Tonight, I had to get out of the house. I had to get outside in the fresh air and the sunshine and go for a walk. Never mind that the Michigan/Michigan State game was on (Go Blue) – I wanted out. I walked, and I walked. On my second lap through the neighborhood, about a half mile from home, I just wanted to quit. I wanted to stop walking, sit on the curb and just wait. Wait to see if Hubby would realize I was taking too long and come get me.
I am exhausted. Not even so much physically, as Pumpkin’s fourth tooth has poked through and she is sleeping a bit better at night these days. Emotionally though? I feel like I’ve been put through the wringer.
I’ve been working from home since Pumpkin was born and while it has been a fantastic arrangement for me, it has also been a huge benefit to my employer. My employer announced in July that they would be closing our office, but I have been told from that point, the closure would not affect me. Informational meetings were held – I was told that as I was keeping my job, there was no need for me to attend. Employment agencies came in – again, I was told there was no need. Meetings were held for each employee and human resources to discuss severance – no meeting was ever scheduled for me.
On Wednesday, my colleagues received 60-day notice of the closure, and thus, 60-days notice of losing their jobs. While I was sad for them, I admit, I was relieved that I hadn’t received one. Hubby and I had postponed our closing on the financing for an addition on our home – and we rescheduled for Friday. Yesterday, we signed all the paper work. Construction starts next Wednesday.
Today, in the mail, I received my 60-day notice.
Instantly in a tailspin, I wrote to the man who signed the letter – a man whose name I have never heard and who probably doesn’t know me from any other person in the company. To find out I could be losing my job from a no-frills form letter that arrives on a Saturday (when you can’t reach the corporate office by phone, of course!) was just so typical. After emailing Mr. Labor Relations, I called the two closest people I have to supervisors – both of whom feel I received the letter in error. That’s a big freakin’ “oops”, people! Both women will be investigating this on Monday, but both reassured me that they need me on-board, know of no plans to let me go, and “take a deep breath, Sarah”.
I honestly don’t know what to believe. Come Monday, I may or may not like what I hear. And come December 4, I may or may not be out of a job.
Riding on the heels of a week with Stepson in our house, as his mom is out of state (and I’m not entirely sure I believe her story about where she is, but that is because I never believe her, because she’s usually lying), I have just about had all I can take. Stepson’s been here since Tuesday and will be here at least until Wednesday morning. Having one more person in the house is a tough adjustment – one more mouth to feed, and more difficult: one more person to clean up after. By Thursday, he’d adjusted to being here, and his attitude had lessened somewhat. Slow to adapt, usually the first 48 hours of his presence are the hardest – for us and probably for him. Though The Princess can throw a mean tantrum, I’m not used to back talk. And I don’t like it.
My in-laws have Stepson overnight tonight (see, I guess they are good for something), but I am so drained for the layoff notice that I’m too worn out to care. And I’m looking forward to Monday.
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