A new Toys R Us has opened in town. It’s in my living room. Yes – that’s right. My living room. Pumpkin’s birthday was exactly a week ago, and following the festivities over the weekend, we now own everything Fisher Price ever made – and it’s all in my living room.
I admit, the mess and chaos of toys is starting to get to me. I tripped over a Stride-to-Walk dealy bob last night and hurt two toes on my right foot. I then jokingly told Hubby that we have to run the gauntlet to get through the living room – tiptoe around the Peek-a-blocks, leap over the push-to-ride hippo (yes, she got two push-to-ride types of toys — The Princess has adopted the hippo as “hers”, though), crawl around the Learning Chair, and hover near the wall to get past all the other various toys that she had before her birthday rolled around.
One could get seriously hurt in there.
Any chance of creating a playroom in the basement, or a spare bedroom (if you have one), so you can reclaim your living room?
It’s amazing how sharp kids toys are on the feet! 😛
Sounds like the perfect house to bring kids to ! LOL