Today, The Princess received an unvitation to her friend (and our neighbor) J’s birthday shindig that would take place this afternoon. Yes, at 10:30 a.m., J’s mom came over to tell me there would be a gathering at one this afternoon. Turns out to be not quite the “nonvite” I thought it was, as J’s family had been out of town, and basically was trying to get kids together to get rid of leftover cake and ice cream from their family event last night. This was actually a good thing, because last night, when The Princess heard J’s family singing to her (The Princess has bionic hearing – she was on the swingset – J and her family were in their house which, though not far, isn’t exactly right there) she came in the house crying to Hubby that J hadn’t invited her to the birthday party, begging for Hubby to please let her go over for the “party”. So, it was somewhat of a relief to have The Princess invited today.
Anyway, short story long, we ended up hustling to Walmart where every white trash toothless biker-short wearing winner in town was apparently gathering for a leisurely stroll through the store. We were on a tight timeframe – had to get there, purchase a gift, and get home within 45 minutes (which sounds easy enough – ten minutes each way leaves 25 minutes in the store – shoulda been a cakewalk… but it wasn’t). The Princess picked out a Barbie Mermaidia, which J ended up adoring (but not letting anyone else play with).
Upon dropping off The Princess and seeing J’s joy with the gift, I pulled The Princess aside and told her that it was J’s “special day” and her new gift – and letting her know J probably wouldn’t want to share it today because it was brand new, and that she would have to find other things to play with. You know, reasoning with a four year old is fine and dandy in concept, but when I picked up The Princess a few hours later, she was crying about not getting to play with that stupid Barbie. (It’s like I’m psychic, isn’t it?).
I have a feeling I’m going to have a really hard time as The Princess gets older. More and more I find my heart breaking when her feelings get hurt, or if it even appears she’s been slighted by a friend (no matter how innocent or unintentional). As a mom, all I want is for my kids to be happy, and when she’s hurting, it hurts me too. With two daughters, I get this all times two. I guess the three of us will have to grow up in this together.
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