Weekly Winners, Middle of April Edition

Lotus’s weekly winners is definitely one of my favorite parts of the week. First of all, as you can CLEARLY see from her site, the woman takes AMAZING pictures. And then? So many people join along – and I love hopping from blog to blog to see what kind of week other people have had. So, head on over to Lotus’s place and check ’em out.

This week has been an interesting one for me – I’ve jumped back and forth between my lovely P&S and my new DSLR. Admittedly, habit makes me wanna grab the lil camera – it fits in my purse so easily. BUT BUT BUT, I love the shots I’m getting with the Rebel – and can’t wait to figure the shtuff out on that camera a bit more.

Here are a few of my favorite shots from the two cameras.

Sunday morning coffee on Orleans Street in Chicago

For a few weeks a year it blooms. Here we go.

Birthday flowers for my sister

Mother Nature's color palette blows my mind.

Slow like honey and heavy with mood.

Frame the day

About sarah

Sarah is a book nerd, a music lover, an endorphin junkie, a coffee addict. Oh, and a goof ball. She writes, she tweets, and she sings off key.


  1. I love the honey shot. that is crazy cool.

  2. {sigh}

    I love your vision

  3. Gorgeous shots! I’m in love with my Rebel, and have no desire for the point and shoot anymore… except when I need a quick pic. Love the farmhouse photo and birthday flowers! Amazing! =)

  4. Didn’t I tell you that you needed a DSLR!! Greatness, my friend!

    • But now, I want new lenses and a pretty camera bag and this and that and this… Oh, there goes all my disposable income! 🙂

  5. I love the flowers and natures palette.

  6. ‘Frame the Day’ and “Nature’s palette” are amazing… all these snaps are.

  7. i saw on twitter that you’d gotten a big girl camera — congrats! (i meant to ask what kind, never got around to it, now i know.) LOVE these shots, especially the farmhouse and window frame. awesome.

  8. I use my point and shoot a lot for convenience, too. I still haven’t learned to use my DSLR out of auto mode! (Though, it still does quite well!)

    Your photos are beautiful. I especially love the farmhouse and the window frame.

  9. Mother Nature is amazing!! Can you please tell me which place is it????

  10. Frame the day and Mother nature’s color palette are my favorites! You’re doing a great job with that DSLR!

  11. Love natures color palette, but the crop on frame the day is sheer brilliance.

  12. Gorgeous shots esp. the flowers.
    I carry my DSLR everywhere since I have a big diaper bag..lol

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