I Have a Good Excuse, Really…

Seems like it’s been days since I’ve posted, and I meant to yesterday, but darn Blogger wouldn’t let me log on. Before that, I was ripping CDs to iTunes for my new iPod shuffle (I know it’s not one of those super-dee-duper Nanos, but I really like my Shuffle – I have 182 songs on it, it’s not full and I never know what’s gonna come on next!). Before that, Pumpkin decided to get some funky stomach bug, which caused her to throw up FOUR times on Monday night – let me clarify – FOUR TIMES between 8:00 and 10:30. Yuck. I changed sheets four times. Pajamas. She had two baths. And then yesterday? With a decreased appetite as her only symptom, life went on as it would normally.


Tonight, I am going out to dinner with my mom and sister, leaving Hubby to figure out what to feed the girls and Stepson (per our menu, it’s “Leftover Night” – ick). I’m looking forward to some downtime…

And for some fun news – ANOTHER friend emailed me today to tell me she’s pregnant! She’s the second in less than 7 days. I’m over the moon for her, as this is her first – she always joked about not having kids ever. She is also the EIGHT person I know who is currently pregnant. What a baby boom! To all those mamas-to-be: Congrats ladies! You are absolutely GLOWING!

About sarah

Sarah is a book nerd, a music lover, an endorphin junkie, a coffee addict. Oh, and a goof ball. She writes, she tweets, and she sings off key.


  1. 8 New Babies!!! Wow! That rocks. Enjoy your night out and I hope no one else picks up the stomach bug. Yuck!

  2. I hope your evening was fun and that no one else was throwing up by the time you got home!!

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