1. The SuperBowl was on Sunday and because I didn’t really care who won (and I barely knew who was playing), I was able to only pay a tiny bit of attention to the game while waiting impatiently for the commercials. No real favorites, but I did snort during the Greek yogurt commercial when that woman head-butted John Stamos. She must really love her Greek yogurt. Hey, I like it too, but… not enough for a head injury. [Also, I thought the Madonna halftime show was better than I had anticipated. She covered her arms – YAY, and frankly, she’s an icon. I was a huge Madonna fan when I was younger, and she’s really just classic. Weird sometimes…but classic.]
2. THEN, I waited impatiently for all the post-game-blah blah blah to end so I could catch the premiere of Season 2 of The Voice to see Chris Mann do his thing. He was absolutely amazing and I was not surprised to see the judges hit their buttons. He’ll be on Team Christina this season and if you missed it, make sure you tune in to catch him and support him. Not only is he phenomenally talented, but he’s also a nice guy. I really hope to see him succeed on the show and I’ll be tuning in to cheer him on this season.
3. As I do every winter, I just got bored with my hair, so I decided to get it colored. I saw someone other than my regular stylist, so I was nervous. The color? I think is okay. The cut? WAS SOOOOO NOT OK. Saw my regular stylist on Monday and in a matter of snip-snip-snip, my cut was one I was happy with again.
4. Gearing up for a huge bake sale on Monday to raise funds for the Avon Walk for Breast Cancer. I’ll spend all day Sunday baking – and hope to raise a few hundred dollars on Monday to support my team in the walk. What should I bake?
5. I went to The Princess’s school yesterday to surprise her because her teacher had let me know she was getting an award (it was a secret to my kiddo). I sat through 20 minutes of some useless presentation by the school guidance counselor before watching the five minutes of the children getting their awards. It was a bizarro rendition of “Deal Or No Deal” and I’m not entirely sure what it had to do with the presentation of awards. Hmmph.
6. We met at a sports bar for book club last night. I felt a bit like playing “Name that Tune” with the restaurant music. Immediately recognized a song by the Eagles by the opening bars and then it took me far too long to realize it was “Victim of Love” (I love the Eagles, by the way. Don’t hate). Speaking of book club, we decided to take it easy from hard core serious books and are reading Mindy Kaling’s book this month. Whew.
7. Two weeks until Nashville – are you going to Blissdom?
8. I really need to find a tailor – because wearing taller shoes as an alternative to getting my pants hemmed is starting to hurt my feet.
9. Pumpkin ended up with some cootie/cough yuck that kept her home last Friday. She fought against the antibiotics because she insisted they “clogged her cough”. Seems like at six years old, giving medicine would be easier. Not so much.
10. I actually had a really interesting dialogue on Facebook (I KNOW!) yesterday about education and how teaching children by rote can sometimes inhibit creativity – and it evolved into “teaching for tests” and so forth. First of all, was pleased to not have that blow out of the water – as I’m friends with several teachers on Facebook. But it’s also pretty awesome sometimes to realize that I am friends with a group of really smart people – and not just generically smart – their areas of knowledge are so varied and it’s pretty amazing sometimes to when you hit a topic that is someone’s area of expertise and you get to see them in a different light as they are sharing what they truly know and are passionate about. It was pretty cool. And it was on Facebook! Blows my mind.
Oh, don’t get me started about kids being coached to pass tests. We see it all around us. We happen to live in an area where the secondary schools are split – old style “grammar schools”, and more modern “comprehensives”. The grammar schools tend to have wealthy benefactors, and entrance exams. They also cause the local housing market to become hideously distorted due to their “catchment areas”.
The coaching for the entrance exams (the “11+”) starts about a year before – some kids have had private tutors for two years. We on the other hand pulled our eldest out of the race before it started, and informed the teachers… they responded privately that they wished other parents would do what we have done.
Instead of going to a private tutor each Saturday, our eldest plays football for the town, has made wonderful friends among her team mates, and is learning about competition, and teamwork.