Not all Tuesdays are this busy. In fact, I feel today the way I often feel on the afternoon of Christmas – the stockings have been dumped out, the presents ripped open, the huge dinner consumed and then… NOTHING. The thing is, unlike Christmas and the aftermath, there’s more than NOTHING remaining. There’s a whole lot of SOMETHING left.
I slept so horribly last night – partly due to anticipation for today’s vote. I wanted to get up early, get to the polls early, cast my vote and take my daughter’s out to have donuts for breakfast. Yes, my daughters. I wanted to take my kids and let them see the voting process – how it works, why it’s important, what it means to me.
I ended up waking up with Pumpkin at 5:30 (hello, time change? I hate you). I got her dressed. Got myself ready. At 6:30, Hubby and The Princess both managed to drag their heinies out of bed. By 6:40, we were on our way to our voting place.
Of course, we had a wait. I mean – voting didn’t start til 7 a.m. and we were there prior to… so, we waited. Fortunately, what a mild November morning. What luck. What crazy, amazing luck. Once the voting started, we were out of there within twenty minutes.
I’m eager for my daughter to get home from school and tell me about their mock-election. We talked a bit about the candidates yesterday, and I wasn’t going to name my candidate of choice – I figured I would let her decide for herself. BUT, she asked me point blank: “Who are you voting for?” I told her who and I told her why. I told her that when we vote for a candidate for president, we should know as much as we can about each of our options – and that each candidate should have a plan for their presidency. We should vote based on whose plan we most agree with. I told her the aspects of my chosen candidate that I most agreed with, and told her how excited I was to be casting my vote.
And I was – TRULY EXCITED to cast my vote this morning. As I filled in the little bubble (yes, little bubbles – that’s how we vote here) for my candidate, I was actually feeling very good about my choice rather than feeling like I was choosing the lesser of two evils. That feeling has stayed with me all day.
For the record, my kiddos eat their donut exactly the same way.
I, too, was eager to cast my vote and feel that I have a renewed faith in America.
I totally freaked out this morning when I saw that the entire holiday collection was available at The ‘Bucks. The freak out sounded something like this:
“HI! I’d like a tall vanil–