Weekly Winners – I didn’t go to BlogHer Edition

Look, I don’t begrudge the folks in NYC the fabulous, fun time that they’re having. I see their tweets and it sounds like they’re having fun, getting to hang with friends and mosey around NYC. It just didn’t make sense for me to go this time around.

But I miss seeing all their lovely faces. And yeah. I kinda wish I was there.

It’s been a long week here.

First, there was this.

Between the injured puppy and the cranky children who want to run and play with said puppy even though said puppy is supposed to be calm and mellow and take it easy so he doesn’t further injure his leg, well… it’s been one of those weeks that drives me to curl up on the couch in my jammies before I even tuck in the kids.

My Old Navy pajama pants. I’m so fancy.

It’s been a long week.

“Here’s wishing you the bluest sky
And hoping something better comes tomorrow…”
Dar Williams, “Better Things”

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