It goes like this.
Little Miss planted a kiss.
Planted a kiss?
Planted a kiss.
And so begins “Plant A Kiss”, the latest children’s story book written by Amy Krouse Rosenthal (@missamykr on Twitter – and author of some of my favorite kids’ books – as well as the beckoner of lovely) and illustrated by Peter Reynolds (You may recognize his style from the Judy Moody series.
Little Miss plants a kiss and she nurtures and cares for that kiss and patiently waits for it to grow.
Like all of Miss Amy’s stories (that’s what we call her in my house – we kind of really love her – a love that was cemented even further when she called The Princess and read a story to her on her birthday a few years ago), this book has much to do with love and kindness and giving – and the simplicity, along with the whimsy of the illustrations, brings such joy to my heart.
It’s a very very sweet story, and one that I’ll love long after my children decide they’re “too old” for it.
I received this book free for review but this post is 100% from the heart and I was not compensated for writing it. I do like my opinions and I’ll give them for free. Especially when books are involved.
I love that style of illustration. I need to seriously start taking notice of all of our kids books – somebody approached me last night about illustrating a childrens book… I immediately said yes before I really thought about it…