I see me looking back at me.
I’m kind of introspective anyway, I spend a lot of time in my head. I spend a lot of time thinking, rethinking, overthinking and thinking some more. And when I think I’ve thought all I can think… then I do more thinking.
And sometimes it’s useful and I can calculate and solve and come up with solutions, and sometimes? I can’t.
I’ve spent a lot of time in my head lately, and frankly I wish I could get a break from it.
Open up my head and let me out…
(No. I don’t make a habit of quoting Dave Matthews’ songs)
Most of the time I really love my introspective way. I love how I am secure in my head and I have confidence that I can solve anything, figure anything out.
Sometimes the thinking is decidedly tougher.
Right now, I spend a lot of time thinking. And it sucks, it really sucks. I’m starting to hate thinking – starting to envy the stupid people who can go days or weeks without ever really rubbing coherent thoughts together.
I am here when you need to spew the thoughts in your head. I have great ears that love to listen 🙂
One of the hardest times/moments for me is when I want my brain to just shut. up. already.
Especially at night, when all I want to do is sleep.
Regardless of how you get there, I really admire your consistency, and your creativity. (this is where you bash me over the head, and scream “but you don’t see the teeth gnashing that goes on!”)