Weekly Winners, Week Ending 05.08.10

Happy Mother’s Day! This week I was thrilled to finally get my 50mm lens – of course, only one or two of these shots is using the 50, but I can’t wait to start playing with it more and seeing what it can do and getting a better feel for it. Be sure to stop by to see Lotus and the other Weekly Winner participants.

No, this isn't my yard. It's a whole lotta dandelions. Somehow, they are prettier when they belong to someone else.


happiness is...

Lining up to wait for their death. IN MAH BELLEH.

Hideous, isn't it? This is the color the girls picked to paint their bathroom. I will never be in love with it.

About sarah

Sarah is a book nerd, a music lover, an endorphin junkie, a coffee addict. Oh, and a goof ball. She writes, she tweets, and she sings off key.


  1. Love the marcos. I like using my 50mm for those sorts of close shots too.

  2. The gummy bears is so funny – and a great picture! Love the first shot too!

  3. Love the macros, especially the gummi bears!

  4. I love “strings”! So abstract! I love the gummies too. =)

  5. Oh, that color! They will hate it in a year, I’m sure! I painted my room that color once. A year later—-regret!

    You’re so good, honey! Love what you see.

    • Even if they end up hating it soon (and they probably will), they’re SO STUCK with it. I hated painting that bathroom. I still have pink paint in my hair.

  6. That dandelion is beautiful, and I love the gummy bears.

  7. Love, love, love the guitar shots.

  8. You look like a ba-bay. Get in my belly!

    You guitar shots are gorgeous, but you knew that already 🙂

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