1. The Fourth of July being on a Wednesday means that here it is, July 5 and I’m back to life as normal, only now it’s a Thursday that feels like a Monday. Sigh.
2. So instead of doing the firework thing last night, I decided to go to a movie. I saw Moonrise Kingdom, based only on random posts I’ve seen on the internet raving about it. I went in with zero expectations. And actually? I kind of dug it. The cast was excellent, and it was a quirky story with a lot of truly funny moments. Never really a Bruce Willis fan, I loved him here. Ed Norton rocked the khaki shorts and knee socks as a scout leader. And Tilda Swinton? Well, Tilda was Tilda (I never know what to say about her – still really wanting to see “We Need To Talk About Kevin”. THAT may be an interesting role to see her in). The film is getting great reviews by people who know how to say things about movies that I don’t. But it was visually beautiful and human, and it was a lovely escape from life for 90 minutes.
3. Ugh. So, a forecasted high of 100 degrees? UNWELCOME. Sad when I see next week’s predicted 85 (still too hot) and feel relief.
4. A lot of new music this week thanks to Amazon and their album sales – $.99. Nice. Picked up Kimbra’s album Vows. I also purchased the Gotye album – I know people are getting pretty burned out on “Somebody that I Used To Know” but I was told the rest of it was good, and hey, if it’s not, I’m only out a buck. Also, the Lumineers. I haven’t listened to it yet. It may or may not be awful. I don’t know.
5. My iTunes is still broken, by the way.
6. Gave light-painting a try for the first time this year. While I know it can be done better, I was pretty tickled at how it worked.
7. Cuticles are stupid.
8. I went for a walk to get lunch and saw some black eyed susans along the path. Something about them makes me smile. Seems like they are usually around later in the summer, but they’re fun (And yeah, I like to take pictures of ’em).
9. Today I got a message from a friend I hadn’t talked to in a very long time – it was a lovely sweet message and I was happy to hear from her and I can’t help but think it’s amazing sometimes how, even if you go months, or even a year, without having any meaningful conversations with a person, your friends are your friends and they’re still there reminding you that you’re loved.
10. I have an itch to travel right now. Where would you go if you could go anywhere?
The Amalfi Coast in Italy – I’d bring my big hat and sunglasses and just kind of disappear in the crowds and soak up the sun.
I saw Moonrise Kingdom over the weekend. I think, overall, I liked it. But since the main characters where two 12-year old kids running off to be together because they are in love was a bit hard for this mother of a 12-year-old girl to really stomach. Especially the seen on the beach when they slow dance in their underwear & kiss. The mother in me wanted to ground them for six months. The romantic in me enjoyed it because of the quirkiness and the “all you need is love” theme.