1. I finally decided to take the plunge – I bought Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 3 today. Editing is not my strong suit when it comes to photography – I try to shoot for the image I want and minimally clean them up – but more and more, I’d like to try some other stuff with my photos, so we’ll see. It was 50% off on Amazon, so… might as well try now.
2. I’m not going to say much about the whole fiasco at Penn State except this: I am devastated for those children who were abused. Absolutely devastated. For those who think JoePa “did enough” or “did what he was supposed to do” – remember, we’re talking about a colleague who was ABUSING CHILDREN not a colleague who was stealing office supplies. There is no “enough” when it comes to the well-being of those children. Additionally, I do feel for the current Penn State football team – I have to imagine that up until this point, there was a certain level of pride in being a member of that team – and their season, through no fault of their own (and solely the fault of the coaches and administrators, some of whom were probably their heroes) is tarnished. The well-being of kids trumps football, no question about it… but the players on that team right now are still kids. It’s awfully young to realize that sometimes your heroes are not worth the worship.
3. ON A LIGHTER NOTE: I met with my sister’s stepmom to further plan her baby shower today. I’m getting very excited about the arrival of my niece. I’m looking forward to celebrating the pregnancy and letting people shower my sis with love (and baby gear).
4. First snow of the season today. Nope, I wasn’t ready. Nope, I’m not happy. Nope, I have no idea why Michigan is so stupid.
5. Constant earworms this week. Today, was no different. I think that when I have trouble focusing my brain, I’m more prone to ear worms. I’m not sure. Perhaps because I think so much in terms of music it just happens? But, UGH, annoying.
6. Is it possible to have the winter blahs already? On the first day of snow?
7. I bought the cutest winter hat, though. It’s very fun. I still don’t like winter.
8. I saw this posted a few times in the past few days and wanted to post too – because this kid’s positivity in the face of tough experiences is so graceful and made my heart feel brighter. And like she says, if you or someone you know is having trouble or suicidal thoughts… GET HELP.
9. Rolling Stone did a reader survey of the Top Ten Dance Songs. Uh. What do you think? Is your favorite on this list?
10. Parent Teacher Conferences for Pumpkin tonight. They actually went better than I had imagined – Pumpkin is doing fabulously… if only she could slow down and write neater… (I knew the teacher was gonna say that!)
Looking forward to your photos as winter arrives in Michigan…
We have the opposite problem with our daughter with writing – she tries to be too neat, and ends up being slower than everybody else.
I love your new hat!!! Uber cute. Yeah – I wasn’t digging the snow here yesterday either. BLAH!