Day two of summer vacation for the girls and I’m already in a minor panic, trying to reconfigure my daily schedule so that I can keep on keeping on, getting done all the things I need to do.
I don’t want to beat a dead horse get into a debate about the merits of stay-at-home-moms versus working-moms. I also don’t mean to imply that if a parent doesn’t work outside the home, their life is free from struggle and that they immediately have balance.
I’m sure it’s a struggle for everyone.
Which is why I’m here.
In addition to the care of my children and my house, I do have a job. I’ve been fortunate. I work from home. I make no mistake of how lucky I am that I have ultimately the best of both worlds (cue Hannah Montana…) in my life. During the school year – I am easily able to find that balance: When the kids are at school, I am able to wear my Worker Bee hat. When the kids are at home, I am able to put on my (much sportier) Mom hat. It’s easier for me to turn off the work part of my brain once the kids are home because I have such ample time to get things done.
In the summer, it’s a whole ‘nother ball game.
My ultimate goal is that I’m fully present in whatever I am doing (or at least 98% focused. My attention span kind of sucks). I don’t want to be the one constantly saying “just a minute” or “I’ll be right there!”, nor do I want my coworkers to be left in a lurch if I’m in the Mom Zone.
I already have some strategies I’m working on putting in place – including: waking up earlier (bleh!) and utilizing my mother’s helper again to watch the kids while I work on demolishing my to-do list one day per week.
What are your go-to strategies for getting stuff done? How do you find balance? Will you come over and mop my floors so I can hang out with my kids?
i think the *work/life balance* is a myth, honestly. Also: I will even CLEAN YOUR BATHROOMS, if you pay me in cookies.
I’ll have your rubber gloves and a plate of cookies waiting for ya.
don’t worry, you’ll get your schedule worked out just in time for fall. 😉
Hi Sarah: I’m in the same boat and have been doing the summer juggle for (how old is my daughter?) 10 years now. Don’t know if you’ve thought about day camp, but finding inexpensive options through our community parks & rec has been a huge source of time for me and fun for the kids. I only chose camps that they could both attend (either same session or same location), and sometimes, if it was a bit of a drive, I’d take my laptop and hang out in a nearby park or coffeeshop for the entirety of camp to optimize my time.
The other great solution I found was trading full days of childcare with a friend whose kids are the same age as mine. Sure you have a day of relative chaos when they’re at your house, but you do get windows of worktime when they’re all occupying each other happily. Then when they’re at your friend’s house–work, work, work!
We also used to plan days around the library book events and social activities–the kids were in a safe, enriching environment and I worked nearby on my laptop.
Good luck…
Those are fantastic ideas – I’ll definitely have to check into the daycamp programs. We do venture to the library frequently, but I can’t work there — so many kids there, I’d never get anything done with the noise level!!
I have the answer. It’s at
She teaches how small amounts of time set into routines (kids too) can bring it all into balance, a bit at a time.