Yeah. As I type this, it’s nearly 11 p.m. Eastern. It’s intermission following the first period of the RedWings/Ducks game and also the 900 hour Biggest Loser finale is on.
Tonight on American Idol, each of the three guys sang two songs – one picked by the judges, one picked on their own. Danny’s song by Paula was alright (I hate when he dances though – it literally makes me uncomfortable to watch). Kris’s first song was boring, but I loved his Kanye cover. And Adam… well, I’m not denying that he has skills… but they are yelly skills. It’s not the kind of album I’d buy.
BUT, my predictions for the final two are….
Adam and Kris.
Danny isn’t even trending on Twitter and Adam and Kris are…
I don’t even know what #jonasparanoid is… but more people are talking about that than Danny.
So, there you have it – a totally useless post, a totally non-scientific experiment. And kind of dorky too. No, wait. Seriously dorky. (Writer’s block makes me wax philosophical-ish about reality television).
Off to watch more hockey.
Well, I would like that, but Danny fans might not. 🙂 I’m a big Kris fan…I hope he’s in the top 2! And hey, I say your system makes perfect sense. From one dork to another.
best post ever!!!!!!!!!!!!