My Stack of Books – It is Growing


I read. A LOT. My love of reading is something that I have treasured my whole life – from when I was a kid reading the old Betsy books by Carolyn Haywood (which my dad’s wife recommended because she loved them when she was a girl), to when I moved on to the Ramona series, to anything by Judy Blume, to the big vast world of books I read now.

My taste in books is not necessarily high-brow, nor would I call every book I read “thought provoking” – but I read these days mainly for enjoyment. I read because it’s an escape. I read because I relish the the words on the page and the time someone spent crafting just the perfect series of words to create a new world that exists only between those two covers (Unless, of course, some genius decides to ruin it by making it into a movie). I read because at the end of the day, there is no better way to relax and slow down the thoughts running through my brain to ensure I can fall asleep.


My love of reading is why I felt confident that I could make a lofty goal like, “Oh sure, I’ll read 250 books in 1,001 days.” Ouch. A lot of people have asked if I’m nuts and the short answer is, Maybe so – but I still believe this is an attainable goal. I’ve read 66 books so far (January through August) and am midway through number 67, so if I’m averaging about eight books a month, I don’t think it’s impossible.

I used to get twitchy if I ran out of books – which is probably what stemmed my whacky magazine addiction (I subscribe to MANY MANY MANY and I still pick some up on the newstand if the cover appeals to me). Right now, though, the likelihood of running out of books is pretty slim because I keep buying books to add to my pile – when I haven’t read the ones already waiting in line. I have about 14 books on deck right now, and several magazines as well. And yeah, “The Count of Monte Cristo” is on that pile. I think I may have to give up on that one and replace it with another “classic” for my 101 list.

Do you like reading? What are you reading now? Any good books on deck? Recommendations for me (because, yeah – my tower ISN’T QUITE TALL ENOUGH. I need more books).

About sarah

Sarah is a book nerd, a music lover, an endorphin junkie, a coffee addict. Oh, and a goof ball. She writes, she tweets, and she sings off key.


  1. I think we have something in common. I must be on book 70 something for the year – and I even anally keep track of all of them on a page on my blog.

  2. I love that there’s someone else who keeps a list! That’s awesome!

  3. I just read all of Emily Griffin’s books (Something Borrowed, Something Blue, etc.) from the Target Book Club. Couldn’t put them down! Also just finished Sophie’s Choice – have been meaning to read that since my 6th grade teacher mentioned it back in 1988, LOL.

  4. I love to read, too! But I’m supposed to be *writing* a book now, and won’t let myself read anything until it’s done. I should get back on that…

  5. I keep track of the books I read on My goal is a little less lofty than yours, but I’m aiming for 50 this year. Currently I’m about 30 pages from finishing number 24 which is Tree of Smoke by Denis Johnson. After that I’ll need something a little fluffier. 🙂

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