkie, a coffee addict. Oh, and a goof ball. She writes, she tweets, and she sings off key.


  1. I like your “Act as if…” thing.

    And I hope whatever it is that causing you to “act as if…” for now gets all better quickly!

    Also, be as plastic as you need to. You owe us nothing. And I love you no matter what.

  2. I love you, plastic or not 🙂 And I think “act as if” takes a lot of strength and courage, something you definitely have a lot of!

  3. There is something to be said for that. I think sometimes its ten times harder to put on your “happy face” and push through the bad stuff.

    You are simply amazing with your courage and stretngth with so much uncertainity.

    I love you no matter what version of Sarah there is .. you be who you need to be!


  4. There’s nothing wrong with putting your best face forward and being hopeful. I hope things do turn around for you soon and you no longer need to “act as if”.

  5. I am always here for you, plastic or not. Nothing but love for you from this end <3

  6. ((((Hugs))))

  7. =)

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