I hate April Fool’s Day. I really really do. Partly because I’m kinda sorta gullible (by the way, that is Urban Dictionary’s Word of the Day), and partly because I just don’t find practical jokes to be even remotely amusing. I have a quirky sense of humor, and sometimes it can be razor sharp, but something about practical jokes – they seem almost cruel to me, and even more cruel if I’m on the receiving end.
Which brings me to the fact that there is even a day for making other people look stupid – of course, it’s not my favorite day of the year.
Oh well.
In other stuff, but still April related – I cannot believe it’s April. I’m not entirely sure how it’s here already. It was creeping, creeping creeping and now… Voila. It’s April. Two weeks from today is the end of the nearly four-month hell-a-thon known as tax season. It’s hard to believe – but I am relieved nonetheless. Two weeks from tomorrow, I will have my four hour bliss-a-thon at the dayspa – can’t wait. I still need a lift – so tomorrow my sister is going to dye my hair again (let’s see what happens this time!). We’ve picked two shades of red to mix together – and I wish I could remember their names (aren’t the names the best part!?). They are from the Shades EQ line from Redken, which means it only deposits color not lifts my color – so it will basically be a wash right over the brown. This is probably why we struggle to have it “show up” – but it’s also good because it’s only temporary. Someday, I’ll get brave enough for a real change.
But not tomorrow.
I can commiserate on the April Fools thing. Go read: