Happy Birthday, Pumpkin

Dear Pumpkin,

Today you are three, and it boggles my mind that this morning, three years ago, I was holding you – you were this tiny bit of a thing. You sounded like a cat when you cried – and you snorted! Oh, you snorted (and you still do, baby doll, you still do). This morning, I am making you a cake – you want one that looks like a pig. I am trying, I really am, but it looks like some serious ugly. It’ll taste good – mommy knows how to make a yummy cake – but my god, it’s ugly. I’m sorry.

You have accomplished a lot this year – officially leaving babyhood behind and you are full-fledged into preschool land. The biggest news by far is that you are potty trained. I was worried – didn’t know if I knew how to potty train you – but we pulled if off. You are even starting to take care of your stinky business on the potty too, and for that I am thankful. I don’t miss changing the diapers, and I love how proud of yourself you are when you pull on your big girl panties.

You laugh a lot. When I touch your back, when I make funny faces, when daddy tells you a story. “You’re funny!” you tell us (which is nice – your sister reminds us how un-funny we are – she tells us repeatedly). So, we’re loving the praise and will enjoy it while it lasts before you realize that we’re old and unfunny. Hope that’s another ten years, but I’m a realistic kind of mom.

You still love animals – more than anything else. Barbies, eh. Princesses, eh. Animals get the big resounding “YAY!” Dad took you to ride a pony at the fair a few weeks ago and you loved it (that the pony had the same name as you was a happy coincidence). You ooh’ed and aah’ed over the baby pigs, and you came home asking if we could buy a pet bunny. You are also in love with our neighbor’s dog (the one two doors down, and not the mean ones who live next door that howl all the time – you love to go on the back deck and tell those howling dogs: “Shut your yappers!”). You ask dad all the time what it is that baby pigs eat (he’s apparently the pig expert), and you like to pretend to be a baby puppy. Friday, you did tricks so your sister would reward you with mandarin oranges (A little disconcerting to see you sit, beg, and shake… I think she even got you to roll over).

You cuddle up with me often, and sometimes after I brush my teeth, you lean in real close and smell me. You ask me, “What do you smell like?” I tell you that I smell like cinnamon toothpaste and you say, “Yay! I like spicy toothpaste!” You love to give kisses – and when you give them after you eat, you tell me, “That was a peanut butter kiss!” or “That was a blueberry kiss!”

You love to take showers instead of baths because your big sister does, and you cried when I didn’t let you stay up with your sister to watch Hannah Montana last night. You forget you are only three – you want to be big like your sis. Someday, you will be. Don’t grow up too fast, though.

You are a sweet, amazing and wonderful blessing in my life. My life is better with you in it. I love you with my whole heart.

Love, Mommy

About sarah

Sarah is a book nerd, a music lover, an endorphin junkie, a coffee addict. Oh, and a goof ball. She writes, she tweets, and she sings off key.


  1. sniff, that made me tear up a bit! Happy Birthday Pumpkin!

    I’m assuming you mean my mom’s dog that she is in love with?

    Three whole years…

  2. Yup, Niki, I’m talkin’ about your mom’s dog. He nipped Pumpkin a few weeks ago – so she was a bit scared of him for awhile, but is alright now. Your poor mom – she felt so bad, but really there was nothin’ she could have done. she’s always been really cautious because she didn’t want the kids getting nipped – such a playful dog!! But, it’s FINE. Pumpkin is back to wanting to love on him again 🙂

  3. Yeah, I’m not so sure about ‘gussy’. I don’t know if I’d want my kiddos around him. He makes my mom happy so I’m happy.

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