Today, when I picked up The Princess from daycare, she had a ton of artwork from last week to bring home. Each week they have a theme and last week’s was family – so she had a family “tree” she had painted (the trunk of the tree was an imprint of her forearm, and the leaves were her hand prints — very cute actually), and a list of her family members (us!) and a cute little poem that they daycare had glued to the page… all that stuff (by the way, I don’t throw ANY of it away, and we have a file cabinet drawer full of her artwork).
There was also some stuff from today – of course, the theme for this week was Thanksgiving. On this one page, there was a little handprint turkey and then it said, “I am thankful for ___________.” And in the blank, they had written for her: frogs.
What?! She’s thankful for frogs?
I had to laugh out loud when I saw it. When my husband came home and saw it on the counter, he laughed out loud. He said, “You’re thankful for frogs?” The Princess nodded, “Yup – I like to watch them hop!”
Sometimes it’s those quirky little things that make motherhood so amazing. It’s funny how her 3-year-old noggin’ works!
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