Today is day 50 of the Envisage 365 project (Y’all see that link to the right – you can click on it). I can’t believe it’s been 50 days already, and that I haven’t missed a day yet. I’m keeping my images in a few different places – the E365 blog, my Facebook, and Flickr. So many of the women involved in this project are amazing photographers – me? Not so much. But it’s been cool trying to define my day with a picture and already checking out the pictures from the past fifty days and remembering the past month and a half-ish.
In other drama, Pumpkin has taken to waking up each night at 3:30 a.m. and she doesn’t appear to really need anything: sometimes a diaper change (she wears a diaper or pull up at bed) and to be covered up with a blanket so she can go back to bed. HOW DO I MAKE HER STOP? Seriously, getting up at 3:30 a.m. means that I’m often awake for at least an hour following that. She isn’t teething. She doesn’t seem to be sick. It’s just DRIVING ME NUTS. So, if you have kids that sleep and like sleep, can you please tell me how you made that happen?
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