In a week where the biggest thing that happened is that we got a new puppy, I guess you can expect that yes, there’s lots of pictures of the new pup who is so freakin’ adorable (thank goodness, because… I’m pretty sure I’m allergic. Send Zyrtec. STAT).
For more awesome Weekly Winners, go visit Lotus, and the rest of the WW participants.
And be sure to have a very Happy (AND SAFE) Fourth of July!
Grumble grumble… I want a new lens. Blergh. Glad you are enjoying it. The new editions little fuzzy face leaves me speechless.
What an adorable puppy!
Nice fireworks shot too.
That may in fact be the cutest puppy I have ever seen. And that is saying something what with all the YouTube videos I’ve watched.
Sweet lens.
Happy 4th!
Cute overload! Cute overload!
CONGRATS on the NEW LENS!!!! YAY! What did you get???!!!!
LOVE the pic of you! The puppy is pretty darn cute, too!
LOVE the new puppy. so cute. and what a great shot of you!
Great selfie, too!
ZOMG he’s so cute in the grass!
Freaking adore the selfie, you gorgeous lady!
My goodness, that puppy is so cute even I may be swayed to add to our family with one!!
YAY for new lenses! What did you get?
Adorable puppy! awwww… And that fireworks shot is fabulous!
Sweet Puppy Shots. Yea for a new lens!