I’m buried in toys, all of us STILL have runny noses, I have to compose a letter to The Princess’s current preschool giving her notice because she’s going to start a new preschool soon, my house is in disarray because of construction, and tax season hours have officially begun (53 hours per week, MINIMUM from now until tax day).
I’ve been swamped. And it feels like I’ve done nothing. I’m busy without DOING anything – how does that make sense?
In other news – the weirdest thing to happen to me so far this year? On January 1, I opened up a new capsule with a new contact lens… and it was empty! It had a bit of saline in it, but no new contact. I called my eye doctor and they told me that, yes, it happens. Craaaaaaaaazy.
One of my buddies had a dad who worked as an accountant. He was the only one in their small community. My buddy says he pretty much didn’t see his dad from January to April, and even after that the hours weren’t totally wonderful, what with all the “late” filings.
We’ll be here to cheer you on as you get through the next few months of craziness. Personally, I think you should get to up your Starbucks intake during this. Maybe some ratio between 53 hours a week and drinks per week….. =)