To Switch… Or Not?

Every time I’ve logged on these days, I’ve gotten messages on the Blogger dashboard about switching to Beta Blogger. Fear of the unknown has kept me from doing so, however… now I’m wondering… Should I do it?

Any beta bloggers out there? Love it? Hate it? Let me know.

About sarah

Sarah is a book nerd, a music lover, an endorphin junkie, a coffee addict. Oh, and a goof ball. She writes, she tweets, and she sings off key.


  1. I didn’t want to switch either, but read that they will eventually make us switch. So I did. It actually has some benefits – having a “new post” button right on the blue bar above my blog (when I’m signed in), publishing instantly (no more waiting for that goofy timer thing), and easier resources to use labels and such. The only thing I don’t like is if you want to customize your blog a little more using their extra easy tabs, you’ll lose changes you’ve already made to the template. They say they keep a backup copy of your old one just in case you need it, but I haven’t been brave enough yet to trust them on that. So, I’m still doing it the old-fashioned way, with html code.

    And don’t let the fact that you can see your own email address when you’re signed into you own blog. That doesn’t happen when others are looking at your blog. I double checked that to be true, and was able to relax.

    All things considered, I like it.

  2. I didn’t want to switch it either, but finally did cause I was sick of being told to do so! It isn’t really any different, except for what the other comment person said 🙂 So no harm, no foul!

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