The Dog Ate My Homework

I’ve been a pretty bad blogger lately, and it’s not that I have nothing to say – no, that’s not it at all. It’s that finding time to string some words together has been a bit more difficult now that school is out and we are on a daycare hiatus (until September 2… Sigh).

The mother’s helper thing was a good idea – I really like our little helper and the girls like her too. She spends A LOT of time with them outside and they love that. It’s hard for me to separate myself from work-mom and home-mom and so for a day each week, I can be total work-mom mode, so that the times when I’m less work focused, I don’t feel quite as guilty knowing I’ve spent all that time when my helper is here.

Pumpkin has done a mini-potty training backslide (dang!), and she also seems to be getting ready to dump her nap. She’ll still take a nice long nap – but then she’s up til 10 or later at night. Oy. I’m not really ready to phase out the nap, but I know it’s coming soon. Pout.

Having said that, don’t give up on me. I’m still here, I’m still reading your blogs – I’m just losing my grip on my routines and my reality a bit. Seriously – need my ticker. September 2 will be a banner day in the Chronicles house.

About sarah

Sarah is a book nerd, a music lover, an endorphin junkie, a coffee addict. Oh, and a goof ball. She writes, she tweets, and she sings off key.


  1. FarmWife says

    Hang in there. As I keep telling myself, summer can’t last forever! 🙂 Then we get to spend all fall & winter wishing school would get out again!

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