1. The filibuster in Texas, the Supreme Court ruling on VRA, SCOTUS striking down DOMA. It’s been a busy week in politics and in news and I’m actually grateful for social media for making it so easy to know what’s going on in the world. Were it not for social media, would I know about Wendy Davis in Texas? Probably not – I didn’t see it covered on the news here in Michigan. But I don’t want to talk about politics because that’s not my thing – I hadn’t even heard of VRA until Tuesday, so I speak with absolutely ZERO authority on anything. But you know, yay for knowing what’s going on!
2. Where do I sign up to prohibit people from posting pictures of their amazing vacations until I am able to afford one and post my own jealousy-inducing photos of some luxurious place? Can I opt-out of other people’s vacation fun because I have to say, I’m a little bit sour grapes right now.
3. My dentist office made a mistake yesterday and apologized and gave me a gift card to a local coffee shop. I can only assume they’re angling for my business down the line with teeth-whitening services.
4. When we were in Chicago for the Avon Walk, my friend Barbara got me hooked on Skinny Pop popcorn. I mean, I don’t know how skinny it really is if I eat five gallons of popcorn in a single sitting, but… stuff’s good. Gluten-free for those of y’all into that sort of thing. But for me, since I normally crave salty snacks, this is probably maybe kinda sorta better for me than Cheetos. (MMMMM CHEETOS)
5. Sometimes I watch HGTV and I think “You need a home with three shower heads? Wouldn’t that scare the hell out of you to have water coming at you from all those directions?” It’d scare me. A lot.
6. For those of you who know me and know me well, you’d know that I’m not really amused by bathroom humor so much but I drove past this sign that had been…enhanced… and, well… I couldn’t stop laughing. Oh, Grand Rapids. Sigh.
7. I painted one wall in my kitchen and picked a color for the remainder of the room. I’ll post a picture when the project’s complete but I’m pretty pleased. The accent wall is TeaPot Turquoise (I just made that name up), the rest of it? You’ll just have to wait and see.
8. The 4th of July is on a Thursday. I posted an informal question on Facebook the other day and found that most offices are open on Friday the 5th — and then my job got reduced to part time, so hey, guess who has Friday off?! Being on the far west side of our time zone, it gets dark pretty late here – and with fireworks starting so late here, it seems most people would be sleep walking on Friday. Oh well (Do y’all have July 4 plans?).
9. I cannot believe June is almost over. How… summer never zips by. Summer always draaaaags. But June? June was crazy speedy. I’m curious to see what July will bring.
10. I have decided the worst part of the dentist is NOT the part where they scrape your teeth (though, I don’t love that) but the part when someone else flosses for me. Ugh. I hate that. It’s the most bizarre feeling to have someone else flossing my teeth. Scrape away, but let me floss ’em on my own. (Also? My dentist uses cheap hurty floss. USE THE GOOD STUFF, DOC.)
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