Today is day 100 of the Envisage 365 project. I had all these ideas in my head – I mean, sheesh, day 100 – kind of a big deal, right? The thing is, I was kind of in a smidge of a funk today and didn’t really do much. I got some coffee, I did Tae Bo, I sat on the floor in my office jamming to music while working. Same stuff I do regularly, I guess. Nothing really DAY 100 worthy.
One of my projects for the day though was to find a top to wear to Hubby’s company holiday party on Friday. Admittedly, I am not so enthused with this holiday party idea and here is why: It’s being held at a comedy club which is a 45 minute drive from our house (in perfect weather). We’ll arrive at 6:30 for appetizers (and I do not love bar food – and the day you see me gnawing on a chicken wing is the day you realize I’m stranded on a deserted island with no other food to eat) and the show is at 8. Sooooo, no dinner. Then, figure in the fact that I have a pretty whacked out sense of humor and I DON’T KNOW HUBBY’S CO-WORKERS. How much attention are they going to pay to the fact that I laugh loudest at the crudest jokes? I don’t know. ANYWAY, since it’s being held in a bar, I’m wearing jeans – but wanted a little something different to wear with them.
Hence the shopping trip.
Which led to my desperate picture snap in the fitting room.
I didn’t buy this shirt. I liked it though. This was the second runner up. My BFF can tell you I almost ALWAYS pick busy shirts with funky patterns. I’m not sure why.
So, here you have the iPhone photo opp. Then, I got home and funked it up with eZimba (and if you have an iPhone, this is so much fun because it’s free and you can do wild goofy stuff to your pics).
And here you’ve got abstract Sarah, which, I kinda like for the fact that holy cow, my lips are really red. Fun times.
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