Do you know this face? This is Kat, otherwise known as Sassy Irish Lassie. And today is Kat’s birthday.
As is the case with so many friendships in the age of Internet, I knew Kat for a long time before I ever actually met her in person. I met her (as I have met so many of my dearest friends) through BD. I was editing the Blended Families section at the time, and she asked if she could contribute (or I begged her to – my memory is a little hazy), and from there? I couldn’t help but fall in love with her.
Not only is she my kindred spirit when it comes to music or making sure a dance floor doesn’t stay empty, we have matching stepmother horns. There’s something about bonding through difficult experiences that cement a bond. She has a perspective and a “been there, done that” point of view that not everyone can offer, and I’ve been grateful for that time and again, because it’s nice to not feel so alone.
We finally OFFICIALLY met at BlogHer 2009 in Chicago. It was like I’d known her for years.
We went to parties, we spent lots of time gabbing, and we ate french fries. Enthusiastically.
Oh. And we touched the Weinermobile.
Kat just kind of…gets me.
And whether it’s just dumb luck or a happy twist of fate, I ended up with a pretty amazing friend when Kat came into my life. Kat is someone I can talk to about damn near anything. If I’m having a great day, she cheers me on. If things are craptastic, she is encouraging and supportive. When it’s my birthday, she rallies the troops and orders me fresh hot cookies from a local bakery (and y’all know how I love a good cookie!).
I never fail to have a fun time with her. Whether it’s attending tweetups, conferences… or finding reflective surfaces to take our picture in.
She’s so awesome, she even agreed to get on a plane with me.
To some of you, that might not sound like much – but if you know (AS YOU SHOULD) how petrified I am by flying, this was a leap of faith on Kat’s part. I’m not a fun travel partner by any means (actually, I’m great prior to take off and immediately following landing – it’s that whole “up in the air” part where you’ll likely wish to muzzle me and strap my white knuckle hands down to the arm rests). But Kat didn’t do any of that. She didn’t even laugh at me too much.
And while in Nashville, I had one of the best times of my life. You see that picture up there? I am so glad that Mishi captured that moment. In that moment, several of us had been laughing, laughing SO SO HARD, and it was in that moment that I felt the kind of ease of just being and contentment and total joy you get when you are around true friends. It’s like family, or like coming home.
She’s so much like family that I’ve agreed that my daughters should marry her sons someday. The cute would be overwhelming.
Happy birthday, Kat. I adore you and am so glad you are on this planet. And I love everything about you, missy (except that Ohio State thing).
Feel free to leave some birthday love for Kat in the comments or go visit her on her blog to wish her a happy birthday.
Happy birthday, Kat!!!
I love you both, SO MUCH!!!!
I adore you both.
love love love
Happy Birthday, KAT!
I am SO blessed to have such awesomely amazing friends. You girls mean the world to me!!
Mad love all around!!!
I’m so blessed and grateful for your friendship. I hope your day has been special and amazing – you deserve the joy and happiness of an amazing birthday 🙂
As Kat will tell you I am very rarely speachless but your post today was simply stunning! I am so happy you and Kat have found your friendship.
Heavenly. Little bitty slices of it. Huge slices of it. All the time. Both of you. Happy birthday to you, Kat. Love to both of my friends!
I found this through Twitter and absolutely love this post!! The title grabbed me at first because I love SASSY! And as I read, it just touched my heart. Two peas in a pod is what I see here 🙂 You are a good friend to write such a beautiful post.
– Butter