These are all products and services that I have bought on my own (unless otherwise stated). These are things I love for their awesomeness and for their usefulness, and blah blah blah. No one is paying me to say nice things about these products. I don’t believe in kissing butt anyway, so, there’s that.
1. Nike+
If I can elevate the nerd factor in something, I love it a lot more. This lets me track my distance, my pace, my best mile. So, yeah, it was with some glee last night that I noticed my mile time was approximately 30 seconds-ish faster than my last go ’round. WHOOOOOHOO. Makes me sweat – check. Appeals to the nerd portion of my brain – check. Involves technology – check. FULL OF WIN.
2. My So-Called Life
Did you know “My So Called Life” (MSCL) is now streaming on Hulu? This show started my freshman year of college and I was hooked. I loved Angela and Jordan and Rayanne and… God, yeah. Even now, I still get nostalgic when I think of this show. I still have lines that rumble through my head occasionally – and if I hear “Late at Night” by Buffalo Tom? Total flashbacks. In the best way.
3. Aveda Smooth Infusion
Hey Aveda people… CALL ME. I love this stuff. Actually, I’ve loved every Aveda product I’ve tried so far. And it smells sooooo good. But the Smooth Infusion line is especially awesome, particularly if you’re like me and have “squiggly hair” (as Pumpkin says). This definitely cuts the frizz – and my hair needs all the help it can get.
4. Cheetos
I’d be remiss if I didn’t talk about Cheetos at some point, I mean… HELLO? Cheetos are my favorite. Unfortunately, I do not partake of their artificially orange goodness nearly as frequently as I would like because that might involve having to replace my whole wardrobe with stretchy pants and muumuu’s, but ON OCCASION, I do enjoy a Cheeto. Crunchy being far superior to the Puffs. Also, Cheetos Marketing peeps – I’d have directly linked to your website, but my goodness, it’s a loud and slow-loading monstrosity of a website, so… NO GO.
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