So, Thursday morning after I dropped Pumpkin off at daycare, I was hustling home to get to the house before the mom-who-doesn’t-feed-children-on-playdates came over to try to sell me stuff and I saw a hot air balloon. This isn’t uncommon. There are balloons out all the time at this time of year. It is unusual for me to drive right under one, so that when I look up, I can see the flame dealy-bob. But cool.
If A Picture Speaks 1,000 Words
A Friday Fill In…
A Friday Fill-In…
My answer is in bold.
1. October rocks because my birthday is in October.
2. Snakes scare me!
3. Leaves are falling all around, it’s a damn good thing we don’t have any trees so we don’t have much raking to do.
4. My favorite horror movie is (Oh my god, do you know how long it’s been since I’ve seen a horror movie? I can’t even fake it!).
5. Road trips with my BFF = good memories.
6. It was a dark and stormy night so I curled up on the couch under a blanket, reading a good book.
7. And as for this weekend, tonight I’m looking forward to watching The Princess sing at the high school homecoming game, tomorrow my plans include taking the girls to swim class, and Sunday I want my mom to watch the girls for a bit so I can CHILL OUT.
Thursday Ten, Twinkle Twinkle Edition
1. Today was my first guitar lesson. My instructor is very sweet, and fortunately, turns out it’s a private lesson. I would be really frustrated to share my time with some punk 11-year old prodigy… That would make me feel old… and talentless (both of which I AM… for now). Learning parts of the guitar, what strings are which notes (EADGBE – now I just have to get more used to thinking like that – I think better as far as which number a string is versus which note). Also dealing with learning what fret is what. I spend a lot of time stopping to think about what I’m doing – certainly not instinctive so far. BUT, at the end I played part of “Twinkle Twinkle” so I’m pretty proud of myself.
2. My brother is in the hospital again and has been since Monday. I haven’t been to visit him yet – basically because I’m a schmuck. He will be getting out tomorrow is what we’re told.
3. The Princess is still loving school – so… whew. Big sigh of relief.
4. We’ve finally got some rain today and the temps are hovering right around 60 degrees. I’ve got jeans and a hoodie on today and am loving it. I love when the weather is like this – eventually the rain will annoy me, but my grass has been brown for a few weeks now, so it’s fine.
5. Project Runway last night… Well, that was an awesome challenge. Better than the “innovation” testing challenge of tearing up a Saturn and making something out of it – creating a design for DvF’s line? That was cool. Buh-bye Stella.
6. My project that wouldn’t die? Still won’t die.
7. College football started last weekend. Michigan lost to Utah. Crap, crap, crap. They play Miami (of Ohio) on Saturday so here’s hoping that works out a little bit better for my Wolverines. Game is at noon on ESPN2. Goooooooooooooooo Blue.
8. I let Pumpkin have Cheetos for breakfast and so I’m kind of feeling like a slacker mom. The thing is – I think I was doing a community service. Kiddo in her room at daycare has a peanut allergy – would it really have been better to let her have her usual peanut butter on a waffle before going there? Allergies scare the hell out of me – I wouldn’t want to miss a drop of PB and send some poor kid into an allergic tailspin. So, yeah. Cheetos. Go me.
9. New music. Ehhh. I am pretty slackery lately. What is everyone else listening to?
10. Luna Chocolate Peppermint Stick bars taste a little like Girl Scout Thin Mint cookies. Told you I was random.
Where You’ll Find Me