My day started before five a.m. yesterday – that’s how I knew it was going to be a crazy one. See, as the mom of an early bird, I’ve come to accept the fact that I probably won’t get to sleep past 8 a.m. ever again until I drop Pumpkin off at college. In actuality, I’ve always been kind of an early bird, myself (exhibit A: I was in the gym in Nashville at 4:30 in the morning during BlissDom and NO, no one needs to be at a hotel gym that early in the morning — but on a plus side, there was no one there to hear me bellow along with my iPod, so it’s all good. Insomnia? Not so good) – but 4:45 yesterday? Too early.
Then, as I got the girls ready to go and we sat at the end of the driveway waiting for The Princess’s school bus the girls would NOT. STOP. BICKERING. It got so crazy I actually responded to the “She started it!” cry with, “I don’t care WHO started it, you both better STOP IT. NOW.” Great.
The bus picked up The Princess and off I went to drop off Pumpkin at school, where she wouldn’t peel herself off my leg and instead clamped on saying, “Stay here! Stay here, mommy!” And while I love that she loves me, I sure feel like a chump leaving a kid begging me to stay. (NOTE: I know that she was fine as soon as I walked out the door. I was fine as soon as I got to Starbucks. We all heal in time).
So, I ventured on to Starbucks where I got my lovely cappuccino and while I was at the store, picked up an assorted six-pack of packzi because along with being Mardi Gras, it was also Paczki Day. Don’t know what a paczki is?That’s a paczki. For the uninformed, it’s pronounced poonch-kee.
I dropped the rest of the six-pack at Hubby’s office (a girl doesn’t need more than ONE paczki. She doesn’t even really NEED one. By the way, thank you Internet for not posting the nutrition content of a paczki yesterday. Mwah). I found a lemon one in the box and took a bite. Frozen. ARE YOU KIDDING ME? I ate a bit of it anyway so I could get my picture of my Paczki Day paczki, but couldn’t finish it. Grrr.
It was right about then that I realized I totally missed my appointment to volunteer in The Princess’s classroom. Mother of the Year committee? I’ll accept my award now.
I got home to crazy mad amounts of work that kept me busy all afternoon. I found out that a weird glitchy thing on our website was caused by something I did (Yay me) and had to fix it, I spent thirty minutes fixing the wrong thing, and then spent several hours catching up on some stuff I had kind of set aside for a better time (there is no better time).
To make a short story long: Yesterday kicked my butt.
Let’s see if we can do it a little better today.
“NOTE: I know that she was fine as soon as I walked out the door. I was fine as soon as I got to Starbucks. We all heal in time.”
Hahaha! Sometimes kids need time to cool off and sometimes moms need some coffee. SO TRUE!
I had a blueberry one and it was the yummiest thing EVA!!!!
As long as yours wasn’t frozen, you did better than I did.